Do you use a heart rate monitor?

I just finally got one tonight and I burned 80 more calories than I was giving myself credit for in just 18 minutes!!!


  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    No I don't.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    Yes I do. And I was also burning more than I gave my self credit for! I think it's a lot more accurate than MFP's guess...
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i got one recently and realized MFP was overestimating my burns for circuit training. :/ but i'm glad i know now!
  • I do - wouldn't be with out one.
  • fearlesskcl
    fearlesskcl Posts: 159 Member
    I have one too! Before I got it I found I was seriously overestimating my calories. Best part is when I go to fitness class and I'm kinda lazy I find my calorie burn matches my effort level. I know to work hard rather than just logging my usual class burn.

    Plus knowing where my heart rate is makes me work harder to keep it high!
  • RomaCasalinga
    RomaCasalinga Posts: 3 Member
    I've had one too for the last few months. I have found that for me myfitnesspal has been surprisingly accurate in their calculations of my burns. Of course regardless I don't lose any weight if I eat my exercise calories back, so I now use my HRM more to know how intensively I'm working out- when I need to slow down, when I need to speed up. I don't go to the gym without it now.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Nope, because I don't own one and I'm too cheap and too broke to justify buying it. I don't eat the exercise calories back anyway so it doesn't really matter what I'm burning.
  • Ive been considering getting one. does anyone know of a good HRM? ive seen some but they often have bad reviews.
  • LisaWilson2012
    LisaWilson2012 Posts: 118 Member
    Yes and I love mine. It does give a much more accurate reading than holding the sensors on the cardio equipment. I also use mine when I'm lifting weights as my heart rate spikes and I sweat. I wouldn't be without mine.
  • skinnygurl02
    skinnygurl02 Posts: 176 Member
    I don't. Recently got a fitbit and have been wondering if I would get any extra benefit from a HRM though...
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    Yes I do, love it.
  • Tickateeboo
    Tickateeboo Posts: 132 Member
    I just finally got one tonight and I burned 80 more calories than I was giving myself credit for in just 18 minutes!!!

    So how do they work exactly? Do you wear one on your wrist and then it tells you your 'true' calories burned?
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    :happy: I love my HRM. I do bootcamp sessions and the calories I burn can differ by around 200 depending on the instructor taking the session. At least this way I know for definite how many cals I've burnt. I have also found with some exercises I burn way more than MFP guesstimated, but with some others MFP has overestimated. At least this way I know how much effort I am putting in myself.
  • :happy: I love my HRM. I do bootcamp sessions and the calories I burn can differ by around 200 depending on the instructor taking the session. At least this way I know for definite how many cals I've burnt. I have also found with some exercises I burn way more than MFP guesstimated, but with some others MFP has overestimated. At least this way I know how much effort I am putting in myself.

    Hi, What HRM do you have? im looking to buy one but dont know which is best to get. :embarassed:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the love of everything holy, NO.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I did... for cycling.

    it's useless right now because I'm not doing cardio lately. Jsut lifting weights-- and HRMs don't work right for that.
  • moto67e
    moto67e Posts: 20 Member
    I use mine for cycling all the time. The one I use is the I like it because it tracks calories and shows my heart rate at the same time on the same screen.

    On a side note, are you not supposed to eat back your exercise calories? I thought MFP already calculated your calorie deficit. I have mine set to lose 1.5lbs per week.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Not yet, but today i'm ordering one through I want to be able to log all of my workouts, and also to get a more accurate number than what my treadmill says.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm a gadget geek, so I use a HRM for exercise and a Fitbit for the rest of my day.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Only in bed. I'm like the Ron Jeremy of the fitness world - his lets go on a director's queue, and I time mine to perfectly allow myself whatever sandwich I am planning on consuming afterwards.