Very bad week! Need some encouragement

Hey everybody! It was just two weeks ago when I hit my 25 lb weight loss. I was so happy and proud of myself! I couldn't wait to post pictures of my progress and be a motivation for others. Well, beginning last weekend I just started basically binging on fast food. I knew/know I shouldn't, but I have been really struggling to stick to what was working before! How do you guys get through rough weeks? How do you push through the temptation. I weighed myself today and I have put back on a whopping 5 pounds in like two weeks!!! Oh my god! Maybe it is sodium or something, but I am so discouraged! Can I get some tips and encouragement to push through? Thanks!


  • kelguam32
    Tomorrow is a NEW fresh day!!! Start your healthy living again and give yourself a good week to weigh yourself. I bet you will lose the 5lbs as quick as you put them on (and yes, most is most likely water and salt) :) Good luck!!
  • SBlost
    SBlost Posts: 90
    Everyone goes through something similar to this. Dont freak, it makes things worse. Just ask yourself....what is my goal and how will bad choices effect me reaching my goal. for instance, I dont like exercising so I know I need to watch what I eat. I dont track all the times I exercise either, I dont like eating back those calories. But if you know you cant stop the cravings then burn more calories. I usually plan my entire day when I get to work(desk job, all the time in the world). That way I tend to stay on track better .
    Maybe make one day a week or even one day a month a day where you can have whatever fast food you want but try to eat just a burger, or just a fry. Or even just a salad, instead of the burger, fries, and soda.

    Just a thought, hope something helps.
    Good luck!!
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    I feel you. I've totally had those weeks before. I think it's really important to see it as just a bad decision, not permanent slip into old ways. I know it's easy once you make one bad choice to say, "oh well, I'll just eat like crap today." But really try to isolate the bad decision and not let affect your whole day (or week!) I also try to balance when I make bad decisions with a good decision (ie: eat a bad meal? go for an extra run) It mentally helps me stabilize a bit.

    As far as avoiding it? I've followed two schools of thoughts: total abstinence or a strict schedule. I'm following the latter right now, where I let myself have fast food once a week on Fridays. That way when I'm craving it I can tell myself, "ya just gotta wait till Friday!"
  • annabell48
    We all have bad days. And as Kelguam23 said, Tomarrow is a new day. Start a new week even if it's this very moment. You are doing fantastic to have hit this milestone, and you can get those 5 pounds back off with the determination that got you to your 25 pounds point again. I've been yo-yoing for the last 9 monthes of weight loss of 55 pounds to 40 pounds toas much as 62 pounds off. Yet I keep going to find the right place for my weight to be. Hang in there and get back on track hon. We all are winners here, you included.
  • admrycr
    admrycr Posts: 1
    Everyone has one of those days even me so dont sweat about it...wat i do to push through temptations is i remember how i want that fit body and just walk away.. if i end up giving in to my temptations i usually just work out to burn all the calories i ate... but just remember that u do have to reward yourself for doing all that work to loose weight...but only rrward yourself ONCE a WEEK...also what i do to get through rough weeks is that the next week i push myself even more when it comes to workingout...
  • LoveMy3CutiesLBH
    Everyone has already given you awesome support. Remember that binges can and do happen. It is not the end of your weight loss nor the end of your progress. The only way that you will fail is if you completely give up. A minor bump in the road is nothing if you put your feet back down and get moving again. I find that finding very low-fat/carb options for foods I like (i.e. ice cream) is very helpful for me. I eat those things once a week or once every two in small quantities and make sure they're the healthiest version available for that item. For me, quitting everything cold turkey doesn't work because then my temptation boils over and I binge, but if I wean down and eat reasonable quantities I'm able to keep on going. For example, my vice is ice cream right now. I love, love, love it! I bought some Dreyers slow-churched no sugar added mint chocolate chip ice cream from the store. It has 1/3 the calories and literally 1/2 the fat of regular. I had 1 cup the last 3 nights in a row and today I had a low on my scale and have finally broken my plateau! It's not about entirely giving up the things you like (at least for now)-it's making better choices with those things and working on incorporating healthier things in. You're still very much in this game so keep on keeping on!
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    All you can do it start again. I am in the same boat. I have slowly started eating less healthy, and am now noticing how tired and crabby I am because of it. So, that's it. Tomorrow it's off to the store to buy some good healthy foods, make a list of healthy meals to make this week, and get back on track.