Measuring Your Food

I was measuring out a snack last night and my boyfriend's brother made a stupid remark about how what I was doing was "taking it too far" and how "unhealthy" it was. I tried to tell him that counting calories is important to me and he made an even stupider remark about how he was "more healthy" than I am! (Which is untrue.) I was measuring out a reasonable portion of Cheerios for a snack so I wouldn't ruin my appetite for dinner later on.

I have trouble with portion control. I don't do it with everything, but occasionally I will measure my food to make sure I keep on track. Sometimes I will measure something I eat frequently a couple of times so that I know what a proper portion LOOKS like. Then I will just eyeball it once I'm confident I know the portion size.

How is this "unhealthy"?

It upset me so much that he would say such a thing to me. I just needed to vent. Thank you for reading.


  • HelloSunshine
    "Those who matter, don't mind. And those who mind, don't matter."

    You just need to do you. My fiance got on to me when I first started measuring out food too, saying that it was going to far and I was being "obsessive". Now that he has seen my progress and how much it has helped me he is a lot more supportive and i've even seen him measuring some things out. People will always give you a hard time about something new or different because change scares some people.

    Thank goodness we've got a community like MFP where everyone understands and accepts our changes and efforts.
    Keep doin' you :)
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    tell your bf brother to take ahike - and remember that you are doing what is right for you - sometimes people can be so rude. Keep up the great work and dont worry about his lack of knowledge!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    :angry: ugh....I HATE people who are so un-motivating and just plain rude when people are trying to change for the better!

    I personally weigh everything - I even keep the scale on the counter because I was tired of getting it out multiple times a day. My husband knows that I measure everything too - he's learned that if I have a snack that he can just get his own and NOT have any of mine because I have weighed and/or measured it out perfectly :laugh:

    Just try to ignore his ignorant comments and know that what you are doing IS healthy and important. Sorry he has to be such an inconsiderate you know what.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I just love when people say stuff that really doesn't need to be said. Maybe he should think before he speaks. Like what was the point of him even saying that to you? It matters to you! I wouldn't let him get under your skin. Sounds like he likes to hear himself talk and maybe he has alittle ego that he needs to wipe off his shoulder. All I can say is karma. :wink:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Don't worry about him. I bought extra measuring cups to keep in our snack containers (the tin of nuts, for example) so I don't have to get one out every time I have some! My family teased a little at first but they also know how important this is to me. I don't think they even notice anymore!:smile:
    Hang in there! :flowerforyou: YOU are losing weight but he'll probably always be a jerk!:laugh:
  • shana8
    shana8 Posts: 3
    Here is the deal, the reason so many people are overweight is becasue they don't know portion control. I think it's GREAT you are training yourself to know your portions. Keep up the effort....and let his words go in one ear and out the other. I like the comment that you are losing weight and he will be like that forever. :)
    Be proud you are taking care of your health!
  • gummibaehr
    Thank you so much, everyone! I will put it behind me and just do what I know is right for me. I'm glad I'm not the only one measuring my food!
  • darklydesigned
    darklydesigned Posts: 22 Member
    Exactly! Don't let it bother you.

    People like that are just being ignorant, not a nice trait to have. Especially considering he's is saying that with no benefit to him but to make you upset.

    Another question to ask him is, if everyone just 'eyeballed' what they ate, do you think the majority of Americans wouldn't be obese? With all the 'super-sizing' it's no wonder people don't know what a proper 'portion' is.

    Kudos to you. It really does make me mad that there are people like that in the world.
  • jennasuz1995
    What some people don't get is that they make a serving size for a reason. I measure out everything if the serving size is 1/2c I have a 1/2c, and weight the meat 4oz is 4 oz not 8oz. Don't let him get to you, keep up what you are doing.:smile:
  • tiggers
    tiggers Posts: 20
    You're doing the best thing for yourself getting HEALTHY... keep you the great work. Don't pay attention to what anyone says unless it a complement :happy:

    I started weighing my food when I started using this website and it's the best thing I could do I don't feel so miserable after I eat.

    Keep up the good work it will show at the end and you'll be laughing in his face, or he might realize that you're on to something good and try it himself..

  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    THe best thing to do is to keep at it and when you look all hot he'll see how good it is to measure it out!
  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member
    I measure out stuff all the time. How else are we going to learn what an oz of nuts is...or 4oz chicken breast. Maybe by this time next year I'll be able to eyeball it, but until then...I'm weighing!