
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I'm from the UK and my husband's from the USA. We have conversations like this:

    him: *knocks on bathroom door* Are you in the tub?
    me: no, I'm in the bath. The ice cream is in the tub in the freezer.

    me: do you like my new jumper?
    him: that's not a jumper, that's a sweater. This is a jumper: *jumps up and down*

    him: (mentions "sidewalk")
    me: that's not a sidewalk, that's a pavement. This is a sidewalk: *walks sideways*

    The best one though was when he laughed at me for using the word "skew-whiff" and refused to believe it was a word, then laughed even more when I showed him it in the dictionary. Then five minutes later he described something as being "kitty-corner". It was my turn to laugh and refuse to believe him that it was a word....

    and this is football: PfVPA.jpg

  • the3rdwife
    the3rdwife Posts: 43 Member
    UK - robin hood county
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    GUAM, USA here. :)
  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    I'm from the UK and my husband's from the USA. We have conversations like this:

    him: *knocks on bathroom door* Are you in the tub?
    me: no, I'm in the bath. The ice cream is in the tub in the freezer.

    me: do you like my new jumper?
    him: that's not a jumper, that's a sweater. This is a jumper: *jumps up and down*

    him: (mentions "sidewalk")
    me: that's not a sidewalk, that's a pavement. This is a sidewalk: *walks sideways*

    The best one though was when he laughed at me for using the word "skew-whiff" and refused to believe it was a word, then laughed even more when I showed him it in the dictionary. Then five minutes later he described something as being "kitty-corner". It was my turn to laugh and refuse to believe him that it was a word....

    and this is football: PfVPA.jpg


    But the arrows are pointing to an ankle and an elbow. Anatomy much? ;)
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm from the UK and my husband's from the USA. We have conversations like this:

    him: *knocks on bathroom door* Are you in the tub?
    me: no, I'm in the bath. The ice cream is in the tub in the freezer.

    me: do you like my new jumper?
    him: that's not a jumper, that's a sweater. This is a jumper: *jumps up and down*

    him: (mentions "sidewalk")
    me: that's not a sidewalk, that's a pavement. This is a sidewalk: *walks sideways*

    The best one though was when he laughed at me for using the word "skew-whiff" and refused to believe it was a word, then laughed even more when I showed him it in the dictionary. Then five minutes later he described something as being "kitty-corner". It was my turn to laugh and refuse to believe him that it was a word....

    and this is football: PfVPA.jpg


    And what on earth is kitty-corner? (UK in case you hadn't guessed :wink: )
  • sisterofseven
    sisterofseven Posts: 82 Member
    born and raised in the UK but now living in Australia :-)
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    UK Northern Ireland would rather be in Paris or OZ if I'm honest..however a wee trip to USA wouldn't go a miss :)
  • starrrjo
    starrrjo Posts: 101 Member
    UK but dream to live in US. Need to get a USA hubby i think x x
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    UK - Scotland :D
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    UK Wales
    Pop on occasionally to see who is doing what these days as I am not monitoring myself at the moment. This is a fabulous site though and I have seen the numbers swell over the years so we must all be doing something right!
    :drinker: :laugh:
  • Whiteweb80
    Whiteweb80 Posts: 7 Member
    :smile: UK. Kent. I was wondering the same thing! :smile:
  • I'm from the UK and my husband's from the USA. We have conversations like this:

    him: *knocks on bathroom door* Are you in the tub?
    me: no, I'm in the bath. The ice cream is in the tub in the freezer.

    me: do you like my new jumper?
    him: that's not a jumper, that's a sweater. This is a jumper: *jumps up and down*

    him: (mentions "sidewalk")
    me: that's not a sidewalk, that's a pavement. This is a sidewalk: *walks sideways*

    The best one though was when he laughed at me for using the word "skew-whiff" and refused to believe it was a word, then laughed even more when I showed him it in the dictionary. Then five minutes later he described something as being "kitty-corner". It was my turn to laugh and refuse to believe him that it was a word....

    and this is football: PfVPA.jpg


    And what on earth is kitty-corner? (UK in case you hadn't guessed :wink: )

    We Americans actually argue over whether it is kitty-corner or caddy-corner. I say caddy-corner. It essentially means one thing is diagonal from another thing.
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member

    and this is football: PfVPA.jpg


    Handegg!! Amazing!!

    I'm from the People's Republic of Yorkshire, UK ;^)
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    Another one for the UK
  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    I'm from the UK and my husband's from the USA. We have conversations like this:

    him: *knocks on bathroom door* Are you in the tub?
    me: no, I'm in the bath. The ice cream is in the tub in the freezer.

    me: do you like my new jumper?
    him: that's not a jumper, that's a sweater. This is a jumper: *jumps up and down*

    him: (mentions "sidewalk")
    me: that's not a sidewalk, that's a pavement. This is a sidewalk: *walks sideways*

    The best one though was when he laughed at me for using the word "skew-whiff" and refused to believe it was a word, then laughed even more when I showed him it in the dictionary. Then five minutes later he described something as being "kitty-corner". It was my turn to laugh and refuse to believe him that it was a word....

    and this is football: PfVPA.jpg


    And what on earth is kitty-corner? (UK in case you hadn't guessed :wink: )

    We Americans actually argue over whether it is kitty-corner or caddy-corner. I say caddy-corner. It essentially means one thing is diagonal from another thing.

    The original word was "catercorner." Which became cattycorner and then kittycorner.
  • FitspoEm
    FitspoEm Posts: 94 Member
    UK here :D
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    UK - Yorkshire to be exact...tha knows! x
  • UK here! :)
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    I feel left out being from the Netherlands :(.

    Nooooooooo, I'm in the UK, but originally from Holland :)