Good all day but falter at night?

I'm so frustrated. For the past month, I've gained back everything I had lost. I eat very well during the day (fruit, yogurt, nuts, salad, water) but once I get home, all I do is eat crap food (fast food, chocolate, coke). I know I shouldn't be eating it but at the time, I feel like I need it. I even went out and bought dark chocolate thinking it would be a better alternative but instead I just ate more of it! I don't know what to do, I feel like I never have time or energy to make healthy food and am tired of having my weight act as a yo-yo. Can anyone offer me some motivation? Advice? Anything to help get me out of this rut?


  • wrinju
    wrinju Posts: 93 Member
    I know what has helped me is getting rid off the foods that I shouldn't have in the house. I drive by EVERY fast food place known to man kind on my way to and from work. And make sure I have my bottle water and I will have a SF flavor for it so I feel like it's something more than the water. It tricks me while I'm driving past everything.

    I had a bad day sunday, I went to my parents so the my son could take a nap while my husband was working on our house remodel. While there, I had cheese (which isn't bad, but I didn't need those calories) chips, ww icecream bar. I had two cheese burgers from mcdonalds and a large fry. OUT OF CONTROL. But a big thing for me was I tracked it all. That made me see a real impact on my day. I ended up taking a good walk to get back some of the lost calories.

    SF jello is a good snack to have at home, veggies already cut up, FF/SF pudding. I like the chocolate makes me feel like I'm being bad. I've been making myself stay busy after dinner each night and out of the kitchen.

    Good luck!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    why is all this stuff in your house?
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I'm so frustrated. For the past month, I've gained back everything I had lost. I eat very well during the day (fruit, yogurt, nuts, salad, water) but once I get home, all I do is eat crap food (fast food, chocolate, coke). I know I shouldn't be eating it but at the time, I feel like I need it. I even went out and bought dark chocolate thinking it would be a better alternative but instead I just ate more of it! I don't know what to do, I feel like I never have time or energy to make healthy food and am tired of having my weight act as a yo-yo. Can anyone offer me some motivation? Advice? Anything to help get me out of this rut?

    Don't give yourself the option to be tired...Make the time to do what is right for you and your family....Make meals ahead of time. Sunday afternoons I have reserved for cooking food in advance so that during the week I am not stressed about getting things together. I chop veggies all at once so that they are ready to be thrown in a bowl for a salad. I wake up every morning at 3:45 and instantly step into my running clothes and go. Not doing it is Not an option because I do not let it be.
  • Texasgirl1123
    Texasgirl1123 Posts: 3 Member
    Just starting "program" today. I have exactly the same problem! Day is structured and do very well. Have trouble not binging at home. Also bought some of the dark chocolate because husband and I both have chocolate cravings. Biggest problem is the exercise. Not a morning person and tell myself all day and on the way home I'm going to hit it as soon as I get home. Almost joined Weight Watchers but after researching decided full commitment to MFP & exercise would be better. Trying to pursuad others to join me for accountability.
  • ZTazlor
    ZTazlor Posts: 65 Member
    I struggle a whole lot too with this...I just find that I have to have a structure at night as well.

    Like my week looks like this; Monday night - hubby's bball, Tuesday night - indoor netball, Wednesday - study (i tend to stay at work to do this so I don't get distracted and caught in the kitchen!), Thursday - netball training or study, Friday - study and then arrange to catch up with friends so that I've got something else to do.
    I find that the nights/days that I am home, if I have a to-do list to attack(including fun things and projects I keep putting off), I tend not to think so much about food...
  • RollinwithRach
    RollinwithRach Posts: 35 Member
    Good point! Thanks so much!
  • RollinwithRach
    RollinwithRach Posts: 35 Member
    Because I don't live alone and entertain often
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Because I don't live alone and entertain often

    these aren't excuses to eat poorly. plenty of people don't live alone and entertain often, and are able to serve healthy things to people. and serving healthy doesn't have to mean boring and bland.

    you have willpower during the day, but i feel that the only reason you eat well is because in the back of your mind you know you're going to go home and indulge.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I read your post and this is so me... I can't seem to control myself at home even when it's only good stuff I way over do it.. I feel like I'm self-sabotaging,
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Maybe try planning out your diary for the entire day including any snacks and dinner you'll have after you get home. I personally don't do this, but have heard that it works great for some people because once they have it entered in the diary they find it easier to stick to than adding as you go along.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    What you need is a plan:

    *Get as much of that stuff as you can out of your house
    *Plan and allow for a filling snack with protein and healthy fats in the evening.
    *Try to keep busy/distracted. Sitting and watching TV or playing on the computer triggers munchies for me

