portion question



  • lu136mickey
    2 ounces of pasta dry is aprox one cup cooked so you need more pasta then what is on plate, and you can have way more salad then that
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    dont listen to this guy, please. knows nothing.
    thank you because i have everything that is needed in just this meal alone and i feel so proud of myself
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    Dunno, did you measure it? Also, where's the protein? I see carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, and um carbs. No fats unless it's hidden in the sauce and no protein unless hidden in sauce too. All that carbs is going to hit your waist. Next time, Xnay on the spaghetti-ay, and put a 3 oz. of grilled salmon on your plate.

    EDIT: Oh, and have some Milk or Soy/almond Milk with it so you can have some calcium and vitamin D.

    so carbs go straight to your waist? :noway:

    If you don't burn them off, yes. All those carbs are going to trigger an insulin response, don't you think? And with all that starch, her insulin levels will be up for quite some time.
    i need that to happen because i took out all the sugar and im diabetic

    Starch IS sugar hun. Look it up. Avoid all processed grains and get your sugar from fruit.
    Good luck.

    Wow, a lot of cloudy information floating around. OP, if you're full, stop eating. If you're not full, eat more. Life doesn't have to be this complicated!!! :noway:
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    2 ounces of pasta dry is aprox one cup cooked so you need more pasta then what is on plate, and you can have way more salad then that
    i didnt want to eat so much pasta and there is a good amount of stuff on my plate just enough to satisfy me i didnt want to over eat like i used to and this meal was perfect
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Dunno, did you measure it? Also, where's the protein? I see carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, and um carbs. No fats unless it's hidden in the sauce and no protein unless hidden in sauce too. All that carbs is going to hit your waist. Next time, Xnay on the spaghetti-ay, and put a 3 oz. of grilled salmon on your plate.

    EDIT: Oh, and have some Milk or Soy/almond Milk with it so you can have some calcium and vitamin D.

    so carbs go straight to your waist? :noway:

    If you don't burn them off, yes. All those carbs are going to trigger an insulin response, don't you think? And with all that starch, her insulin levels will be up for quite some time.
    i need that to happen because i took out all the sugar and im diabetic

    Starch IS sugar hun. Look it up. Avoid all processed grains and get your sugar from fruit.
    Good luck.

    Wow, a lot of cloudy information floating around. OP, if you're full, stop eating. If you're not full, eat more. Life doesn't have to be this complicated!!! :noway:
    omg thank you
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    You posted a picture asking if it was a portion, nothing else. So people replied to that as best they could.

    If you wanted different replies, you should have asked a different question. It looks like about the amount of food many people here would eat for a snack. People have given you honest replies and tried to help as best they could with limited information, doled out in bits throughout the thread. Don't get defensive because people are being honest with you.

    And I wasn't asking about the baby chair at the top of the picture. I was asking about the blue container that appears to be filled with some sort of vinaigrette style dressing or something that is in the bottom right hand of the picture.
  • _725
    _725 Posts: 5
    it looks a little small to me but i don't know how much you eat. personally i would still be hungry. however, if you eat many small meals, instead of a few big meals, that could very well be perfect for you.
    i say eat what you have, wait 20 minutes and if you are still hungry, your portion was too small and just eat some more and you will be able to learn what you need that way and how to make portions in the future.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    If you measured 2 oz, then its a serving.
    I know others are saying it looks small, but it actually looks large for me.
    Hmm I must buy heavy noodles..:laugh: I get whole wheat, spelt, quinoa noodles.

    *Edited to say- I take that back, it doesn't look larger than a serving size. I looked closer at the pic. * :drinker:
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    You posted a picture asking if it was a portion, nothing else. So people replied to that as best they could.

    If you wanted different replies, you should have asked a different question. It looks like about the amount of food many people here would eat for a snack. People have given you honest replies and tried to help as best they could with limited information, doled out in bits throughout the thread. Don't get defensive because people are being honest with you.

    And I wasn't asking about the baby chair at the top of the picture. I was asking about the blue container that appears to be filled with some sort of vinaigrette style dressing or something that is in the bottom right hand of the picture.
    :D thats baby food dich lol i have a toddler and that was her dinner oh and i failed to mention that the plate is a large plate
  • Morgan803
    Morgan803 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey girl idk what your calorie goal intake is, but i am a daibetic also and am a nurse. I have taken tons of nutrition classes within the last 5 years, as a diabetic half of your calories should come from carbs. There are 4 calories for every carb, so for instance i do 6- 300 calories mini meals a day, it keeps my blood sugar levels really even but any ways so each meal should be about 150 calories from carbs so i would do 1.5oz of whole wheat pasta and then about 1/2 cup sauce and i usually do at least a couple cups of non-starchy veg. or about a cup of the starchy stuff( like carrots, peas, brussel sprouts) thats good you have protein in your sauce protein is a big part of keeping your blood sugars normal too! Buttt most definately i would get a food scale, a digital one at that i got mine from target as well really only $25 and a total life saver when it comes to portion control, Hope this helped:)
  • lu136mickey
    are any of you aware all i asked for is this a portion size this is a photo and not real life there is a lot of what i need because of needing sugar to live i substituted it with grains there is a lot of nutrition in this meal alone i just couldnt tell you everything in it
    lol was just about to say that, muellers.com has a pasta guide to let you know how much pasta is a serving once it is cooked for all the different types of pasta maybe that will help in the future
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    here is what is in the sauce
    lots and lots of garlic and onions and tomato sauce and paste
    then my 2 oz of noodles
    and a cup of greens
    and 3 mushrooms to top it off

    Okay, nutrient wise, how nutritious is this meal? The noodles are corn or wheat? If corn, then nothing but starch (but gluten free); if wheat (regardless if whole wheat or not), then starch and full of anti-nutrients. The noodles will keep you full for a long time, but at the cost of you burning fat because your starch will be put in your muscles for burning first.

