Not losing ANY weight!



  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    Don't worry about the fast food. I do at least once a week and it hasn't hurt me. Your protein is way too low. Eat more protein. You should be 75+ per day and I see some days you are half that. If not enough calories for protein then lose carbs to add the protein.

    Only two macros are needed by your body: Protein and fats. Carbs are and always will be the one that is optional.

    If you do not get enough protein and fats you lose muscle. That in turn lowers your BMR. Then you get to eat less food which sucks.

    Also, for exercise do you cardio or strength? If you cardio stop. Do strength. If you only have elliptical or treadmill up the incline and resistance and make sure you are working your legs hard. Again, muscle is good. The more muscle the higher your BMR.

    Why would you tell her to stop doing cardio? What if she likes it?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I believe I am eating better foods now
    Are you SURE though? Your diary is not open, ,so there's no way to tell if you're keeping good records. Be sure you're tracking everything you eat (portion sizes accurate) and try tracking sodium if you aren't already.

    I used to 'believe' I was eating good before I started tracking everything here too....

    Keep in mind that for a lot of people, the MFP 'calories burned' tend to be higher than reality you might want to estimate a little lower.
  • mel_2812
    mel_2812 Posts: 66 Member
    How hard do you push yourself during your workouts? I don't know your habits, but I remember that I used to go to the gym for an hour, do 30-min of light elliptical plus a few sets on a weight machine, and call it a day. I started really losing weight when I realized that just putting in 40-60min of exercise/day isn't enough. You need to make your workouts count! As a personal trainer friend explained to me: even if you can only exercise for 30min every day, you should work so hard during those 30min that by the time you finish you feel like you ran a marathon. If your clothes aren't completely soaked in sweat 10-min into your workout, kick it up a notch.

    I disagree with this statement:
    If your clothes aren't completely soaked in sweat 10-min into your workout, kick it up a notch.

    I could run 3 hours and never get sweat.
    I always thought that more you were sweating, the better it was until I asked my gym trainer.
    He told me that it doesn't make a difference at's not how much you are sweating that will let you know how your work-out is's more about the pulse rate, feel the pain in your muscles when you are lifting, etc.
    Sweat is not an indicator.

    There is many theories regarding cardio/ trainer believes that if your pulse stays around 70% of your maximum heart rate (don't know if it's the proper french, it's called frequence cardiaque maximale), then you are more proper to burn fat. When you go above 70%, your more inclined to burn carbohydrate and its coponents. For me, beeing at 70% of my maximum heart rate was about 135 heartbeat per minute...which, for me, equals to walking at a moderate to brisk pace.

    It was working well for me since I did cardio (70% of my MHR) for an hour, then 30 minutes of lifting weights, 3 times a week and lost 50 lbs in about 7-8 months...wihtout sweating! :)
  • HotAndSpicy10
    Yes, add strength training but DO NOT stop doing cardio! It is SO good for your heart and overall health!

    Sorry, but telling someone to stop doing cardio is just bad advice....
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I noticed you said you drastically cut calories and are exercising. How large of a deficit from calorie restriction and exercise are you creating below your predicted TDEE?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    .I popped in to read the topic as I don't seem to be losing much weight either... but just wanted to thank whoever posted the "you are not different" link.... read it.. and apparently.... the truth hurts.. but there it is. Made me realize even though I'm eating way better (fresh veg and lean proteins and much less processed stuff)...and AM eating smaller amounts, I AM still guess-timating portions and just putting in the "time" exercising.. not really giving it my all... sigh.. reality bites.. but time to suck it up and actually put the work into doing this (I mean for me, not for the original poster lol). so just wanted to say thanks for sharing the link..
  • rhondagraymond
    You’re going to be able to lose weight once you make small, yet significant changes to your diet. I’ve never believed in “eating whatever you want as long as it’s in the allowed calorie limit”. I think that if you’re going to lose weight, you’re going to have to watch what you eat. Now before you start to think that I’m suggesting you starve yourself, let me explain. An effective weight loss program ( is balanced and nutritious; one which is low in carbs and high in proteins. Your aim should be to eliminate starchy carbs (found in white bread/rice/pasta and potatoes etc) from your diet and eat instead the RIGHT kind of carbs, found in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try to get in SOME sort of exercise at least 4 times a week and you will soon see the weight melt right off you.