Any military spouses out there?

I am going down hill :( it is sooo hard coming home alone, and trying to do all of this on my own since my husband is deployed (1st deployment)... dieting and exercising. It's even hard to stay stocked up on the healthy stuff because it just spoils before I go through it all. Any special tips or tricks out there? It seems overwhelming to add "weightloss and exercise" on to my list of things to worry about when it's so easy to just not do it.


  • luvin_burnt_orange
    Hi there! Looks like our weight loss goals are very similar. Aaaaand, I come from a large military family so been there done that. Got the t-shirts! lol

    Anyways, HANG IN THERE you're NOT alone! Just think about how great you're going to look and feel when he comes home ;) While he's gone try to focus on being a healthier you for the BOTH of you. Do you live on base or near other military wives? Are you close to anybody whose hubbies are in same unit? Find a friend to lean on or at the least a fitness buddy that shares your same healthier goals.

    Now, for the spoiling food. Yep, that's a pain in the butt. It's expensive to eat healthy, too. You can try a few things- take your pick.

    For fruits n veggie- rinse thoroughly and then DRY them COMPLETELY. Let air dry by a fan then double pat-dry with a paper towel. Once completely dry, wrap with a clean dry paper towel and place in a zip lock bag and store in refrigerator.

    You can also spend a little xtra and buy Debbie Meyer green bags. They really do work on keeping fruits n veggies fresh and "prolong the life" of the food. And, they are reusable. (online runs about a box of 10 lrg 10 med for $12.95) Just follow the SAME steps outlined above for baggie storage (wash, dry, place paper towel in bag with food- it obsorbs moisture that may build-up. if it gets moist remove and replace paper with another dry paper towel).

    Doing this usually allows me to plan 5 day menus without ending up with any rotten fruit/veggies. Oh and here's a good article I ran across. Has some tips for specifics fruits n veggies. Or google "prolonging shelf life fruits".

    Hope this helps.

    Remember you're NOT alone!!! This daughter of a Vietnam veteran, retired military wife, sister to two, and SIL to one (all USN btw) understands how difficult it is going through a deployment. You've got to surround yourself with much love and support. Oh and to help motivate- load your iPod with some great dance/club/rock whatever gets you moving music (and in better spirits). Music keeps me going and motivates me to try even harder when I'm in one of those funks and going through a "why bother???" moment. I put on running shoes, grab my music, and get out for a walk. By the time I notice, I'm ready to run a few miles.

    Take care! Sending you a big (((((HUG))))) -Mrs.M.P.

    p.s. Beautiful wedding photo!
  • Missanticipated
    Hi I'm an army wife my husband is in the British army. My husbands first tour of afghan was last year. I decided I was going to start losing weight as I had let myself go a little. I decided if I lost 2lb a week for every week he was away I would lose 3stone which would be perfect and also it would b something to focus on. I started off ok I wasn't on target I was still losing. I managed to keep this up for a couple of months but then hubby came home for 2 weeks r n r we ate and drank so much! When he went back out I went in a downward spiral. I started having panic attacks and ectopic heartbeats, I was having nightmares and grinding my teeth in my sleep I ended up depressed and started comfort eating. I put on soo much weight by time he came back. I was embarrassed and upset and it made things very awkward between us. Now we have moved to Germany and he has gone away again not to afghan hes in Canada and only for 2 months thankfully but this time I am determined to lose weight by time he gets back I have already lost 9lbs I would like to have lost a further 12lbs at least. It's just getting your mind in the right place which is really difficult when your worrying etc but starting on MFP is a good start and having a really good support network in place helps too. Set yourself little mini goals to give you something to focus on and realistic to work towards. In regards to being lonely try and find other people in the same situation around you it's much easier if you have friends to help you deal with it that know what you're going through. I found his tour sooo difficult and I can understand how hard it is for everyone else. I'm dreading his next 1 next year it seems to be coming round so fast. I will try and help you through this and we can do the weight loss together if you want add me :)
  • BalletBadass
    Just a quick hi, I need to get to the gym.

    Wanted send you a big hug - my husband deployed the week after Thanksgiving last year, and I put on 45lbs in 6 months! CRAZY! Now, I'm working like mad to take it off before he gets home and think "Who the hell is this lardass?"

    Hang in there... You are strong and totally capable of doing this. It's great that you've started making healthy choices - keep at it.

    For food spoiling, create healthy meals and freeze single servings. Have more tips on that after my trainer beats the crap out of me!
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    My husband was USN, now USAF. Gone through 3 deployments and may see a fourth this Fall. It is soooo easy to just become a couch potato at nights. Your TV is your companion and food. If you're like me, you also don't sleep as well when he's gone. I always meant to lose weight when he deployed and failed to do so. I started becoming serious in losing the weight when trying to accomplish a physical goal and failing at it. I thought I was in better shape than I was.

    For now, if it's only you (no kids) just buy a few bag salads and lean cuisines or sandwich makings. No one says you have to make a homemade dinner every night. And keep busy. ESPECIALLY nights and weekends.

    Also, all those chick flick movies your husband doesn't want to watch. Nows your chance. I can drool over all the hot actors and not have to see my husband rolling his eyes at me. Good luck. Feel free to add me or message me with concerns.
  • 1fitnessplanner
    1fitnessplanner Posts: 63 Member
    i'm an army wife i've sent you a friend request :)
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Whoo! Navy wife here!
  • BrittanyNBuchanan
    BrittanyNBuchanan Posts: 68 Member
    Army wife here... Add me if you want.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Navy wife here; survived two deployments and he currently is stationed 6 hours away from us. You aren't alone. It sucks, but it makes you strong as hell!

    Have a day that you do meal prep for the week. That will cut down on the spoiled food and takes the guesswork out of what you're going to eat. When I don't prep is when I start slacking and eating convenience food (i.e. crap). Good luck!