    She didn't ask if it was nutritious. She asked if it was a portion. Read.
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    here is what is in the sauce
    lots and lots of garlic and onions and tomato sauce and paste
    then my 2 oz of noodles
    and a cup of greens
    and 3 mushrooms to top it off

    Okay, nutrient wise, how nutritious is this meal? The noodles are corn or wheat? If corn, then nothing but starch (but gluten free); if wheat (regardless if whole wheat or not), then starch and full of anti-nutrients. The noodles will keep you full for a long time, but at the cost of you burning fat because your starch will be put in your muscles for burning first.

    She didn't ask if it was nutritious. She asked if it was a portion. Read.
    thank you i did forget to mention the turkey that i put in my sauce
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Dunno, did you measure it? Also, where's the protein? I see carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, and um carbs. No fats unless it's hidden in the sauce and no protein unless hidden in sauce too. All that carbs is going to hit your waist. Next time, Xnay on the spaghetti-ay, and put a 3 oz. of grilled salmon on your plate.

    EDIT: Oh, and have some Milk or Soy/almond Milk with it so you can have some calcium and vitamin D.

    so carbs go straight to your waist? :noway:

    If you don't burn them off, yes. All those carbs are going to trigger an insulin response, don't you think? And with all that starch, her insulin levels will be up for quite some time.

    Protein triggers an insulin response as well, oh the horrors

    Don't you know carbs are evil? It's the new thing! They make you fat automatically no matter how many calories you eat. It's all about the carbs!

    *Face Palm*
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Dunno, did you measure it? Also, where's the protein? I see carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, and um carbs. No fats unless it's hidden in the sauce and no protein unless hidden in sauce too. All that carbs is going to hit your waist. Next time, Xnay on the spaghetti-ay, and put a 3 oz. of grilled salmon on your plate.

    EDIT: Oh, and have some Milk or Soy/almond Milk with it so you can have some calcium and vitamin D.

    so carbs go straight to your waist? :noway:

    If you don't burn them off, yes. All those carbs are going to trigger an insulin response, don't you think? And with all that starch, her insulin levels will be up for quite some time.

    Protein triggers an insulin response as well, oh the horrors

    Don't you know carbs are evil? It's the new thing! They make you fat automatically no matter how many calories you eat. It's all about the carbs!

    *Face Palm*
    in the end they turn into something that i need to live
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    As a nutrition student who will have her RDA in a little more than a year, nutritionally, your meal is fine. If you are using ground turkey, try to use 3-4 oz. per meal. Pasta wise, the plate should be 1/4 -1/3 filled with pasta. 1/2 of the plate should be vegetables. Considering you have tomato sauce, mushrooms, etc. you are great there. The lettuce IS of nutritive value. Lettuce is 99% water, so if nothing else, it is very hydrating. The only thing that would make this meal better would be 8 oz. of skim milk or the equivalent to go with it. As far as diabetes, if you are on insulin, yes you need to watch your carb intake. Everything you eat or drink (except water) requires an insulin response. Even fat and protein. The only difference is that proteins and fats have longer chains than simple carbohydrates like pasta or fruit, so they take longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream. As far as working off the carbohydrates, it all turns to glucose in the end. When you exercise, the first 10-15 minutes you are burning those stored sugars. After that, you get into the fat burning.
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    As a nutrition student who will have her RDA in a little more than a year, nutritionally, your meal is fine. If you are using ground turkey, try to use 3-4 oz. per meal. Pasta wise, the plate should be 1/4 -1/3 filled with pasta. 1/2 of the plate should be vegetables. Considering you have tomato sauce, mushrooms, etc. you are great there. The lettuce IS of nutritive value. Lettuce is 99% water, so if nothing else, it is very hydrating. The only thing that would make this meal better would be 8 oz. of skim milk or the equivalent to go with it. As far as diabetes, if you are on insulin, yes you need to watch your carb intake. Everything you eat or drink (except water) requires an insulin response. Even fat and protein. The only difference is that proteins and fats have longer chains than simple carbohydrates like pasta or fruit, so they take longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream. As far as working off the carbohydrates, it all turns to glucose in the end. When you exercise, the first 10-15 minutes you are burning those stored sugars. After that, you get into the fat burning.
    i do not take insulin i just watch how much sugar i need because if i dont get the sugar that i need i tend to pass out
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Ooookk I was thinking you were trying to guesstimate the serving sizes based on eyeballing it! So long as you weighed it out and it's fitting into your food counts for the day you're good. For me, I'd add Parmesan cheese to the pasta, a small glass of red wine on the side and perhaps a piece of dark chocolate for dessert... However I am not diabetic so not sure if your blood sugar would survive that ;)
  • pebbles278
    pebbles278 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey girl, please don't let these peple get to you. The answer to your question is hard but simple. Is this a portion? That is up to you, is it a good portion for you to stay on track - is the real question? if so then it is a portion for you. If your looking for a specific portion of each then that is different,you would need to ask about how much should each portion be?
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Ooookk I was thinking you were trying to guesstimate the serving sizes based on eyeballing it! So long as you weighed it out and it's fitting into your food counts for the day you're good. For me, I'd add Parmesan cheese to the pasta, a small glass of red wine on the side and perhaps a piece of dark chocolate for dessert... However I am not diabetic so not sure if your blood sugar would survive that ;)
    it would be a good idea if i ate chocolate because of my blood sugar lol i need it also lactose not my bff