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  • anunley1
    anunley1 Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with all those who have posted that it does nothing to teach you long term healthy eating. That is why everyone gains the weight back. Everytime someone tells me what new "fad" thing they are doing to lose weight, I always ask them - are you going to do it forever? If not, won't work... "Are you going to have packaged food shipped to you FOREVER? Are you going to drink shakes FOREVER? Are you going to take those pills FOREVER?" It absolutely HAS to be a lifestyle change. Also, I wanted to share this - it is strictly what my co-workers and I THINK and not confirmed by Doctor's or anything (even though one did say her Doc told her to get off the Nutrisystem)... BUT, 2 girls that I worked with that both had been on Nutrisystem and lost weight, got off and gained it back repeatedly both had to have their gallbladders out. They were not extremely overweight to begin with but my co-workers and I believe that all that fake crap that is in the "food" just cannot be healthy for the body.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    My dad, who was severely obese, has been on Nutrisystem for several months. He was preparing for major surgery and he was pushing 400 pounds. The surgeon told him to lose weight or his risk of severe complications was drastically high. This would be the third time for this surgery due to his weight undoing repairs.

    So, he and my mom decided for him to do it. He had never been disciplined in eating habits. Basically, he would not eat all day at work then binge at night. He has been severely overweight my entire life, and I'm 33!

    Nutrisystem gave him the simplicity and structure he desperately needed to get on the right track. His mindset is right now. Plus he was determined from the beginning. He was not just "trying this out." It was literally life or death in his situation and my parents would have paid any price for his health and longevity. He has lost 87 pounds, his surgery (not weight loss surgery) was a success, and his life is changed. But he still has more to go and then the rest of his life to maintain.

    Anyway, in a few more months, they plan to stop the program. My mom has lost 40 pounds just supporting him and making healthy sides and dinners for herself - and when he eats non-program food. I feel quite certain that he could have lost the weight without Nutrisystem but it would have been harder for him and probably taken longer to get in the routine of things. Time was definitely an issue as well.

    This is something they did as a short term plan for a lifetime change to healthy lifestyle. He and my mom will be in this together, so they are accountable to one another and enjoying their new health. I know the failure rate for programs like this is high once you get off, but I really don't believe that will be the case with my dad. I don't know if this story helps you at all, but this is my only experience.

    Personally, I would not do the a program like this, but I have my husband's support and I am like a bull when it comes to determination!! That said, this would not make you weak or weak-minded, just as it did not my dad. If anything, it has given him confidence that I never knew he could have. I am just thankful to have a healthy dad.
  • jericamom
    jericamom Posts: 49 Member
    Just another opinion: I love it. I'm on week four and have lost 12 pounds on it. It is teaching me new habits and portion control. The cost is somewhat prohibitive, but I think the food is delicious. Add me if you'd like.
  • msteresao
    msteresao Posts: 114 Member

    I was on Nutrisystem about 20 years ago when they had centers, and again 10 years ago, bought through QVC Oh you will loose weight and its easy you do not have to make any choices just grab a breakfast, lunch or dinner or even snacks, I lost 100 pounds both times just to gain them back , I never learned how to eat when I got to maintenance. I would never do it again. Just my opinion
  • Jessibear86
    Jessibear86 Posts: 111 Member
    I tried it briefly about 5 years ago and thought all of the food tasted pretty horrible. I couldn't find a single thing that tasted good enough to be satisfying. However, I eat healthy now, and realize that my taste buds have really adjusted to the healthy food. I would say go for it. If you don't like it after the first month you can always cancel it- that's what I did!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,887 Member
    I did it for a couple months (it was free for me) and lost some weight. But like other "prepared" meals, unless you're willing to fork out the money each month (which doesn't include the cost of bread, veggies, etc.) for the rest of your life, you really only learn how to eat what's in front of you. If the portion sizes were double, people would eat all of it. You don't learn how to portion your food since it's already premade and determined.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mich4871
    Mich4871 Posts: 143 Member
    I did Nutrisystem many, many years ago.... worked great, lost a ton of weight. As soon as I stopped eating their food it all came back and then some....
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161

    For example, pick 5 breakfast foods, 5 lunch, 5 suppers that you actually enjoy like and swap them in and out through a week. Pick fruits and healthy stuff that's easy to carry with you. It takes about a half hour of planning on a Sunday, but if you can stick to this and hit up the grocery store once per week, it's just as simple as putting a nutrisystem meal in the microwave. Just a suggestion...

    I agree. Why not look through some successful MFPers diaries, see what they're eating, get some other ideas and then you'll have a few meals you rotate out.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I did that program about 8 yrs ago i loved it,I lost all my i wanted to at the in 2 months, you should try it.
  • Did it, lost weight, stopped, gain weight. That was my experience and the experience of everyone I know who's tried it. Some of the foods are okay, but most of what I tried other than the breakfast scones and lunch bars was truly gag-worthy. Personally, in your position I would reach out and build a social support system here and lose weight eating real food.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I've done NS a few times, never with any long term success. The food was not tasty and very processed. Then there are the "nutri-toots" (google it).