    Probably other good suggestions from other folks, but these are what helped me.
  • stacymercado
    stacymercado Posts: 15 Member
    I wake up at night and get stuff from the fridge sometimes... So I usually make sure I have extra calories since I know I may put something together while I am sleeping. Usually its nothing too bad. Some of the night time snacking is an english muffin with melted cheese. Its not a good time to eat but if you really feel you need to then just save some calories. Also... there are very healthy options offered at fast food restaurants. If you must stop - grab a salad with grilled chicken or a fruit and yogurt or one grilled chicken sandwhich and throw away a slice of the bread so it it open faced...tell them to take the sauces off. Even a soft serve chocolate sundae for dessert from Mcdonalds is not so bad because it is pretty low in cal but also gives you the taste you need for snacking (after eating healthy all day). I suggest only buying items for guests at the same day...having bad things in your house is really hard to say no to. Are there convenient stores or fast food places you can walk to - a few miles or less? Maybe ditch the car and just walk when you want to snack...chances are you will end up with something healthier since you worked to get there. And bring the kids! We have a friendlys near us.. One night I wanted it so I packedupthe kids and we all walked... then I ordered under the 550 cal.. there are ways to cheat - without over doing it and staying in cal range. Eventually you stop the cycle. GL
  • You and I are so alike!! I Do pretty good during the day. At work i have limited means of foods to eat. I bring my breakfast and lunch almost every day. I guess in the back of my mind I am thinking I should be rewarded for being good. I have to come to terms with that is not the point of eating well during the day!! I haven't gained much back but i am sure not losing either.

    So far my absolute favorite cheat foods (gummy bears, french onion dip, etc) are only going to be bought from now on hardly ever if anymore at all. It is too hard for me to have certain foods in the house. This is the only advice I can give you because the way I see it, we have to want to be fit more than we want the food and until we come to that point, it isn't going to happen.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Because I don't live alone and entertain often

    then why is all this stuff in your house?
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Because I don't live alone and entertain often

    Why not feed your family and friends amazing healthy stuff.....beautiful amazing good for you food!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you have to have some of that stuff in your house because of the others that live there - fine. But make sure there are better alternatives for you to eat (like lite popcorn, fruit, protein bars, etc). And get yourself into the mindset that certain things are for them and you cannot have them. That's the rule in our house. Hubby has his cupboard space and can have cookies or whatever up there and I won't touch them.

    Also, maybe you need to eat more during the day. I find that if I'm full enough, I'm simply not tempted.

    Or maybe instead of raiding the cupboards you could go for a walk or something (crossword puzzles, crafts, sit-ups, fold laundry, etc) so you're not just mindlessly snacking.
  • RollinwithRach
    RollinwithRach Posts: 35 Member
    Maybe try planning out your diary for the entire day including any snacks and dinner you'll have after you get home. I personally don't do this, but have heard that it works great for some people because once they have it entered in the diary they find it easier to stick to than adding as you go along.

    Another great reply! Thanks for the advice!
  • RollinwithRach
    RollinwithRach Posts: 35 Member
    What you need is a plan:

    *Get as much of that stuff as you can out of your house
    *Plan and allow for a filling snack with protein and healthy fats in the evening.
    *Try to keep busy/distracted. Sitting and watching TV or playing on the computer triggers munchies for me

    Probably other good suggestions from other folks, but these are what helped me.

    You're absolutely right! That's what does it for me too! Thank you for the advice and encouragement!
  • RollinwithRach
    RollinwithRach Posts: 35 Member
    I wake up at night and get stuff from the fridge sometimes... So I usually make sure I have extra calories since I know I may put something together while I am sleeping. Usually its nothing too bad. Some of the night time snacking is an english muffin with melted cheese. Its not a good time to eat but if you really feel you need to then just save some calories. Also... there are very healthy options offered at fast food restaurants. If you must stop - grab a salad with grilled chicken or a fruit and yogurt or one grilled chicken sandwhich and throw away a slice of the bread so it it open faced...tell them to take the sauces off. Even a soft serve chocolate sundae for dessert from Mcdonalds is not so bad because it is pretty low in cal but also gives you the taste you need for snacking (after eating healthy all day). I suggest only buying items for guests at the same day...having bad things in your house is really hard to say no to. Are there convenient stores or fast food places you can walk to - a few miles or less? Maybe ditch the car and just walk when you want to snack...chances are you will end up with something healthier since you worked to get there. And bring the kids! We have a friendlys near us.. One night I wanted it so I packedupthe kids and we all walked... then I ordered under the 550 cal.. there are ways to cheat - without over doing it and staying in cal range. Eventually you stop the cycle. GL

    Those are great suggestions for the fast food places! Thank you!
  • RollinwithRach
    RollinwithRach Posts: 35 Member
    You and I are so alike!! I Do pretty good during the day. At work i have limited means of foods to eat. I bring my breakfast and lunch almost every day. I guess in the back of my mind I am thinking I should be rewarded for being good. I have to come to terms with that is not the point of eating well during the day!! I haven't gained much back but i am sure not losing either.

    So far my absolute favorite cheat foods (gummy bears, french onion dip, etc) are only going to be bought from now on hardly ever if anymore at all. It is too hard for me to have certain foods in the house. This is the only advice I can give you because the way I see it, we have to want to be fit more than we want the food and until we come to that point, it isn't going to happen.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    I'm the same. I pack a breakfast and lunch with good intentions but I have nothing prepared for when I get home after work. Tonight I am trying something new; I am going to make a bunch of healthy, freezable meals. Most of them will be for the slow cooker so they'll be ready when I get home so I won't need to snack. Wish me luck!