Excuses, excuses, excuses

A little while ago I was talking to a friend about my 4lb weight gain that week. I had shrugged and said I wasn't surprised and that I would be better next week. My friend reminded me that I'd had visitors for a week and had a few birthdays and family celebrations so it was hardly surprising that I'd gained weight.

I was nodding emphatically in agreement when it dawned on me, like a lightbulb pinging on, that it was all just excuses.

There will always be excuses, illness, boredom, busyness, tiredness, too hot, too cold, visitors, birthdays, anniversaries, too many hours in the day/days in the month, too much food in the fridge blah, blah, blah...

No more...

I lost 7lb last week, just through being honest with myself and recording every single morsel which passed my lips. I didn't exercse and I know that's my next step.

I also know I won't always lose 7lb in a week. I wouldn't want to, but it's a bloody good start.

I feel mentally strong, rather cross (in a good way) and ready for the long haul.

Just sharing ;-)


  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    It's so true - - - there will always be something happening in life. We have to stay alert and not let those things interfere with our quest for good health.
  • BodyElectric1
    BodyElectric1 Posts: 120 Member
    I agree. One of my favourite sayings is "You can either have results or excuses".