not feeling it today :(

while i do enjoy eating healthy and working out and it makes my body feel better, sometimes i just dont want to :laugh: ..... like today i am going with the kids and a friend to the mall, out to lunch, and a movie and i am sitting here stressing over calories and what i can eat while we are out..... to me that just gets old. am i the only one that feels like this? i just want to go out like i used to and eat what i feel like without worrying or eating less through out the day to make up for it, or working out more.........i cant be the only one that feels like this sometimes right? im just not feeling it today :frown:


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    If you are feeling this way and you are capable of getting back on track after some time off, I would suggest taking a few days where you stop logging your food and just go out and eat what you want.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I SOOOOOO know how you feel. I have been doing this for over a year, with happy results. Technically I know I could stop now and people round me tell me I should. But I have a goal, and I WANT it.
    Every now and again comes a day when I want to scream, "Stuff it! I'm ok, I want to eat normal!"
    Funnily enough, today is one of those days, you can see if you look in my diary.
    I've had to log ahead my tea to force myself to behave for the rest of the day. :cry:
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    I think everyone feels like that from time to time.

    Yesterday was my birthday so I decided to eat what I wanted. And after a normal bkfst/lunch, I had Chinese food for dinner (not the light/healthy kind either, LOL) and a honking piece of Boston Cream Pie for dessert.


    Then I put it to bed...literally and figuratively. I woke up this morning, took a 5 mile power walk, sweated like a maniac and drank 32 oz of water when I got home. Now I"m eating a light bkfst and I feel fantastic.

    If you need a break, take a break. If it feels like all work and no fun all the time, pay attention. Maybe you need to mix it up or realize that you can have a box of candy with your movie or pizza for lunch without undoing all of your progress. Healthy people have junk food occassionally. Healthy people eat chicken parm once in a while.

    Just not every day. So go out and have fun and eat what you want and log it. And pay attention to it. And then try and get some physical activity in there and focus on eating right this week.

    Life is too short not to enjoy's all about balance :)
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Don't stress over what you can eat while you're out. Eat whatever everyone else is eating, just less! Do you allow yourself cheat days? I find them important, mine is today wahoo!
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Sometimes i feel that way too! It would be so much easier not to have to log, count calories and measure everything i put in my mouth! However when i try to have a splurge day and not worry about what im eating i still find myself eating healthier in the end. I went to make nachos last night to splurge but i had 2 and ended up eating a yogurt because i didnt want all the extra calories! But everyone deserves an off day to enjoy and you should still be able to eat your favorite foods from time to time. Its what works best for you because its your life! I know eating whatever i want got me to where i am and i really want to get fit so i choose to keep at it even on the days i dont feel like it! Good luck and enjoy your day!
  • Savbomb
    Savbomb Posts: 17 Member
    Oh yes yes everybody has days like that, nut trust me that food will make you feel worse about yourself later! Make a deal with yourself compromise will help! Find a yummy salad or simple sandwich at the food court. And if you do that,compromise and maybe get yourself some frozen yogurts or a cookie. Moderation is key.i used to love stuffing my face because well I could and still live the next day. But if I just did that my body hurts the next day. And then my head wants too mess with me cause I start feeling regret and imagining the amount I have to run for that one *kitten* running.

    Do you hate running more than you love treats?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I feel the same way. It's been well over a year. I've decided to stop counting. I'm still working out, still trying to keep healthy and lower calorie eating in mind. Sometimes I keep a running total in my head. I'd still like to lose a little bit, but wouldn't be upset if I just maintained. I have a protein shake most days just to make sure I'm getting my protein since I'm not tracking it. I know from that year of tracking that if I have a shake I almost always make my goal. I just need to stop obsessing over it. There's a a lot more important things in my life right now than striving that hard for that "perfect" body composition. I'm pretty good where I"m at. I'll work on perfection later.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I take "breaks" once in a while, but find when I let myself go hog wild, I end up making healthy choices anyway. But I understand the feeling of thing is, if you want a treat, have it! Just make sure it balances out with your daily calories.
  • charlottra
    charlottra Posts: 28 Member
    dont they say if you eat healthy 80% of the time you can have your favourite foods 20% of the time - so everything in moderation? so yes, a treat once a week wont be too bad :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I, too, would love to go back to the way I used to eat and enjoy myself. But that's how I got to the weight I'm at.

    That being said, it doesn't hurt (and sometimes even helps) to take a little diet break every now and then. For your sanity. Just be firm with yourself about getting back to it. Enjoy today. But don't let it ruin tomorrow.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've taken frequent breaks from logging. It helps. A lot. I don't log on weekends or holidays at all, and haven't since June of 2011. If I'm eating food I don't know how to log accurately - like someone else's cooking or a trip to the Chinese buffet, I don't log. If I'm just not in the mood to count everything, I don't log.

    At this point, I'm pretty sure if I keep up my activity level and exercise, I can easily maintain. I'm happy where I am. I'd be happy a little leaner. I'd be happy a little less lean.

    Logging is a tool that's supposed to make life easier. When it makes life more stressful, when it's a chore and you really resent it, it's not worth it. Take a little time off, then come back to it.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    heres the thing.... i have taken time off....i have stuffed my face full of garbage and didnt log or work out for a week.... i dont log on vacation.....but before i ever started this site i ate whatever i wanted and was at a good healthy weight (i actually weighed less than i do now ) i am just striving for the toned, muscular, sculpted physique i so desperatly want but it is taking not exagerating. i have been at this for over a year and am no where near where i want to be and i see people who were ALOT bigger then i am now and have drastically altered their bodies for the better in 6 months... i dont understand it and sometimes i feel like why even bother..............