addison1012 Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I started a new healthy lifestyle and I am loving it! Today is my 7th day. I felt great all weekend - staying under my calories or close too and exercising. Today I feel just crummy! I am dizzy, tired, just feel weighed down. What's up with that? Maybe I am just sick? Don't feel sick besides that though. HELP!


  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I felt like that when I didn't eat enough calories. You have a lot of weight to loose make sure you are eating enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more you weigh the more you have to eat.
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    You say that you have been under your calories? Maybe you are not taking in enough. If you are excersizing are you using your additional calories that you have burned? Are you saying you have lost 10pounds in 7 days? This sounds like alot?
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Did you lose 10 lbs in one week??? Sounds like you aren't eating enough.
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    to me it sounds like you are trying to lose the weight too fast... this is a marathon, not a sprint. 2 pounds a week is much better for your body. It sounds to me like your body is trying to tell you.. hey, wait... slow down a minute.... You probably need to eat more, drink more water, and dont try to lose it all at once. You cannot keep that pace up and expect not to push your body into starvation mode and make it harder to lose weight... I know losing it slow stinks, but that is the best, healthiest way to lose it...
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    There is an adjustment period as your body tries to figure out how to live on fewer calories and more activity, so it could very well be that. Also, you maybe you are losing weight too fast? It seems like a lot of people try and lose 2 pounds a week, which maybe is too much for some people to lose at a time, especially if you aren't very far from your goal weight. Personally, the closer I get to my goal weight the slower I lose weight unless I do extreme and uncomfortable calorie cuts. It's not worth it to lose weight fast but feel like a zombie! Also, watch not only your calories but also your protein, iron, etc. Maybe invest in some multivitamins? Those would be some of my thoughts on the subject!!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Are you checking your sugar levels? You might need to modify your diet to take care of your sugar. I get dizzy if my sugar bombs. I have to take in something with a few 'good' carbs.
  • Losing 10 pounds in a week and you are feeling sounds like you are definately not eating enough, like everyone is saying. Slow and steady....
  • Thanks for the response. I have if any been under by 100 calories a day. Let's put it this way. I went from a HORRIBLE diet to a VERY healthy diet. I was probably eating triple the calories I am allowed a day - if not more. Does that have something to do with it. Trust me ladies - I do not starve myself! My body knows when it's hungry and I feed it. I have been eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and then dinner? I am confused! :ohwell:
    Also - I am sure not trying to lose the weight this fast - it just came off that fast.
  • What do you have your goals set to? If you have it set to lose more than 2 pounds per week, you probably arent getting enough to eat. Also, be sure to eat back your exercise calories, your body needs them for fuel. Take a multivitamin, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep as well, these will all help you feel your best. Good luck to you in your journey.
  • You aren't getting enough carbs. Add some carbs.
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