How do you reward yourself?

How do you reward yourself after a good workout or once you have accomplised one of your goals.

I usually take a nice hot bath with sea salt. It's soo calming.

I need more ideas since I'm planning on making this a lifelong journey and I want to keep motivated.



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    A HUGE piece of cake... HAHA just kidding!!!!!! Workout clothes are a good way after goals, I have a problem with buying them all the time though :bigsmile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • ecoker06
    books. I L-O-V-E to read and saying that i can only buy a book when i reach a goal instead of whenever i want is really works well for me. Do you have any weak spots like that?
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    Maybe a pedicure, clothes, hair?
  • greeneyedgirl829
    This is a good topic. For many of us, a reward used to mean one thing....FOOD. Haha and all the worst kinds of food were my favorite rewards. Now, my reward is watching my scale number go lower, while feeling stronger and healthier. Okay....and yeah a piece of 60% cacao dark chocolate :love:
  • jconway
    jconway Posts: 8 Member
    I have a 2 bets going with my friends and family. I use is a fun way to set goals and challenge others. You can chose any goal and any bet, so it is completely flexible. I have $20/pp going towards a new pair of jeans for one bet and $20/pp towards a new swimsuit on the other. The history of the site is pretty funny too, so make sure to check that out if you chose to use the site! Good luck :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • blackballoon517
    When I reach my halfway point of losing 12 lbs, I plan on going to Ulta and buying myself some really nice makeup. I saw Bare Minerals there which would be a really nice treat I think. Makes me want to lose the weight even faster :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I got myself new workout shoes once I lost 20 lbs. I don't yet have a new goal so this is a good topic for me to read. :bigsmile:
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    This is a fantastic question. Thank you for asking because I could use a few new ideas myself. :]

    To reward myself for losing weight or even maintaining through a difficult period, I like to pamper myself. I began my weight loss journey three years ago and I learned quick!! that I cannot use food as a reward.

    To be honest, I grew up as an over-eater... so "bad foods" can be a veryy big trigger for small binges (under 1,000 calories).

    I prefer rewards that will help me on my journey. When I had lost half of the weight I bought myself a Polar Heart Monitor watch. Target sells them for $90 and I KNOW that sounds like a lot of money, but because I knew the exact level I was working out at/the calories I had burned, I never plateaued. I was able to kick it up a notch when the same old workout was too easy. I also took the plunge and bought myself a Curves membership because being skinny is one thing, but I wanted some girly muscles. :]

    Other ideas for me include: buying books for my hobbies, giving myself extra time to journal or talk to my online friends, giving myself "free days" where I have to stay on track eating but don't have to exercise if I don't feel like it, and going on small trips with my friends or boyfriend.. I hope this helps you in any small way! Best of luck on your journey. :]
  • saram21
    saram21 Posts: 88
    The rush of endorphins that leave me feeling good for a few hours! and the occasional sugarfree fudgecicle. I <3 those!
  • just2bfit
    I reward myself with making a dinner that is a little high on the budget, like king crab legs, scallops, or a great cut of fresh fish. Still low in calories, but just a treat to spend the extra cash on some good ingredients. Rewarding yourself with food is not always a bad thing!
  • Mandillynn
    I don't really reward myself after the workout. I reserve every Sunday as a day where I don't have to pay attention to the calories on one meal. That is my reward for having an amazing week of will power and motivation. It's also a good way to stop me from bingeing during the week. I always weigh in on Saturdays, cheat on Sundays, and have my extensive work out on Mondays. It's almost like everything is in balance... lol!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I just found the best frozen yogurt! Soooo good. Fat free Peanut butter and it is only 94 cals for 4 oz! Gotta love that!
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    My rewards are not "planned". They happen as I lose weight, and when they happen I really enjoy the feeling. Such as, right now after losing 7 pounds my shorts are no longer choking me at the waistband. Next, I look forward to losing my muffing top, and then being comfortable in my "skinny" jeans that I can current wear but are still too tight. I'm going to lose an additional 5 pounds (I had regained and needed to lose, and want to add in 5 additional pounds of loss), and with that comes the hope that I will lose the "fat roll" that is on my back under my bra strap.

