
I started working out a week or so ago, and since I'm working out daily, my hunger level has gone through the roof, so my low cal diet is not really working anymore. I had taken off almost 20lbs in two weeks, then when I started working out I put back on like 7lbs. I refuse to be miserable and just eat salad to stay within my calorie limit, and when I eat more, even when it's healthy foods within my calories on MFP factoring in the calories gained from working out, I'm still gaining. My new workout buddy suggested Atkins as great for me, because I don't eat meat, but I do eat fish.

Today is my first day of Atkins - thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Anything helpful is appreciated, especially convenient options, pescatarian options, etc. My first Atkins meal today was a big omelet with a little bit of fresh mushrooms and 6 eggs made with unsalted butter and pepper added. ...and a diet coke. Was that a good choice? I'm so full I feel like I'm not going to want to eat for the rest of the day.



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    6 eggs was a bit ridiculous, TBH. Atkins is about eating enough, not so much as you're about to explode.

    No need for unsalted butter, you'll probably be needing more salt if you're going low carb rather than less.

    Oily fish are great for Atkins as they are low carb and 70:30 or similar fat:protein calorie ratio. Eggs are good to, as is hard cheese, but calories still matter. Think oils and fats, you need them on Atkins.
  • hilltopsarah
    If you are confident that this diet will work for you, go for it. Just be careful as this diet is loaded with saturated fat contents:smile:
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    If you are confident that this diet will work for you, go for it. Just be careful as this diet is loaded with saturated fat contents:smile:

    And this is bad? :)
  • smokinjackd
    If you are doing a truevAtkins diet, get ready for the gout and high cholesterol.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    If you are doing a truevAtkins diet, get ready for the gout and high cholesterol.

    True Atkins is too restrictive, agreed.

    How does Atkins raise cholesterol?

    And why is "high" cholesterol bad?
  • smokinjackd
    Quick reply, everyone I know that has gone hebAtkins way, eat way too many saturated fats. And not enough of the green stuff.
  • RingSize8
    RingSize8 Posts: 175 Member
    Interesting comments. ...the whole 6 eggs thing was kind of accidental. I wanted to make that many eggs and the save some for later, but I was so hungry because I hadn't eaten all day, that I just ate the whole thing. I just picked up some cheeses, more eggs, mushrooms, broccoli, walnuts, sugar and carb free jello snacks, diet coke, and salmon for the week. I guess we'll see how it goes. Since I don't eat any meat, I'm hoping to not have some of the issues other people I know have had on this diet, who just ate steak and bacon and all that stuff all the time. I'm trying to keep it as healthy as possible. Any ideas for low carb veggies? I LOVE broccoli but it's not too low carb so I have to not eat too much of it. Hrmph.
  • shirley_beans
    shirley_beans Posts: 65 Member
    Response to Deadvim:

    Because too much bad cholesterol will clog your arteries and lead to heart attack or stroke. I get that paleo diet followers point out that cholesterol is naturally produced in the body, which it is, and that consuming cholesterol does help your body regulate its own levels. That does mean that we are supposed to eat cholesterol with reckless abandon.

    Response to original poster: The Atkins Diet will not promote sustainable weight loss. If you'd ever like to enjoy pasta again, the weight will come right back on. There is nothing wrong with eating broccoli! Any diet that discourages you from eating certain types of fruits and vegetables is not a balanced diet. Period.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Green beans, cauliflower, leeks, spinach, asparagus.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Atkins is not sustainable IMO. Any plan that restricts a major macros group as Atkins does is a less than healthy way to make a Lifestyle change. Losing 20 lbs in 2 weeks...also not healthy or sustainable. Should I comment on 6 eggs and diet soda? Nah. I think I will stop there.
  • Lipstickandlashes
    atkins is for volume eaters.. i was working out and eating healthy for 2 months, decided to try atkins for a month to see how many pounds i could drop.. well after the first 2 weeks i noticed i wasnt losing any weight. ( when before i did it i lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks) so i stopped it and went back to what i was doing before.. and in the first 3 days dropped 4lbs! i came to the conclusion that i was still doing portion control with atkins and im pretty sure i was starving my body.. I still kind of keep it low carb but atkins is great for people just starting out when it comes to eating different and who are volume eaters. if i grubbed like i used to it would be perfect.. but i just cant get used to eating a lot anymore
  • Lipstickandlashes
    also if you like breads pastas rice or pretty much anything WHITE lol its really hard to stick to let alone going the grocery store. you dont realize how many things have crazy carbs in them until you try atkins.. you are basically eating vegetables, meat, cheese, eggs and its gets boring pretty fast.. I did make some pretty good carb free things like grilled eggplant sauce and cheese its like the healthy version of eggplant parm. i still make that to this day.
  • amandae0182
    Atkins is not going to help you keep off weight. It isnt safe to lose that much weight in such a short amout of time and that is one of the reasons you gaind your weight back. You dont have to be miserable and eat salads all of the time jsut change the foods you eat. I eat 1600-1800 calories per day to lose 2 lbs per week and when i workout i am starving afterwards. But i just eat more whole foods that have less calories and i feel full! Look up how Mr. Atkins died too. kind of ironic!
  • greedygirl118
    If you are confident that this diet will work for you, go for it. Just be careful as this diet is loaded with saturated fat contents:smile:

    And this is bad? :)

    A recent long-term study showed an unexpected spike in cholesterol in Sweden - where the Atkins/low carb diet is especially popular. And average BMI went up.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    When I first started exercising my weight went up 6 or 7lb with DOMS. It's your body freaking out. One week a month I got up 7lbs too. No need to do something so drastic! Not.saying Atkins is necessarily wrong. Everyone is different but if you freak out and do something drastic every single time the scale throws a wobbler your going a every single month! X
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Please be careful with Atkins; there is a reason the guy dropped dead of a heart attack! High protein and healthy fats as well as eating at regular intervals (every 3 hours) would be a better choice. Starving yourself or trying a fad diet will not ensure your success. You must make changes that you can live with for the rest of your life. If you are new to exercise, the Atkins diet can be even more difficult, as your body needs carbs to burn. If your body is not used to switching over to burning fat for fuel, you will not feel good. It is not necessary to eat a super low calorie diet or excessive amounts of fat (which Atkins advocates) to lose weight! Calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), and base your calories on that. It will be higher than expected. If you eat at least 20% below your TDEE and no lower than your BMI, and add in both cardio and strength training, you will immediately begin replacing fat with muscle and seeing changes in your body. Just because you don't lose 5 pounds a week doesn't mean you are not making progress. In fact, you will speed up your metabolism and NEVER be hungry! Now doesn't that sound better than starving yourself or making yourself physically ill from a ridiculous fad diet? :wink:
  • fluffeesquirrel
    fluffeesquirrel Posts: 63 Member
    I've been hearing a lot about the resurgence of low carb and high fat with keto and it just seems unsustainable. Obviously, I can't speak to the health benefits (although shoving bacon down your throat all day doesn't sound alllll that healthy...) but the main thing I was looking for when I started losing weight was what I could keep doing after I dropped the weight. I couldn't keep the low carb thing up after, it's just not practical. And I'm really not interested in restricting myself, except in portion control. It may take longer and it may take tweaking, but a balanced diet seems better in the long run.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    How much misinformation can be in ONE thread????

    First off, Dr Atkins died from slipping and falling on ice. WOW, out right lie.

    Funny that you mention high quality proteins and healthy fats, which the Atkins plan advocates also. And Dr Atkins says you should eat every 3-4 hours of your time being awake and to eat within 30 minutes of rising.

    It is also based on for the first 2 weeks eating protein, fats and green leafy vegetables. After 2 weeks, you slowly start adding back in higher carb vegetables, then fruits, nuts, dairy, starchier vegetables and then grains.

    How is that NOT sustainable? It teaches you to see how your body reacts to certain foods.

    Atkins is NOT a fad either. It is a healthy and very sustainable lifestyle.

