PCOS- doctor visit need direction pls help!!

Hi everybody!
Im desperate for help and direction!

Last year I was diagnosed with PCOS and was sent to a hormone specialist doctor (endroncology). I also for 4 yrs have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The doctors solution at the time was loose weight which ive been attempting for close to 1 yr now with a dietician- who actually introduced me to this site :love: I have slowly lost 30 odd pounds since which the doctors are happy with.
I took the news very hard and kind of put my head in the sand. I have to go back to my endro doc this week and on the last visit he basically told me that I had higher risk of infertility, hormonial cancer and a really high chance of miscarriages. I' m not on any meds or that. I have all the symptoms of PCOS but I dont know what can be done...:ohwell:

I was wondering if anyone out there knows what questions I need to ask - what do I need to know now and in the future - I've been avoiding acceptance and I think now I am ready but I dont know what I need to know- any suggestions???

Thanks for your help!! xxx


  • awak3ned
    awak3ned Posts: 64
    I have PCOS, insulin resistance and am infertile. I am on a medication called metformin to control my insulin levels but it doesn't seem like you have that problem, but maybe that is something you can ask about. What they will probably have you do is have you keep working out and be put on birthcontrol to try and level out your hormones. I'm not sure if you have irregular or absent periods but if you do they will push for the bithcontrol even more so.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I have PCOS, Insulin resistance, and hypothyroidism. I am on 1000 mg of metformin and 70 mg of armour thyroid (I think).. I am also on BCP ... the doc wants to work out everything else before tackling the hormone stuff...anywho...I workout 4 days on..1 day off...this consists of 2 days cardio and 2 days weight lifting.

    I usually eat around 1600-2000 calories a day..depending on how hungry I am.

    I would say if you have PCOS..the best way to counteract is to lose weight..but having hypothyroid and IR makes it very hard..but not impossible.

    I would suggest you do go on medications to help with your metabolic stuff. I would also suggest you research low carb eating. Those of us who have IR..do much better on low carb. My diary is open if you want to take a peek.

    I am currently 32 pounds down. I now have a goal size rather than a goal weight. I am a size 6 (down from a very tight 14) and want to be a size 4 by next Octobe (2013) for a family wedding.
    The trick is to get a grip on whats going on..and to do that..pills work wonders. They say dropping as little as 10% of your weight can help your body get in check...

    Add me if you like..I am always willing to give advice..
  • fighterdiva
    fighterdiva Posts: 33 Member
    I too am on Metformin for my PCOS. Monday I will be having a hysterectomy because of my battle with endometrial cancer, but because they are leaving the ovaries, I will still have to deal with the PCOS.

    1. Ask for an Internal Ultrasound so that they can look and see if you have PCOS on the spot as it will be clear and visible.
    2. Ask about Metformin to help with your PCOS symptoms. For me it is weight gain, insulin resistance, and a lot of facial hair growth.
    3. Ask about being checked for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and vitamin B12 to help you deal with it.
  • NolesFan7
    I would continue to see your reproductive endocrinologist. They are both Ob/Gyn and Endo which means they will be able to address all of your concerns. Every patient is different so what works for someone else might not be the best choice for you, which is the danger of getting medical advice on the internet. Support is great, but medical advice should always come from a board certified physician who knows your health status/medical history. I know PCOS is a scary diagnosis but hiding your head in the sand only increases your chances of incurring complications.
  • Mistila
    Mistila Posts: 38
    I also have PCOS and as far as loosing weight I have to say the hrm helped me the most because some days I burn only around 83 calories per hour during my awake hours while other days I burn 103 calories per hour during my awake hours and yes its the same activity its crazy but sence I understand a little better how my body is working I'm not so terribley frusterated!!! Wish u the very best!!! Add me as a friend if u wish.