

  • I also sent you a friend request!

    I'm still quite new to running, but am really enjoying it and would love to have some more runner friends!
  • I'm a runner too!! Feel free to add me. I actually log my runs on dailymile so it can keep track of my miles and I do it here too. I love dailymile for the motivation from other runners.
    Oooooh, this website is really good. I just signed up. Thanks for the link!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Rabid runner here! Feel free to add me!
  • jfoster85
    jfoster85 Posts: 90 Member
    I added you! I started C25K in early June and ran my first 5K the first weekend in August. I love it. I typically run 4 or 5 times a week and do a bike ride the other days. I average 9-10 minute miles. The farthest I've done so far is 4.25 miles. I'm working up.
  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 3 runs away from graduating C25K. Still a novice but I'm loving it. My first 5K race is Sept 9. Please feel free to add me.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I have caught the running bug also! Being a heavy lass i didn't think it would happen. I am managing to run further and faster without stopping every time i go out. I am running 6 or 7 days a week depending how i feel but only a few miles at a time to destress after work. I am doing a 5k on the 2nd september for cancer research and am determined to get under 35 mins even if i come home in a box. Any helpful hints on improving breathing whilst running would be ace!! Feel free to add me :) x
  • I started running for weight loss. My husband and I are adopting internationally and as part of our homestudy, we needed to have physical exams completed. Now I knew that I had gain a lot of weight while studying for the bar exam, but it wasn't until my physical that I realized how much trouble I had gotten myself into. I was nearly 200 pounds (at 5'5" small frame, that was problematic) and a BMI that put me as obese. It was at that moment that I knew I had to make some serious changes. It was actually while I was in the doctor's office waiting for some blood results that very day that I downloaded the myfitnesspal application and started to explore what options would work for me to help me take this weight off. That's when I discovered running. It was comical in the beginning-I could barely run a half mile. But with the encouragement of my husband and family, I kept at it. Soon a half mile turned into one, then two. And the best part-the pounds started melting off! The running, combined with a low calorie diet has helped me nearly 55 pounds and they are still coming off! Also, I will be running my first half marathon in October.
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    I started a blog just on this, Fat to 5K! lol I wasnt a runner but I am now. I also did it for the sole purpose to help me lose weight but now I love it. I would say dream is Ironman, but long term goal could be a half Ironman. Ive only done 2 5K's so far (only jogging 4-5 months) with my best time just shy of 37 mins. Sep 29 have a 10K lined up. Within 6 months I would like to do my first triathlon and possibly a half marathon. Add me if you would like (I have a few runners on my list already you could add as well). :)
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I'm running my first half marathon in 3 months! Would love to have friends who are runners for advice, motivation, and support! :)
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I lost all my weight progressing from walking to running. I love to run, unfortunately now that I am not trying to lose anymore I only get to run about two days a week, but I still love it. I think I am planning on a half marathon in the next couple of months. Longest timed race I have done is a 10K in 58 mins, usually when I run I will go out for 4 to 7 mile runs now.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I'm a runner. Done a few 5ks I've lost most of weight by walking and running. I'm currently on hiatus as I took on the Body Revolution 90 day challenge but itching to sneak in some runs.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I still think I'm a newbie runner...feel free to send an add!
  • crazy_indeed
    crazy_indeed Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me. While I do not love running, I love the way it makes me feel! I have done a number of races, 5ks and 10ks. I enjoy Mud Runs most of all. On average I run a 9:50 to 10:00 minute mile. I have incorporated running steps this has proven itself to be a challenge. I would love to have more runner friends.
  • mbcasey2009
    mbcasey2009 Posts: 52 Member
    Runner here. Anywhere from 20-35 miles a week depending on the time I can make for it. 5 am everyday wears on ya! Feel free to add me, have run quite a few half marathons and have another coming up in December. I'm finally to the point where running is FUN...especially when you're done with a run :) Happy running!
  • trybabytry
    trybabytry Posts: 181
    I'm a runner, feel free to add me. I try and run 3-8 miles about 4 times a week, not training for anything but would like to be able to do regular 10-milers sometime in the next few months. Started for weight loss, and while my weight loss is going TERRIBLY, haha, I am really loving running independent of the scale. I need more runner friends!
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    I've been in track for sprinting all of high school & since i've graduated a year ago i've been focusing more on distance for the military. I do it for fun, but now training for something. I can try my best to help ya out before and after my bootcamp! Hope you get over the plateau !! (:
    Wonderful! What branch are you joining?