    Please be careful with Atkins; there is a reason the guy dropped dead of a heart attack! High protein and healthy fats as well as eating at regular intervals (every 3 hours) would be a better choice. Starving yourself or trying a fad diet will not ensure your success. You must make changes that you can live with for the rest of your life. If you are new to exercise, the Atkins diet can be even more difficult, as your body needs carbs to burn. If your body is not used to switching over to burning fat for fuel, you will not feel good. It is not necessary to eat a super low calorie diet or excessive amounts of fat (which Atkins advocates) to lose weight! Calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), and base your calories on that. It will be higher than expected. If you eat at least 20% below your TDEE and no lower than your BMI, and add in both cardio and strength training, you will immediately begin replacing fat with muscle and seeing changes in your body. Just because you don't lose 5 pounds a week doesn't mean you are not making progress. In fact, you will speed up your metabolism and NEVER be hungry! Now doesn't that sound better than starving yourself or making yourself physically ill from a ridiculous fad diet? :wink:
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I wanted to give you my opinion....this is not based on research studies or internet articles, it's what happened to me specifically.
    A large amount of the damage done to my body was due to being misinformed about the diet. My mother had me try it when I was 13, but she basically said 'You can eat as many meats and vegetables as you want. This was incorrect.

    Please note I AM diabetic, so that probably had something to do with it, I'd image insulin resistance would provoke the same outcome?

    I was on and off this diet for two years and I lost ....maybe 30 pounds. The problem that was caused laid hidden, because I didn't notice the problem. My triglycerides were marked at 1,200....

    This caused a bout of pancreantitis, which was very painful and almost killed me.

    Now I am NOT saying to not do this diet if you feel it's right for you. I will however ask you, guilt free, to educate yourself on the progress, and get your doctor involved. You can't go at certain foods constantly (Say...two hamburgers a day) just because you are on the Atkins diet, it is not a quick fix! You really need to watch your saturated fat levels and anything with trans fat really should be eliminated. I know I might get some nasty comments about my opinion, but I don't's more important to be honest. Please get your doctor involved in your diet plan... stripping the body of all carbs is a major chemical change in your body. I felt so betrayed when I found out my try's were that high because I killed myself doing a diet uninformed and I was as unhealthy as ever. Also Ketosis felt like CRAP.

    So ....short version: Educate yourself, visit your doctor regularly. I wish you the best of luck in your journey. :)
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    Please be careful with Atkins; there is a reason the guy dropped dead of a heart attack!

    "On April 8, 2003, at age 72, Dr. Atkins slipped on the ice while walking to work, hitting his head and causing bleeding around his brain. He lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, where he spent two weeks in intensive care. His body deteriorated rapidly and he suffered massive organ failure. During this time, his body apparently retained an enormous amount of fluid, and his weight at death was recorded at 258 pounds. His death certificate states that the cause of death was "blunt impact injury of head with epidural hematoma".
    Following this, a Nebraska doctor known to be anti-Atkins, and associated with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, requested Dr. Atkins' medical records, which should not have been released, but which mistakenly were sent. The Medical Examiner's report had a hand-written note that Atkins had a history of myocardial infarction (heart attack), congestive heart failure, and hypertension (written "h/o MI, CHF, HTN"). The above Committee made much of this and began the rumor that Atkins had "died of his own diet". The misconceptions remain to this day."

    I do not agree that Atkins is not sustainable...there are a lot of people who have done it, and are still on it years later and have lost a lot of weight. If you are doing it though, it specifically states on the atkins website and on all their information, not to eat a lot of sugar free foods, diet soda etc. You *can* because it doesn't contain carbs, but it is not healthy. For the person who said people onAtkins don't eat enough veggies, you are supposed to consume at least 15 of your 20 daily carbs (to start) in veggies. That means that 75% of your daily carbs are supposed to be veggies. So if you are doing it PROPERLY, you are eating a lot of veggies.
    And just because you are doing Atkins, doesn't mean you can never have pasta again either. You go up in carbs every week when you move in in the different levels, adding more carbs each week. Once you are at maintenance, you can eat pasta or whatever carb heavy food as long as it fits into your carb limit.
    I think the reason people seem to hate this diet and think it's so unhealthy, is because people who do it, do it incorrectly and give it a bad name.