clothes looser but slight weight gain - advice please x

okay I seme to have put a small amount of wight - 300g - not upset about it but will do my measuremtns as my clothes are definitely looser so I think may have lost inches rather than weight. I have been under my calorie goal bu about 500 each day. I dont want to a junk food to mak the calories up so what choices can I make if I snack? so will also try and eat up to it but the choices I mae when ahving my meals have made me feel full. What are people's thoughts?
I have opened my diary for people to have a look


  • LisaWilson2012
    LisaWilson2012 Posts: 118 Member
    This is also happening to me. I have a pair of gorgeous trousers that fit perfectly when I was 10st 2lb (and before the birth of my little girl). However, after nearly 2 months of exercise I am now 10st 10lb and the fit just as perfectly. I'm really not that fussed about what the scales say anymore because all I'm bothered about is how I look. It just goes to show that the weights and exercise are paying off.

    Don't worry about the small amount of weight gain. Your body is obviously changing shape and I gather that you're doing some weights too?
  • calebra
    calebra Posts: 1
    hi there, muscle weighs heavier than fat so as you appear to be gaining some weight you are actually loosing inches,so dont be
    concerned about this... just remember to keep excercising and keep your calories down... well done..
  • Emathea
    Emathea Posts: 11
    It's possible that although you have lost the inches, you have gained some muscle which can mean that your weight stays the same or increases. This is just my opinion, but it could explain the reasoning. But congrats on the looser clothing.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    300grams? That's less than what a pint of water weighs

    My thoughtS are you need to stop worrying about such a minuscule weight increase otherwise you will drift slowly into insanity. Weight fluctuates all the time, by a lot more than 300grams sometimes, you are going to have to deal with that.

    You are losing inches THIS IS GOOD, forget the scale.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    300g is normal fluctuation. Don't even consider it "weight gain". Congrats on losing the inches!
  • soumont
    soumont Posts: 21
    thank you for the comments and support - not worried about the weight gain more bemused . I did wonder if it was muscle but wasnt sure at all . Not doing weights, although on the odd occaison but not this week - i do zumba toning.
    Having a day off from exercise today as I have lots of things to do, mainly card making and cat to the vet. I will walk up to the shop for my paper later though xx
    And thank you again for the support x
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    300grams? That's less than what a pint of water weighs

    My thoughtS are you need to stop worrying about such a minuscule weight increase otherwise you will drift slowly into insanity. Weight fluctuates all the time, by a lot more than 300grams sometimes, you are going to have to deal with that.

    You are losing inches THIS IS GOOD, forget the scale.