

How do you handle stressful eating?

I was offered a position doing the same job I currently do only in another county. The main pro of the move would be that if I accept, I’d be MUCH more likely to eventually get into the office where I really want to work (less than 10 minutes from home).

The cons are that I’m happy where I am and I get to work with my husband. I hate to go a different direction and pay for twice the gas. And, of course, I’ll miss him terribly! But there is a chance he could eventually transfer to my office…and we could both eventually get to the office close to home.

I really HAD to take the job. It’s the only way to get where we want to be. But my dog it was stressful trying to decide. Tummy burning and everything.

Now the decision is made…and I accepted...some of the stress lifted. And now I have the urge to eat something terrible for me. And it’s a strong urge. And I’m fighting it.

I think we’ll make shaved asparagus pizza for supper tonight. Not exactly the lightest food in calories, but I could eat something much worse. And I might treat myself to one widdle glass of wine. But only one!


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I stress-run instead
  • bethin26440
    bethin26440 Posts: 14 Member
    I stress eat a lot.... AND finding time to exercise causes me even more stress.... ONE day at a time, and finding something else to do with my hands helps...
  • ixtchell
    ixtchell Posts: 17 Member
    I think thats a great food choice!!! Keep making those good alternatives.
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    Thanks all!

    I made the dough in my bread machine (1/2 whole wheat flour) and let it do its thing while my husband and I exercised. Level 1 of 30 day shred then another 20 minutes on the treadmill. Came back upstairs and the dough was ready!

    I'm really proud of myself. This afternoon, I'd told my husband that I just couldn't deal with exercise tonight. Just not up for it. Know how horribly stressed I was today, he was okay with that. But then we did it anyway!
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    when im stressed I go for a walk. :it clears my head smile:
    I make pizza on the pitta bread's and use cooked and mashed fresh tomatoe with a few herbs and onion on the base then top with a litle bit of fetta (Low fat ) a few kalamata olives and its really nice and very low cal. a small glass of red wine goes nice with it