Why Weight Watchers Didn't Work for Me!

My name is Melissa and so far, I've lost 8 pounds on MFP in less than 2 months.

I was on Weight Watchers for 3 months and lost 6 pounds. Some people have great success on Weight Watchers, but I didn't. Why? On WW I was obsessed about my points for the day, I believe I had 33. I didn't concern myself about my nutrition. I only cared about not going over my points. I ALWAYS felt starving. I did not change how I ate, I just tried to have smaller portions. So if I wanted to eat a super cheesy pasta dish from a chain restaurant, I'd starve myself before or eat veggies all day.

Joining MFP has really changed the way I think about food. I can see how much protein I'm consuming, how many carbs, fat... I am more aware of what I'm putting into my body and I am more aware of what my body needs. Sure, I can make sure I'm don't go over my calories or am always under, but I now know that if I want to live a healthy life style I need to eat better foods and I need to make sure I'm eating enough, especially if I'm working out.

IDK I just love MFP. I feel like its soooo easy to use and I'm just really glad I stopped paying money for a plan that wasn't working for me and switched to MFP.

I'm looking to gain more friends on this site because I feel that the friends I've acquired have REALLY helped my stay accountable and have motivated. If you can relate to my post or you would like some motivation too, please add me :)



  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I agree. This site is awesome.
  • Cillygirl
    I can always use some new friends! Adding you :)
  • wickman_4
    WW didnt help me much either. Thank you for sharing. :)
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    Feel free to add me. :o) I am going through a period of readjustment (my husband just came home from overseas not to long ago, so new routine); if that doesn't bother you then add on. :o)

    If you like the weight loss here, check out fitbit.com. The calories I burn in my normal day get added automatically to my exercise calories and I find the whole experience is much more accurate and effective. :o)
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    I'm already your friend but YES! woohoo!

    I considered WW before I joined MFP and this post makes me glad I didn't waste my time.

    Rock on
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    It's very easy to get sucked into eating snacks and things that are only half a point-one and a half points, but offer not satiety or nutrition whatsoever so of course you end up being hungry all of the time.

    The same thing can happen to people just logging calories on here.
    Plus they ruin the database for the rest of us by creating half assed entries.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I agree! I lost 40 pounds with WW but kept gaining 10-15 back because I was constantly obsessed with points and calories instead of nutrition!
  • meli_loses_it
    meli_loses_it Posts: 16 Member
    I'm already your friend but YES! woohoo!

    I considered WW before I joined MFP and this post makes me glad I didn't waste my time.

    Rock on

    My mom did WW years ago...lost sooo much weight, and then just gained it all back and then some. They just don't help you focus on nutrition. It's a numbers game.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Oh, and you don't have to pay for basically scales rental.

    Or get charged double the next time you turn up because you couldn't come last week because you work shifts?
  • rosestoy
    rosestoy Posts: 1 Member
    The key is finding something that works. To be honest sometimes you just need a change when you hit a stand still. I lost 30 pounds in 6 months on Weight Watchers but then hit a stand still. Most of the loss was in the first 3 months. I think I ate way too much of the free fruit. I lost all concept of calories. It worked when I had a lot to lose, but i needed a change. With WW I really did learn to eat better but I got frustrated with my lack of progress. MFP is great because it counts every item that goes into my mouth. It also does not give me a huge number of points because I am so overweight. 1200 calories a week and I have lost close to 1.5 pounds a week. I lost 15 pounds so far on MFP and love it. Plus I do not have to pay the WW fees.
  • bkennedy1981
    bkennedy1981 Posts: 10 Member
    :happy: Feel free to add me. I really love the tools on MFP. I also just recently starting using fitbit.com. My fitbit arrived Monday and i have been trying to beat my previous days totals every day.
  • hlinn01
    hlinn01 Posts: 36
    I felt the same way on weight watchers. I was just always obsessed with my points, and still enjoying all my favorite foods by basically starving myself so that I could enjoy the crud. Through MFP I feel I am learning how to eat and exercise to get healthy. Feel free to invite me as a friend.
  • My friend started Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago and she's been complaining about the lack of results, and also being hungry most of the day. I tried telling her that tracking calories/carbs/protein etc. is a better way of doing it because with WW you have NO IDEA what kind of nutrition you're really getting or if you're eating way under your calorie needs every day. I told her that with tracking my food daily on MFP I'm never hungry and that I eat many times throughout the day instead of just breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert like she's been doing. She also will not eat as much during the day just so she can have a dessert. She says if she doesn't start seeing results on the scale soon she'll try a different approach!
  • tennesseeleigh
    I think WW is a great program but I had the same problem you had. To me MFP is a better fit because I can see my protein/fat/carb breakdown instead of just relying on points. I am defintiely focusing more on better food choices since I switched to MFP.
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 199
    Yes! That is exactly why I switched from Weight Watchers (well, that and the payment thing). I feel so much more healthy knowing what I'm putting in my body besides just how many "points" it is. :)
  • bellecoccotte
    bellecoccotte Posts: 22 Member
    I'm glad that MFP is working out for you. Feel free to add me :)
  • rocknrolljunkie_
    rocknrolljunkie_ Posts: 12 Member
    I hear that sister, that's EXACTLY why WW didn't work for me!
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    It's not Weight Watcher's fault you didn't use your points for nutritious foods. At the meetings, they are always talking about power foods and healthy options. What you choose to do with your points is your decision.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I did WW for a year and GAINED 40lbs because I was trying to eat the most food and stay under my points.. which meants LOTS of pasta, rice, etc and almost NO protein/fat. Turns out I needed to flip it around and eat lower carb, higher protein... or at least different carb and higher protein. I have lost 35lbs in 6 mos on MFP. I am healthier than I have been in a long time. I have a long way to go but glad I am on the right track.

    Welcome! Glad you are getting the results you want on MFP!
  • StephanieCoiro
    About 2 years ago I had great success on weight watchers, I lost 30 pounds in 4 months and was thrilled! Then, they changed the points system and the same thing happened to me! I always felt hungry, I stopped losing and actually started gaining! There were some medical issues there but now I am heavier than before and went back to WW and I only lost 3 pounds in a month and while that is normal it wasn't what I was looking for and I didn't feel great at all.

    On here I admit I don't always follow the tracker but I love tracking my success with Gluten Free/Eating Clean and like helping others keep just as motivated. I am glad you found this site!!