Open Diary Please Give Advice

Hi all,

I would just like some advice about my diary, I admit that sometime I eat 'rubbish' in order to make up the calories for the day as I am a very fussy eater so healthy snacks like avocado, cheese etc are not for me.

However, this week has not been the best week as have had two takeaways due to people's birthdays and sleepovers! This will not be repeated next week I assure you!

So if you have any high calorie healthy snacks I could have please fill me in! :)

Any opinions are greatly appreciated.


  • I do quite well with my macros most of the time but would like to reduce the amount of carbs but am unsure of what foods high in calorie and low in carbs I could eat instead?

  • DeTaart
    DeTaart Posts: 93 Member
    Seem to be a bit lacking in fruit and veg… are there any vegetables you like? Pair them with hummous or another dip you like. Peanut butter? Calorific and good nutritional value. Peanut butter on wholemeal bread would be a much better snack than sugary cereal. Nuts and dried fruit mixes are good for making up calories more healthily.

    For breakfast? Swap the sugary cereal for bran flakes or oat meal and use whole milk. Or try fruit with full fat yoghurt.
  • Thank you I will definitely bare that in mind for the future however, I do LOVE my frosties haha x
  • I need to try opening my diary too also get advice about my eating. I over eat in fat/ carbs and under in proteins. thanks for posting this. guess I shouldn't mention I know how to make Frosties at home since I used to work at Wendy's
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    Katie - If you're eating under in protein and you're using the MFP number for it, then you are DEFINITELY eating too little protein as their guideline for it is pretty low.

    But I wouldn't mind that Frosty recipe. :-D
  • It's great jus to see what everyone else thinks about your diet as there will always be room for improvement somewhere :)

    And omg I'm so glad I don't know how to make them as I would be eating them all day!

  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Your protein is very low....I like to eat more fruits & veggies, stay lower on carbs, and really eat more protein! I like mine between 100-125 grams a day, and I weight 125 pounds now.
  • I am hoping to increase my protein and reduce my carbs so if anyone has any low carb, high protein meal ideas I would be appreciative :)

    I love fajitas and that seems to be a low (ish) carb, high protein meal but I cannot live without ketchup so that is something I could not cut out of carbs haha!

  • dldnvr
    dldnvr Posts: 22 Member
    Good Question. I have one along the same line. I have found as I have balanced out my sugar that I really just am not all that hungry. I am excercising alot. I am finding that by evening I can be way shy on my cararie intake. Hard to believe i'm actually asking this, heh.

    Does anyone have any idea on a quick, healthy food(s) to eat to get the needed calaries (would be great if it's something my body would just be saying 'you that man').
  • I know it doesn't help that I am such an extremely fussy eater which makes my snacks very limited so the more suggestions that I get would be appreciated :)
