How am I gonna get to 2000 calories????



  • jimbo480
    jimbo480 Posts: 22 Member
    Try Almond Butter
  • Yes. There are lifestyles out there like Paleo and Primal with people eating well over 100g of healthy fats a day while staying within their maintenance range and not gaining anything.


    I average 1900 cals, try to stay under 90 carbs (I keep it lower due to being a diabetic,) 115g of fat, 120g protein, and staying under 35g of sugars. I loosely follow a primal lifestyle. It works for me and my lifestyle. (Being a diabetic, running on occasion, lifting weights, etc.) (But what works for me may not work for someone else. All of our bodies are different.) Between my eating habits and exercise, I've lost a bit of weight as well as gaining muscle and getting stronger.

    Healthy fats are not evil, I promise you.

    ETA: And to answer your original question, I eat a lot of salads topped with chicken or crab, cheese, nuts, wraps of various sorts, veggies with a healthy dip, etc. You say you don't like fruits and other foods, but keep trying. Find something you like and find different recipes for it to suit your tastes.
  • Voca_Star
    Voca_Star Posts: 140
    I already said I don't like it :((
  • Voca_Star
    Voca_Star Posts: 140
    I appreciate this a lot. I eat a lot of salads with chicken, too. But Chicken breasts are so high in sodium! And, cheese is really high in fat. And I don't think cheese is healthy fat.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I appreciate this a lot. I eat a lot of salads with chicken, too. But Chicken breasts are so high in sodium! And, cheese is really high in fat. And I don't think cheese is healthy fat.

    You're right, cheese isn't the healthiest fat, but there are a lot of ways to get more healthy fats in your diet that you won't necessarily notice. For example, when you make a chicken breast or even eggs, add olive oil. 1 tsp. gives you 40 calories of healthy fat.

    Cheese does have saturated fat, which isn't the healthiest kind of fat, but it's still better for you than getting your calories from something like a donut. Cheese can be a good part of a balanced diet.
  • jillebean60
    jillebean60 Posts: 78 Member
    Healthy sources that come to mind- beans of any kind, lentils, eggs, Boca or Morning Star protein sub, almond nut butter.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I appreciate this a lot. I eat a lot of salads with chicken, too. But Chicken breasts are so high in sodium! And, cheese is really high in fat. And I don't think cheese is healthy fat.
    There are chicken products not pre-seasoned with less than 100mg of sodium. Buy the boneless skinless fresh meats, not the pre-cooked frozen products.

    Not all your fats have to be "healthy." The same about your total calories in general. If 85% of your calories comes from healthy options, the remaining 15% or so can come from the not-so-good items and it won't hurt you. I usually reserve 10% or so for Japanese candy and other treats. You do not have to eat perfectly the entire day, in other words. Just be mindful of your caloric daily goal and ensure the treats do not make you go over.
  • Voca_Star
    Voca_Star Posts: 140
    Thank you!