    Those sort of accomplishments are my rewards. They just "happen" as the fat comes off. :happy:
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I have my eye on a new heart rate monitor, so when I lost 20 pounds I'm going to buy that for myself.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I know many like the reward system. I myself don't use it. My way isn't for everyone, it's very difficult on the body, and it uses active denial as a process, but it works if you are in a place in your life to maximize willpower, which I am.

    Basically, my reward for a great workout is knowing it was a great workout. My study of the human body brings about the knowledge of what I am doing when I work out. So after a great workout, when I'm showered and back at the office, I can feel the healthy weakness in my body, I can almost hear my muscles calling out for energy replenishment. I LOVE this feeling, I'm addicted to it, it's so good to know that when I work out, I'm building muscle, I'm burning fat, I'm making myself physically better. And this makes me mentally better, it's probably the best feeling in my world. Being able to look at that piece of cake in the office and just say no, is AWESOME. It's not easy, and I doubt it ever will be, but it still makes me feel great that I can WANT that cake, but still say no.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    with big weight loss - tattoos! :glasses:

    Day to day with exercise or exercise milestones - I try NOT to reward myself with FOOD treats, well, maybe a glass of wine. :drinker: I recently went out and bought a whole whack of new bamboo cutting boards, and stainless steel colanders - ridding myself of all 'plastics'. It's just nice to prepare your food with quality equipment!! Seriously, simple things excite me...
    But as Banks and Deedee mentioned, the real treat is pushing yourself to hit new PB's or I love seeing my max HR up at 97% and pushing myself to keep it there for longer and longer.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Thanks everyone for you great idea. I do love to read so that one I will keep for sure. As for clothes I have a few pieces in pretty much every size going down so I think I will wait until I reach my big goal or at least summer before I reward myself with more clothes. I have limited amount of money I can spend since I'm a SAHM so I can't reward myself only by material things.

    I just though of another one Egg white facial. It makes you skin really soft and is soo much less expenssive than what you find in the stores. Just froth up your egg white and rub it on your clean dry face. Leave on for about 10 minutes and wash off with wash face cloth. Apply a little moisturiser.

    Anyone else got some great frugal ideas to pamper yourself at home?

    Oh just thought of another one. New nail polish. I used to work in the food prep. so I wasn't alowed to wear nail polish. This could be a good treat for myself.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I know many like the reward system. I myself don't use it. My way isn't for everyone, it's very difficult on the body, and it uses active denial as a process, but it works if you are in a place in your life to maximize willpower, which I am.

    Basically, my reward for a great workout is knowing it was a great workout. My study of the human body brings about the knowledge of what I am doing when I work out. So after a great workout, when I'm showered and back at the office, I can feel the healthy weakness in my body, I can almost hear my muscles calling out for energy replenishment. I LOVE this feeling, I'm addicted to it, it's so good to know that when I work out, I'm building muscle, I'm burning fat, I'm making myself physically better. And this makes me mentally better, it's probably the best feeling in my world. Being able to look at that piece of cake in the office and just say no, is AWESOME. It's not easy, and I doubt it ever will be, but it still makes me feel great that I can WANT that cake, but still say no.

    I do agree that the best reward is the soreness that you feel after a workout. It makes me feel like I really pushed myself and I did a great job. And of course every time I say no to something I do feel more powerfull. But it's nice to do something nice for yourself. But hey your way worked great obviously! :)
  • greeneyedgirl829
    with big weight loss - tattoos! :glasses:

    Day to day with exercise or exercise milestones - I try NOT to reward myself with FOOD treats, well, maybe a glass of wine. :drinker: I recently went out and bought a whole whack of new bamboo cutting boards, and stainless steel colanders - ridding myself of all 'plastics'. It's just nice to prepare your food with quality equipment!! Seriously, simple things excite me...
    But as Banks and Deedee mentioned, the real treat is pushing yourself to hit new PB's or I love seeing my max HR up at 97% and pushing myself to keep it there for longer and longer.

    Agreed with tattoos! I'm going to get my second one after my weight loss
  • melanieann48111
    I reward myself with a free meal once a week-Friday night. I don't go too overboard usually but it keeps me from binging during the week and that is priceless to me.