newbie who has a long road to go

Hello, so my friend recommended this site about 3 weeks ago to me. I finally got myself on it today. So far I like what I see. I have a lot of weight to lose, around 75lbs. But, I am starting at small goals. Going on a vacation just my husband and I to grand cayman in late October. My goal is to be down 20 lbs by then. I have lost 7 in 5 weeks. It is not coming off as fast as I would like but I know how to do it. I have done this before. I lost 80 lbs about 10 years ago. Marriage and 2 kids have caught up to me and I gained it all back. I hate myself for needing to do this again. I am active. I run about 4 days a week but don't eat too healthy. Any support is appreciated. I have put myself on diets many times before and only once it worked for me. Thanks everyone.


  • Ravin714
    Ravin714 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello, so my friend recommended this site about 3 weeks ago to me. I finally got myself on it today. So far I like what I see. I have a lot of weight to lose, around 75lbs. But, I am starting at small goals. Going on a vacation just my husband and I to grand cayman in late October. My goal is to be down 20 lbs by then. I have lost 7 in 5 weeks. It is not coming off as fast as I would like but I know how to do it. I have done this before. I lost 80 lbs about 10 years ago. Marriage and 2 kids have caught up to me and I gained it all back. I hate myself for needing to do this again. I am active. I run about 4 days a week but don't eat too healthy. Any support is appreciated. I have put myself on diets many times before and only once it worked for me. Thanks everyone.
  • catelee03
    Helps to have friends on here! sending a friend request!
  • Ravin714
    Ravin714 Posts: 38 Member
    I think you will like MFP. I too tried many diets over the years and only 1 worked for me..DEPRESSION!! Not a good one at all...I lived on ONLY Mt Dew and lost 105lbs in 4 months but, was also phobic of everything. Now I am so determined that I know I can and am doing this :) I have lost 17lbs in a month but, I reset my goal after reaching my 1st one LOL I know not to do that again haha It only shows my 10lbs I lost last week now so, Onward...Hope you have a great day.
  • mkeen77
    mkeen77 Posts: 32
    Sending friend request for support and encouragement!! :)
  • helengetshealthy
    helengetshealthy Posts: 171 Member
    Hey I only just signed up, and I was a bit freaked out about making friends on this site, haha! I'll add you :)
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Losing 13 pounds in 8 weeks is a lot.
    Be careful
    If you do half of that you have done a fine job
    and the exercise you get on your holiday will consolidate your aim,
    stay away from fast food, pack healthy snacks
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    I hate myself for needing to do this again.

    Gah, I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel angry for doing this to myself in the first place, but then I think GO ME for deciding to put a stop to this lifestyle and making a change for myself now. The important thing is that you're here now and not 80 pounds more down the line. Congratulations on getting started! :smile:
  • Moveit80
    Moveit80 Posts: 57 Member
    Good luck! Keep up with this everyday and exercise a lot and you'll be fine!! :))
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, welcome to mfp. My name is Kimberlee, 48. Please feel free to add me for support and motivation.