Sugar is keeping me from my goal weight. Sugar and booze.



    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I am only having trouble with the alcohol (margaritas and red wine) but I am giving these up after labor day---so just come up with a day and go cold turkey until January 1st 2013...Let's see what a difference it makes :bigsmile:
  • iJiVE
    iJiVE Posts: 20
    I feel you!! Is it the taste of beer you like? Personally I just like getting drunk, so I switched to shots to vodka instead of light beers or mixed drinks. The chocolate, well, yea nothings better than chocolate! ;)
  • iJiVE
    iJiVE Posts: 20
    Mich Ultra. You just made me thirsty! lol
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Mich Ultra. You just made me thirsty! lol

    I made myself thirsty as well! Might have to have a few tonight! lol :drinker:
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I am the same way. I'm a sugar addict. I read a long time ago that women who quit smoking are at the best risk for sugar problems. They replace nicotine with sugar. I know I did. For me it's a very slippery slope, one cookie in the AM, I'll be craving it all day. This is what has worked for me. I allow myself one good desert a week, something to look forward to, that's it nothing else sweet. From there, I cut out all refined grains (breads, pasta, ect as they turn to sugar in your body). If I'm still having cravings, I start cutting back on fruit especially in the AM (typically fruit does not bother me if I'm not eating refined grains or sweets). The first two days I'm a *****, tired and cranky, but after that I feel heavenly. After I'm used to it I will allow myself an occasional serving of refined grains but try to limit it to every few days. I know a lot a naysayers say there is no such thing as such sugar addicts or your just eating over your calories, but I can tell you once you tame the sugar money it's easy to stay under your calories.
  • mts3779
    mts3779 Posts: 28 Member
    I am not trying to be mean here but "You know the beer is a down fall for you......Don't drink it......Sweets...Stay away from them....There is a lot of good things in fruits...Balance them into your calories.....Back off the beer for now. I had to and it sucked at first....But now I do not even miss it. Kind of like smoking and not smoking for a month..............Remember your hand is what put the beer into your mouth.......Control your thoughts and back off the b eer. :-)
    You are doing great....
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Try to at least not DRINK your sugar. Put a substitute in your coffee, and drink Coke Zero instead of Coke. Maybe cut back to ice cream every other day. Don't worry about the fruit, you aren't eating crazy amounts of it.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I find if I give up drinking jus during the week..that makes a difference. So..don't do these things everyday... make some boundries for youself..where you know you'll have them.. just not constantly.. because that will keep you stuck.
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    Bud Select 55!
    Or urine if you run out. :P

    I'm too lazy to verify this, or read all the posts to see if already mentioned, don't booze and sugar react bassically the same way in the body?