HELP! I am sore!

This is only my 3rd day of doing JMBR. I ache all guess that means I am doing it correctly. Does it go away???


  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    There are two ways to make the soreness go away. (1) Stop - definitely NOT recommended; (2) Keep going - you'll be amazed how quickly you get used to using those muscles... and then when you're that really good "I'm a little sore because I rocked that workout" kind of sore, you will LOVE it!

    My glutes are singing to me right now because I rocked that spinning class this morning! Feels GREAT!!!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    1. water
    2. foam roller
    3. don't stop, won't stop

    *if it's really bad take a day to do a light cardio workout instead -- go for a jog
  • mjnov
    mjnov Posts: 31 Member
    my old coach told me that if you are sore, do the same workout for three straight days, and the next time you do the workout, you wont feel a thing! he made us do 200 crunches at practice, and by the third day i could barely do 5. BUT the next few days?? NO PAIN! i wasnt sore from crunches ever again! amazing
  • Thanks for the advice! I am going to stick it out and keep on moving!
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    Being sore is awesome! once you get into being fitter and healthier it will come less and less frequent which makes it that much more rewarding. If I am sore after a workout I know I truly did something awesome. Remember being sore is your muscles repairing themselves from the awesomeness you completed, embrace it and keep going!
  • znkmommy
    znkmommy Posts: 49 Member
    I soak in a hot bath with epson salt and it really seems to help with the soreness you should give it a try but don't quit!!
  • The warm soaks help. I plan on jumping in the hot tub at night, so I think that will help. Went in the pool today and it really did help my muscles as well. Much better today! Thank you all for the advice! It really helps :smile:
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Swimming. It will stretch out your muscles, get blood pumping, and the warm (but not hot) water is perfect to help relieve pain.

    The pain you're feeling is down to slightly torn muscle fibres and lactic acid build up.

    Another recommendation is baking soda if you're about to start exercise.

    Baking soda is a lactic acid buffer, which prevents the sore feeling you get from exercising hard.

    The general recommended intake is about 200 to 300 mg per kilogram of body weight mixed with 1 l of water.
  • THANKS :)
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Yes, it will get better. A LOT better. It's always brutal to start a new training program. Even when you get sore later, it won't be nearly as miserable as it is now. Here's what I did when I first started back and was painfully sore:

    1. KEEP MOVING! You think you want to sit still, but that makes it WORSE. Try to keep moving, walking as much as you can.
    2. Drink LOTS of water
    3. Massage (if you have someone to help with that)
    4. Stretching--lots of gentle stretching--it hurts but helps also
    5. Hot baths with Epsom Salts--this just feels good ALL the time
    6. Take Advil or Aleve
    7. Don't even think about quitting. :flowerforyou: