I work a desk job, generally 8 hours a day surrounded by "food-day" mentality. You name it. they celebrate it. After 13 years here I can honesty say my *kitten* has suffered the most. Even at orientation, they tell the newbies "forget Freshman 15, you are probably gonna gain at least 20 in your first year working here". No kidding.

I have taken to filling up with more water when I want to munch and trying to bring healthy snacks in, and almost have no guilt in saying no. Here is my recurring problem....this time of year (now through year end) we are here for 10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week. That means I need new ideas to avoid the food traps, especially since they generally provide dinner ( something way unhealthy but of so convenient when you are tired).... anyone have any suggestions?


  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I have a similar problem. Lots of catered lunches and dinners, someone is bring in doughnuts or cookies everyday. Everyone has Chocolate bars on their desks and I sit ALL DAY and work LONG HOURS!

    Here is what I did. First, I made the decision that I was going to do this for me and I had to respect that. If I can't respect my own decision than why would anyone else respect anything from me. I stick to it. I plan out every meal and I bring my own food to work. And I bring a lot of it. I bring in cut up fruit and veggies to snack on until the cows come home. Half of what I bring I don't even eat until the next day, but it is here, just in case I am having "one of those days".

    Now sometimes, I have to have the food that they bring in (office politics). I keep it to a salad or a wrap. If they only have very fattning things available, then I either eat very little for lunch or dinner OR I just skip it and pull out all of my fruit and veggies. I have been doing this now for almost 7 months. Now my co-workers are aware that I am trying to be good so they have started to make a concious effert to order something "healthy" for me to eat. (God Bless Them).

    Every week, I spend some time on Sunday's preparing for the week. I have home-made lunches already cooked, Most of my dinners cooked, fruit and veggies packed up and ready to go. I never know what the day will be like until I am in the middle of it and all of this Pre Planning is the only way that it will work for me.

    I know that everyone's story is different and that all of this may not work in you situation, but I hope that I am able to, at the very least, spark some ideas of how you can be successful both at work and in your weight loss. Good Luck Friend!
  • droberts3311
    Keep gum in your mouth, try to get through one event at a time. Keep busy, say to yourself I know what that cookie taste like so why eat it? And I know what it is going to do to my butt!! Will you fall, yes but the key is to keep trying and pick yourself up. If you don't try it will never happen. You have the choice. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • AshleyG31
    I know I fall into the cicumstance of the "Food Trap" on more than one occassion. Mine was concession stand at my sons baseball games this season. Gained 13#! just over 3 months, along with new butt sitting job. So I started eating before the event which helped me stay in control and only nibble. Anyways good luck!
  • KimE41
    KimE41 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the input. I have started chewing gum when I feel the need to munch (stress-reaction, I'm sure) and that helps. Meal planning is something I will need to make time for, that is one of my biggest downfalls. One day, one hour, one minute if necessary....this time I have to do it for me.