Ladies I need your help!!!!



  • beast8618
    beast8618 Posts: 35 Member
    Yeah I want to know what she is doing because it sounds like she is doing very well. But I completely understand her frustration...I think if my husband and I were both trying to lose weight at the same time, that would make it hard for me too because I would always ompare myself to his progress...etc. Plus, even though you are trying to be supportive by encouraging her to may actually be causing her to feel worse and withdraw. I know that my husband isn't trying to lose weight right now (but of course I am) and when he tells me things like "should you really eat that?" or whatever, I get so mad. I just want to scarf tons of food. Of course I am very sensitive.
    But I agree with what others have said---you shold recommend this site to her. It has been great!

    After reading this, Im starting to think maybe she is comparing herself to my weightloss. You think I shouldnt tell her how my weight goal is going or what?

    Absolutely! Being a man you will find it MILES easier to lose weight. If possible you need to stop comparing to each other, maybe find some same-sex friends to use as support.
    I think you need to encourage, but back off from coaching or comparing with her. Would she be able to add in some more "girly" things to do? Zumba is great for everyone, but very few men go to the classes I've been to. Same with aquarobics, aerobics & other classes that boil down to "exercise to music".

    I wouldnt compare myself to her but it could be the other way. She asks me how it is going and I guess like an idiot I respond to it. Her friends are all big and has no interest in changing. Again this was her idea to join me. She has no prior knowledge of weighloss and I do and so I have been leading. Aquarobics isnt something she wants to do because of the whole bathing suit thing. I havent tried zumba yet with her. Yoga, pilates, taebo, salsa dancing, woman self-defense classes and biggest loser classes are all woman majority and after talking to each instructor and pleading with them, they have agreed to let me join to keep my wife's interest in her journey.
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    If she's only been on the wagon for 2 weeks, she is not plateauing. Help her understand that a 10 lb loss in two weeks is not normal after the beginning. She should be expecting to see anywhere between .5 and 2 lbs A WEEK.

    Also, weighing yourself only once a week, not once a day, can help her stay encouraged, since she is more likely to see a drop in the numbers.
  • beast8618
    beast8618 Posts: 35 Member
    I also need my cardio to be fun in order to get motivated. The winner for me is dancing. A very close second is rollerblading. There is also stuff like swimming, adult beginner gymnastics, boxing, kickboxing or other martial arts,bike riding, rock climbing, perhaps a sport like tennis, soccer, etc. There are tons of meetups and such where groups get together on a consistent basis which would help keep her motivated. As long as it's out of the ordinary and you can meet fun new people, you can get an awesome cardio workout without even thinking about it. Hope that helps!
    Thank you so much for your advice. I havent thought about rollerblading. That sounds like fun for her mainly because I'll be face planting most of the time.Lol Im definately going to get her input on these great selections.Thank you.
  • beast8618
    beast8618 Posts: 35 Member
    If she's only been on the wagon for 2 weeks, she is not plateauing. Help her understand that a 10 lb loss in two weeks is not normal after the beginning. She should be expecting to see anywhere between .5 and 2 lbs A WEEK.

    Also, weighing yourself only once a week, not once a day, can help her stay encouraged, since she is more likely to see a drop in the numbers.
    Im going to tell her that. Im a scale junkie and I guess she see's me checking all the time and so she thinks that is what she should do. Thank you
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    My pleasure! As for the avoidance of face planting (lol) I highly recommend mostly level terrain. It works wonders!
  • beast8618
    beast8618 Posts: 35 Member
    My pleasure! As for the avoidance of face planting (lol) I highly recommend mostly level terrain. It works wonders!
    I dont think the problem is the terrain. Lol I was just going to go out and buy a hockey mask and see if that will do the trick. Lol