Insanity, how do you get through a workout?

Hi all!

Just re-started Insanity today, oh gosh was it hard, nearly gave up and switched it off a few times but pleased to say i pushed through and feel great after a nice cold shower and so glad stuck to it. Just wondering how others push through and complete a workout when your finding it really hard, what keeps you going? I really want to complete Insanity this time but its just sooooo hard!

Cheers for any replies!


  • jppizana
    jppizana Posts: 59 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!

    My motivation is my work-out partner. Whenever I give up and take a break, I see her keep going and making noises of determination. It is my motivation to keep going because I'm competitive when it comes to fitness and seeing her push herself to the limits every time we do an Insanity work out is just . . .inspiring.

    Good Luck with completing it!! You will feel sooooooooooOOOOoooo much better when you are done!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    First, congrats on starting to push play. The first key is getting yourself in the mind, I don't want to be the majority. The majority will not do insanity because it is hard. Print the schedule out and be able to cross the days off as you go.

    Have water available and a towel. Push play and work on controlling your breathing. Count reps do something except for thinking
    about how hard it is. Why does he say dig deep all the time. Use your own music, I am saying keep your mind off of the negativity. Next do not stop and start the video, do as many reps as possible jump out and jump back in. The cast does it all the time.

    The next day you will hurt, keep pushing play. Month 2 will kick your *kitten* even more. Look at your sheet and see all those days crossed off. You can do it, and you will do it. Your physical fitness is easy it is changing your thinking.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    It is extremely hard, but when I quit a few times I had the worst guilt EVER! I talked to people and they let me know that I CAN do it, but I am letting my head play a mental game with me. Fight through it. You will thank yourself when you complete it :)
    I have 7 more workouts and I will have completed the first round. Just keep thinking of why you are doing it and the results you want. You won't get them if you don't push! oh and it is ok to take breaks. I still take a ton, but just get back at it. GOOD LUCK
  • kate2707
    kate2707 Posts: 31
    Thanks for all the encouragement. Im so determined to complete it this time. Last time i managed about 10 days and even in that short time i noticed a huge difference had lost about 3.5 pouunds and inches.

    I've upped my calories this time to 2000, may seem like a lot but im a busy mum with 2 young kids and last time eating 1500 i was absoloutley starving and couldn't keep it up. I guess i probably maintain nearer the 3000 calorie mark so im hoping i will still see a steady loss at 2000.
  • 1972mom
    1972mom Posts: 10
    Just keep at it. It will get easier and you do feel great after ever workout. My husband and I started it last year and didn't finish. I started back in June and was determined that Shaun T was not going to beat me. I finished on 08/24 and was thrilled with myself for making it. I don't know that I will ever attempt it again, but I can honestly say that I have done it!