Newbie here... Have over 100lbs to lose. Need lots of help!

He everyone. My name is Becky and this s my final attempt before I turn to a surgical option to lose weight. I am 5'3 and almost 300 lbs. I need to lose a lot and sure could use all the help and support I can get. Along with my pre-disposed genetics to keep me fat, I also have thyroid disease, PCOS and may have Fibro. Yep, I have fallen apart!! Drop me a line if anyone wants and needs some buddies to help keep them on line, and I will do the same. Lets all help each other.


  • Empress62
    Empress62 Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome Becky, you have come to the right place! Feel free to friend me. You will find logs of helpful ideas and motivation in the message boards. My only advice for starting is log everything, especially if you wish you hadn't ate it, or it's just a little nibble here and there as you are running after your kids, and see what your starting point is. And start thinking about carving out a time where you can exercise every day, even if it starts as just a slow walk around the block. You can do this!
  • You can do it..*cliche statement*...If I can do it anyone can,trust me...I started out setting small goals for myself.As time went by I was liking the results of the smaller goals I just keep going.Don't give up and look at the end picture.
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    i will support you and hold you accountable. if you add me as friend open your food diary and i will follow your progress. you CAN do this and this site is a tremendous tool in your weight loss journey. come join our cicle of mfp friends.....we are all on the same journey. jo ann
  • awak3ned
    awak3ned Posts: 64
    Hello hello! I am newish also! I too have to lose about 100lbs. I have not put myself on a diet because I know I will fail terribly. I have however been counting the calories with mfp and have stayed within or below the suggested calorie amount I have sometimes went slightly over but I do go to the gym 5 times a week so that keeps me in check. I've been going about a month now and have lost 10lbs so I know I'm on the right track. Feel free to friend me also I need some buddies I have none!
  • awak3ned
    awak3ned Posts: 64
    Oh! I forgot to mention I too have PCOS & insulin resistance and they loved keeping me fat.
  • Paullei
    Paullei Posts: 22
    I'm new too and like you have over a 100 lbs to lose. Here's to a healthy journey.
  • peachy1717
    peachy1717 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Becky! I just joined today and have about 70 pounds to lose. I feel like I'm going to need lots of support too! Feel free to friend me- we can do this! :)
  • njcandlelady
    njcandlelady Posts: 3 Member
    Hi...I just joined 10 minutes ago after reading an article in Woman's World. I also have 100lbs to lose. I went to a seminar about weight loss surgery and decided I really need to try it on my own before I can seriously consider surgery. So here I am. Not quite sure how to use the site...but will learn. Good Luck!!
  • I'm not new to Fitness pal, but I'm finally just now starting my weight loss and I'm going to be super dedicated this time. Good luck! You can do it!!
  • dettles
    dettles Posts: 29 Member
    :glasses: Hey there! I've dabbled on this site on and off for a while and I need to get my butt in gear too! I'll support you if you support me! I hear that if you have 'friends' that you can chat with about stuggles and sucesses that it makes the plan easier to stick to, and we all need that! I don't have thyroid issues, but I have M.S. and it slows everything down! I need to figure out someway to get some energy to keep going and I'm hoping this will help.

    All the best to you!
  • HI everyone! I'm new to the boards but have been using MFP to log calories for the last month. I'm 43 and need to lose 100lbs. also. Three weeks ago I started going to Zumba classes and loved it so much I joined the gym! Now I do Zumba 4 days a week and kickboxing(whew!) one day a week for an hour and next week I'll start crosstraining with weights two days a week. I've lost 9lbs. since I started(Yay me!). I'm totally obssessed with working out now and have made so many great friends along the way! I read something that said, " She Believed She Could So She Did", so that's my new moto:)
  • barbara4907
    barbara4907 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Becky,
    I've been here for 5 weeks and still find it hard to believe I've kept it up this long. I used to always give up after a few days when I didn't see a chunk of weight drop off .The first week or so was hard but with the logging and support from MFP it kept me motivated and not willing to give up this time.
    Time goes by quickly - one day turns to another and another and then before you know it weeks have gone by.
    Keep logging every day. I used to hate keeping track of what I ate but this online site is great and now I look forward to logging and knowing how many calories are in foods and what are the best choices.
    You can do it - just make up your mind and don't let the little voice in your head or other people sabotage you.
  • tallyf
    tallyf Posts: 7
    Hi Becky,

    The first sentence of your post sounds very familiar; I too have been considering surgery and we share the same height and weight. Although I am trying not to focus on the number of pounds to loose, I do need to loose a lot of weight. I have tried nearly every yo-yo diet over the years, but genetics and my anxious/worrisome nature seem to keep the pounds on. I am not very motivated and my will-power is just about shot due other demands going on in my personal life. I have fumbled around with FitnessPal before, but I am a newbie and this is my first post. Feel free to drop me a line anytime. Take it one day at a time. :)

  • purelybecky
    purelybecky Posts: 3 Member
  • bonemuse12
    bonemuse12 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Becky-- I've been on here for about 3 weeks and I'm already starting to feel great. I'll echo everyone's sentiments and say log EVERYTHING. Knowing that you'll be logging it makes you plan ahead and really helps (me anyway) decide if I really want to eat it. Just to add another note, there is a whole forum here for those of us looking to lose over 100 lbs. Check it out under the groups tab. Best of luck!

  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey Becky! At the beginning of my journey, I had a goal of 130 pounds to lose. I've been at this for 2+ years and managed to lose 73 of that. Feel free to add me!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I am 5ft 2" , aged 45 and started at 297 - and it may seem almost impossible to start with - but it gets easier. Just take it a day at a time, log everything - don't worry too much about the macro's right away - just work on making your calorie goal - you can refine it as it gets more of a habit.

    Try not to be daunted by it - you can do it :)
  • juliao64
    juliao64 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Becky, I just started yesterday and I could also use the support. I'll send you a request now.
  • I got on board about a week ago. I know what to do and have done so before but now I am determined to do it right and keep it off. Not sure if I have 100lbs to lose but I would like to be at a comfortable weight for a woman of my stature. (6'1/large statuesque frame). I did a lot of research and I didn't want to feel like I was depriving myself of anything so I have decided to do a "Weight Watchers" type method. Once I get to my allotted points/calories then I am done for the day. I am learning moderation. I joined the Y and I found a water aerobics class that I love!!!!
    I would love some support and would love to be encouraging to anyone else.
    Best of success to health and weight loss!!!
  • Pomroy89
    Pomroy89 Posts: 29
    Hi I'm also new, 22 with fibro and also a lot to lose. Feel fre to add me as a friend x very best of luck x