joined in may but lurked in the background until now :$

Hi everyone, it's time for me to be brave, stop lurking in the background and ask for friends!!

I joined MFP in May 2012 and log in every day. I love reading the success stories, it's so motivational but until now I've not actually posted on here or requested any friends.

I'm 31 years, mum of 2 girls (aged 4yrs & 19mths), SW 271 CW 234 GW 130-140 but currently set a mini goal of 196!

Please add me, send me a friend request, if you would like support and could offer me the support system that would help motivate me further. This is the new me and I'm not looking back! :-D


  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    Go girl!!!
  • kmcmillan40
    Would love to invite you as a friend......if i knew how to do that. I just joined today and need some others to help motivate me. I have gone from 235 to 185 and I am looking to lose the rest needed. So if you can tell me how to invite you I definitely would!