I am Here.. What now?

:drinker: I am starting out and looking forward to what's ahead... one small step, one goal at a time to a bigger Future of VICTORY!!!! Lord Help me please!!! I have work to do myself as well!!!

Needing some advice how to avoid sweety and fatty foods as well as fast foods on the weekend..it has been a weakness for a while for me..need some fresh ideas of how to avoid this on going cycle. Thanks


  • bigboimav
    bigboimav Posts: 22 Member
    im busy a lot so fast food ive had to learn to get around, i use the app to help me find good alternatives, like the chick fil a chargrilled sandwich is delicious and a fruit cup. You dont have to get the fatty foods :). buy a side salad from mcdonalds and top it with the chickfil a grilled chicken as well. You have to experiment and find what you like!
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    Planning ahead is a big one for me~ if I can pack ahead of time and take it with me I make much better choices- a little lunchbox cooler in my car with healthy munchies gets me through my busiest days.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    If you have to get fastfood, go for something healthier like grilled instead of fried. And remember serving size is key....Try going somewhere other than fast food instead or pre-making food to grab and go during the week or when you have free time.
  • Rozlynmac
    Or you could carry on withe the fast foods at the weekend, just prepare by eating a bit less each day during the week so you have some 'spare' calories for the weekend.

    Don't recall where it is on here, but there is a discussion on some research which said that so long as the calorie deficit for the week is right, it doesn't matter what happens each particular day.

    You may find as you get fitter/healthier and plan what you're eating during the week, the desire for fast food diminishes and it's not such a chore to avoid.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Also if your schedule dictates fast food...as others have mentioned go for grilled items. Ask for things without mayo or sauces. Many times they prepare them this way in anticipation so you are not waiting very long. This is what I do when I am on my way to the gym after work.
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    Just put your mind to it that you don't need those foods and stock your house with healthier foods to try and cut the temptations. It's hard but just know you can do it! I know it's hard to do because i love some greasy fried chicken. :) but i've learned to cut back on eating like that and only do it maybe once a week for one meal. You don't have to cut out the foods you love, you just have to cut back and include healthier choices.
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    What I have found that works best for me is to meal plan. Plan Plan Plan! Have your meals planned, have your snacks planned and it will help you avoid eating out and making bad choices. If you've already bought food and took the time to make meals, why would you spend the extra $, right?

    I use this planning sheet. http://www.lifeinyellow.com/2012/03/meal-planning-and-a-free-download/
    I search healthy meals that I'm interested in trying and save them here. http://pinterest.com/ashalyn14/discover-health/
    Then one a week or every other week, I sit down and decide what i want to have. Make my list. Shop. Cook.

    Much luck! :drinker:
  • Nattruereal
    Thanks so much.. I plan on using your advice this weekend.!!!:smooched:
  • Nattruereal
    Thank You so much...the planning is what I am finding will help me out alot..have to organize my whole life...which will lead to a better days ahead!!! Thanks so so much!!!:smooched:
  • Nattruereal
    Yes, you are so right. Thanks so much!!!:smooched:
  • Nattruereal
    This is what I plan on doing this weekend..plan :smooched: plan..plan... Thanks so much
  • Nattruereal
    Thanks....the lil things go a long way!!!:smooched:
  • KaityMarie379
    KaityMarie379 Posts: 14 Member
    Ive always had a negative self-image and tend to eat mindlessly when bored or upset. No bueno! It's time to actually do something about this body and start loving it :]
  • Nattruereal
    :smooched: Thanks for the advice...this is something I can start doing now!!!!
  • Nattruereal
    Yes.. I plan on making my meal plans this weekend! Thanks so much!!!:smooched:
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I write before I bite..meaning I log before I eat anything.. it goes a long way in helping me make good choices. If it fits into my day and I decide I want to spend my calories that way I will have it... but it is a conscious decision.....

    Once you give that a go for awhile you will find that you dont want to use your calories on fast food, because it is not as satisfying as higher protein lower fat options. You will crave food again in a few short hours because of that.......... I eat all day and I am never starving. Feel free to look at my menu. I do find ways to not feel deprived, just smaller bites or I walk more to earn the calories...... heck I even drink beer sometimes!!!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Not gonna lie sometimes it is pure self control! Gotta flex that control muscle in your brain!

    If I absolutely cannot fend off a craving I'll first try to hit the flavor I want, sweet, salty, with something more healthy. If I want sweet I'll eat fruit, salty I'll eat my salted edamame snacks, and if that doesn't work, I'll just give in!

    This happened to me last night, I'd been craving hard ice cream and told myself no for almost a week then I said to hell with it and got a single serving brownie batter of Ben & Jerrys and it was sooooooo good!

    Then I have ghost tastes keeping me going for a while =)
  • Grmacereal
    My usual go to is mc donald's southwest chicken salad - no dressing - just squeeze the lime they provide on it. Mmm. Even with the crunchy tortilla strips, it's under 300 cals.
  • Grmacereal
    Also, sometimes it's a matter of saying NO!