Getting slightly discouraged. :(

So, I've made a few attempts to gain friends and a support group on here through various "methods" (introducing myself, looking for other military personnel, etc.), and NOBODY has replied to any of my posts, requested to be my friend, or sent me a message. This isn't meant to be a pity party post, but I see SO many people boast about how they've acquired such an amazing support group and how they've lost all of the weight they intended.

I don't have ANY fitness/health friends whatsoever, so I guess I'm depending quite heavily on the virtual world for some. I try to be as active on the boards as possible, but it seems as though my posts go unnoticed. Any suggestions? I've done so well with keeping up and staying on track with my log, but I KNOW having a support system makes it so much easier and more fun!


  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    You got a friend request.. I am rough around the edges but I mean well and won't coddle.
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    Just sent you a request.
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    I'm not military but my husband is AD USAF. You are welcome to add me. I saw your "Military?" post but seeing that I'm not the one in the military, I didn't want to comment. :)
  • natwen
    natwen Posts: 81
    But, but you have 40 friends!
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I'll friend you, although not military at all I sure can assist and encourage and be motivating...
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    But, but you have 40 friends!
  • kimmyannl
    kimmyannl Posts: 70 Member
    Sent you a friend request. :)
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I got many friends... but honestly only look at VERY few. Slowly gonna dwindle them down to a more reasonable amount.

    This is the first post of yours I have seen. I am always welcoming towards ACTIVE friends.

    And any friend with a closed diary gets deleted. >.>
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I was expecting to see you had no friends, you have 43+.... all I can say is wow to this post.

    In the end, YOU are the only person who can really motivate yourself. It is your health at the end of the day. You have to want it bad enough. If you don't want it enough no amount of "friends" on here is going to do it for you.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • debyjo1
    debyjo1 Posts: 6
    Welcome to the health and fitness world. I my self know how important it is to have friends/partners for support. I have only been on Mhere for a couple of weeks now. Back in March I enter my gyms version of the biggest loser. my coach and team was awesome. I have made lifelong friends with in the gym which encourages me to go every day. DIET tip from My winning coach: max 25 grams of fat, min 25 grams of fiber, min 64 oz water. a day. For every 8 oz of coffee, tea, or soad add another 24 oz of water. eat small meals every 2-3 hours. I won the competition taking her advise. I am new to this sight and still learning how to use it. I will try and send you a friend request. Not computer savvy. :)
  • drearewal
    But, but you have 40 friends!

    All but two I have sent requests to. I read posts on here all the time in all forums and add people who I feel can encourage me through their posts.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    Not to be mean, but I see you've got 40 "friends" on your list. Maybe swap some of those people who aren't interacting with you out for people with more feedback?

    I certainly have less "friends" than you, but I have more than enough support. Don't feel bad if you feel unnoticed, I're here for you, right? You're doing this for you, and while feedback is certainly won't lose weight or get you ripped. Only YOU can do it.

    I don't know. I've always been pretty self reliant and lived inside my own head. Some people need more interaction than others I guess.
  • drearewal
    Again, this post wasn't meant to be a pity party. Sure, I have 40+ friends, but I'm a complete people-person and LOVE people. I don't do other social networking like Facebook, so this is my version of Facebook. The fact that we're all after the same thing makes me get such an adrenaline to push myself to my goal weight and health, ESPECIALLY after seeing the success stories!

    I was hoping I wouldn't get any negative replies, but I s'pose that's expected. Thanks to all who have requested to be my friend; I'm looking forward to a good push in motivation and support! :)