

  • kadinlucas
    kadinlucas Posts: 77 Member
    *** Big embarassing confession ***

    I'd never played any games on those modern fangled games consoles (Chucky Egg on my old BBCMicro when I was six was the last time I 'gamed'). I'd not even had a go on a PlayStation or PS2.

    Then I saw my boyfriend playing Skyrim and I just knew I had to get it! I bought a PS3 earlier this year purely so I could play Skyrim.

    It's taken me time to get used to the controls and not just bounce around the scenery running face-first into walls and getting killed by wolves as I just didn't know how to wield my sword, but now I am hooked!

    Only up to Level 44 and have done all the big quests so just wandering around exporing the scenery right now.

    Any recommendations on what I should play next? I've loved the whole roleplaying stuff so something similar would be good. I ordered Oblivion second-hand off Amazon last night (bargain at £5) but wouldn't mind getting some other games lined up too.

    If you are loving the scenery and beauty of the game I don't know what else to recommend. Most the games people on here are talking about are online with lots of people and none of them even come close to the beauty of skyrim. I think Oblivion or even going back to morrowind could be a good move. Skyrim was amazing, I finished it a while back. Was actually a nice change from gaming with others.
  • gemmalianne84
    Final Fantasy XIII-2. That was the last game I played to the end. I had a little go of Darksiders, Zelda Twilight Princess, and The Darkness, but recently my OH has been hogging the consoles playing Assassins Creed and Pokemon!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    Most the games people on here are talking about are online with lots of people

    Ah! It's a whole new world out there!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Really? Am I the only one who loses weight while playing WoW?!?!! I am so freakin' lazy that when I play WoW- I won't get up to make myself something to eat. So I go all day without eating usually, but I've been forcing myself to eat lately. LOL :P I only gained all my weight through two weeks on my honeymoon. It dropped back off as soon I played more WoW! xD

    Then yes you are! i gained whilst playing WoW too! its such an easy game to sit and eat pizza on! plus no time for the gym when you can be levelling ha ha!

    It's the same way for me. FFXI instead of WoW however. Huge time sink with leveling jobs, end game with my Linkshell, sitting on my *kitten* and eating fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • b00man
    b00man Posts: 1
    at the moment i am playing Star Wars the old republic and Mechwarrior Online
    both are nice games
    DREXENDELSANGRE Posts: 23 Member
    Spent the better part of 12 years playing Everquest. Played other games like DAoC, WoW, Vanguard and EQ2 aswell, but always went back to the original EQ.
  • veriddian
    veriddian Posts: 12 Member
    Hurray, lots of Skyrim lovers! I'm playing Skyrim- I have been playing the same character since I bought the game in January and I'm ignoring all the main quests until I finish every side quest there is (I'm massively retentive about that type of thing). I'm also playing The Witcher 2.

    Anyone got any tips about snack-avoidance whilst gaming? It's my Achilles heel :blushing:
  • Joethebull
    I played wow tbc (5 t6's) and a little wotlk almost 5 years until I quitted. I gained like 35lbs playing that crap Lol.

    Really? Am I the only one who loses weight while playing WoW?!?!! I am so freakin' lazy that when I play WoW- I won't get up to make myself something to eat. So I go all day without eating usually, but I've been forcing myself to eat lately. LOL :P I only gained all my weight through two weeks on my honeymoon. It dropped back off as soon I played more WoW! xD

    lost weight while playing FFXI. Probably cause I barely ate and would stay up more then three nights in a row when I first got it. Still never got to level 75:frown:

    Currently been trying to get myself to play WoW
    League of Legends
    Mass Effect 3
    dragon age(trying to get myself to finish it has a mage since I only beat it as a Dwarf Rouge)
    And trying to get myself to play portal for the first time
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    Skyrim and Diablo 3.
  • Claremarie1987
    Claremarie1987 Posts: 40 Member
    Sims 3 @ Red Dead Redemption-
  • starjd
    starjd Posts: 18
    Bioshock! I cant wait for the third one to come out, its been delayed so many times. Also love CoD, Uncharted and the logo games :D
  • poshcouture
    Depends on the day buuuut:

    Assassin's Creed (trying to get through them all before ACIII)
    Dragon's Dogma
    Borderlands (recently picked up thanks to DrMerc)

    Honestly, I go through a gamer's ADD and want to try to play them all at once. Sucks for me....great for Gamestop.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I've cut back a bit, but off and on I'm playing Skyrim, LOTRO(love that it went F2P), and here's an old one for ya'll -- a MUD called LegendMUD.
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    I am playing a little bit of rocksmith when I have the chance. I am SO excited for Borderlands 2!!!
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Actually haven't been playing too much lately. Really excited for that Resident Evil 6 release though. Next to Zelda series RE is my favorite series, been playing it since '96.
    I was gonna get some nostalgia going and play the N64 but I let me buddy borrow some of my N64 stuff and it got ruined in a basement flood he had. So no Zelda for me.until I can get replacement cartridges :(((((((((((((((((
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    WoW here and there - though I'm getting a bit bored after six years on it. >_> I've leveled every class to 85. Sigh. Not sure if I'm going to get MoP or not.

    When I'm not in WoW, I watch my hubby playing ME3. lol. I can't stand those types of games myself, but I love watching him play through it.
  • roduk
    roduk Posts: 43 Member
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    My wife and I just started to play that WoW game.. I have a paladin and she has a hunter we are both level 10 .. We are blood elves or something.... I named my guy skinnyjeanz cause he looks a little emo .. Some of our friends play and we were saying how we are bored of TV in the evenings.. so they said to try this game out.
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    I'm glad I'm not the only WoW player. Got a 85 warrior, resto druid, blood Death Knight, MM Hunter. Got a Mage and paladin in the mid-60's. I've gotten bored with current raiding so I'm trying to level the final tank and healing classes I haven't tried yet.
  • Turtlehurdle
    DAYZMOD. /Arma2

    Haven't heard of it?

    You poor soul.