    My mother lives alone and has a book called "Healthy Cooking for Two (or Just You)" that she absolutely loves. Emeals.com also has menu plans for small portions. You may want to explore those options.
  • Nutrisystem was the easiest diet in the world for me because I didn't have to think about anything beyond picking out what I wanted to eat and heating it up. If you don't have to cook for anyone else and you have the money, I say give it a shot. Just a couple things though: after awhile the food is disgusting. Plan on doing it for 2 months tops. Two, remember when you are budgeting that you do have to eat your own foods in addition to the other stuff. Three, have a plan for how you will transition once you get off of it. Good luck!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Basically echoing other posts here: tried it, hated it, lost weight, gained it all back plus a ton more. It taught me nothing about nutrition whatsoever. If you're alone, wouldn't dedicating yourself to learning more about whole foods & how to cook nutritious meals fill your time? I've got so many things competing for my time I WISH I had more time to spend cooking. Seriously. My diet would be way cleaner.

    You're paying for the convenience, but IMO you don't get what you pay for since the most critical concepts to maintaining weight loss long-term (i.e. how to make intelligent choices about what to eat & perfecting the balance between calorie intake & exercise activity) are neither taught nor enforced.
  • taralc1
    taralc1 Posts: 98 Member
    I have never tried Nutrisysttem, but I dont know if I would like all those pre-packaged foods. I am a member of Weight Watchers and you eat your own food. They give you guidelines as how to make better choices and more filling foods. No foods are off limit, you should just stay within your daily points allowance. I have been with WW since Jan and have lost 45lbs, for me it works, but it's not for everyone. If you go to the meetings you will meet other people who are trying to lose weght as well and may make some new friends. Whichever you choose good luck!
  • vjsmiles
    vjsmiles Posts: 8 Member
    BEFORE YOU READ ON: Please don't tell me the "EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE" crap... you think I don't already know that? My problem is I'm alone. I'm no good doing this... alone. If you have any tips or tricks or are in the same boat, I'd love to hear about it. But don't be that person telling me something I already know. :noway:

    I am REALLY thinking about trying Nutrisystem... What are everyone's opinions on the product? Basically, I think my problem with dieting is that I am completely ALONE in this. I just moved to Kansas and my husband got deployed... I have a hard time shopping alone, getting healthy foods, and sticking to it... I'm thinking that the simplicity of the plan might work for me since it's ultimately already prepared. The cost would be approximatley $250.... What do you guys think? Also, how exactly does it work? Does anyone have any first hand experience?

    Thanks everyone!!! :)

    I am doing Nutrisystem right now. I am a single mom, hate to cook, and love the simplicity of the meals. I pay $230 a month and that comes down to less than $2.00 a meal/snack. I couldn't find that at the grocery store if I tried. I admit that I crave "real" food about every 2 weeks or so, but I am understanding portion control better now. Also, I get the best thing to do it go to veggies for snacks or have a salad before your meal to help you feel fuller. I use MFP at the same time so I can keep a better eye on calories in and calories burned. Plus I love the support here. My dad is diabetic and is doing Nutrisystem as well and has lost over 30 pounds. He has started only ordering breakfasts and lunches and doing dinners on his own. So, I guess you could say he is weening off. I have emotional eating issues which I am working on, and I find a stricter diet like this, easier to follow. So, I guess what I am saying is, it is a personal choice and you have to find what works for you. I know this is not something I can or will do forever. But I have about 60 pounds to lose and haven't been able to "do it on my own" yet. But I know that I have to keep educating myself on portion control, good choices, etc. This is just a tool to help me get started. I hope that helps. I live in KS too!
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    You should try Weight Watchers, it's cheaper, it teaches you portion control and about healthier choices, and if you go to meetings (which I highly recommend), you can meet some people, too. I have lost 25 pounds so far with them.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I tried it, the food is pretty disgusting and I don't consider myself picky.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I think the only positive about Nutrisystem is that it portions the food out for you already...I tried it years ago and I honestly hated the taste of the food and ended up wasting all that money spent because I couldn't bring myself to eat it.

    I would suggest joining weight watchers...you can go to the meetings, meet other people in the same boat as you. I have never done weight watchers (not for any particular reason)., but my mom does it and has great success. I really need to take my own advice and do it too!

    Good luck!
  • fluffeesquirrel
    fluffeesquirrel Posts: 63 Member
    Sounds like it'd be cheaper and probably the same nutrition level to just buy lean cuisines or smart ones and eat them for every meal.

    EDIT: I lived alone for two years, as a college student in my own apartment (never having really cooked anything ever) and I just started trying to make things and doing what was simple when I couldn't. Pre-planning is your friend. I would boil eggs to eat in the mornings when I didn't have time to make anything, for lunch a lot of days I'd eat greek yogurt, honey, and some fruit, then for dinner I'd try things off of skinnytaste.com and change the ingredients to one or two servings and have leftovers. Being alone does make it harder, but I wouldn't really say it's an excuse.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think Nutrisystem has it's place. If you need your whole diet plan given to you and you develop the habit of planning and balancing what you eat.

    the only thing I ever did with prepackaged food was Jenny craig because i was working on the project from hell and didn't have anymore time than my weekly checkin and grocery shopping. At least it stopped the trend upward, I did lose some weight and gave me some focus.