Reached my first goal.. Now I'm scared.

Now that I have hit my first goal, I'm so afraid I will get fat again that I can't enjoy it. I celebrated at all of the other mini celebrations these past months, but I can't seem to enjoy this one. I was a size 14, pushing 16, and now I am a size 8. I should be hollering and jumping up and down, right? But I can't enjoy it. I keep wondering if my classes at the gym are enough now; people say they need to work harder once they get closer to a fit body. What do I need to do extra? I used to not fret about a "bad" food choice, as long as it was in my calorie goal-- but now it has me feeling sad and upset, because I am so terrified of going back to my previous weight.

I am assuming this is a normal feeling. Does this go away after a while, or will I live in fear with a healthy body? It goes away, right? I first fit into these size 8s yesterday, so this is a new feeling for me. I thought it would be all rainbows and screaming of happiness.. but I can't even enjoy it. I'm just scared, now.


  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Just keep tracking calories and working out. As long as calories in < calories out, you won't be gaining fat.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm a size 8. I have been for 12 years. If this is truly a lifestyle change, and you've adopted a NEW LIFESTYLE, as long as this is not a diet (I see a LOT of dieting on here), then you shouldn't have a hard time staying fit and healthy. Diets are things you "go on" and "go off". Lifestyles are maintained.
    You've got this!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Relax. You're a lot stronger than you used to be. A single cheeseburger won't throw you off - a habit of eating six "single cheeseburgers" a week will. You're a smart girl and I can tell you want to protect what you've worked hard for. Trust yourself. You are strong and smart enough not to let yourself fall back into old habits and you deserve to enjoy every moment of your new life.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    My idea is that I can eat SORT of what I want (still no dairy products or straight up junk food) on the weekends, as long as it's in my caloric range (friday nights and saturday day) and then sunday - thursday I eat healthy food within my caloric range. I work out (kickboxing, dancing, strength training) five days a week, friday and saturday off.

    Maybe it's because this just happened yesterday, and today (Saturday) I usually take it easy. Now I'm freaked out about exercising more and not going out with my old friends tonight (reunion of some sorts) because I don't want to be tempted, even if it's within my goal.

    It's this sick kind of thinking that I'm wanted to avoid. I want to ENJOY my size. I've worked hard to get here. I hate this fear inside of me. It feels unhealthy. I just hope it goes away soon.

    It's nice to hear of someone who's been a size 8 for 12 years. :D Thanks, that gives me hope!! I just don't want any more nightmares of struggling to fit into 14s (where I was in May this year).
  • aamberrr
    aamberrr Posts: 115 Member

    Maybe it's because this just happened yesterday, and today (Saturday) I usually take it easy. Now I'm freaked out about exercising more and not going out with my old friends tonight (reunion of some sorts) because I don't want to be tempted, even if it's within my goal.

    I really think you hit the issue here... I think it's just that you only JUST started fitting into the smaller size, and now you're thinking that since you just fit into them, you could quickly go up to the next size again, especially since this is an off-day for you. I really think you're going to be fine... It sounds like you're on the right track with your fitness schedule, and enjoying yourself today (in moderation) is not going to make you go back up a size. I say enjoy it, think of going out with your friends tonight as a small celebration of your success, and get back to your usual routine tomorrow. I think once you stay at this size for awhile (or continue to lose if that's your goal) you'll feel a lot better and less scared. Congratulations!
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    Now that I have hit my first goal, I'm so afraid I will get fat again that I can't enjoy it. I celebrated at all of the other mini celebrations these past months, but I can't seem to enjoy this one. I was a size 14, pushing 16, and now I am a size 8. I should be hollering and jumping up and down, right? But I can't enjoy it. I keep wondering if my classes at the gym are enough now; people say they need to work harder once they get closer to a fit body. What do I need to do extra? I used to not fret about a "bad" food choice, as long as it was in my calorie goal-- but now it has me feeling sad and upset, because I am so terrified of going back to my previous weight.

    I am assuming this is a normal feeling. Does this go away after a while, or will I live in fear with a healthy body? It goes away, right? I first fit into these size 8s yesterday, so this is a new feeling for me. I thought it would be all rainbows and screaming of happiness.. but I can't even enjoy it. I'm just scared, now.

    You look amazing!! And should be celebrating!!! Look up Victoria2448 on here!! She is wonderful and will help you with all of your questions!! She has a great support group on FB to. She is tons of help to lots of people!!
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Now that I have hit my first goal, I'm so afraid I will get fat again that I can't enjoy it. I celebrated at all of the other mini celebrations these past months, but I can't seem to enjoy this one. I was a size 14, pushing 16, and now I am a size 8. I should be hollering and jumping up and down, right? But I can't enjoy it. I keep wondering if my classes at the gym are enough now; people say they need to work harder once they get closer to a fit body. What do I need to do extra? I used to not fret about a "bad" food choice, as long as it was in my calorie goal-- but now it has me feeling sad and upset, because I am so terrified of going back to my previous weight.

    I am assuming this is a normal feeling. Does this go away after a while, or will I live in fear with a healthy body? It goes away, right? I first fit into these size 8s yesterday, so this is a new feeling for me. I thought it would be all rainbows and screaming of happiness.. but I can't even enjoy it. I'm just scared, now.

    You look amazing!! And should be celebrating!!! Look up Victoria2448 on here!! She is wonderful and will help you with all of your questions!! She has a great support group on FB to. She is tons of help to lots of people!!

    Thank you so much! I'm working on my success story thread since I've hit my first major goal, hoping that will distract me from the itch to run for two hours on my day off. *twitch*

    And she's already my friend! Haha. I should socialize with her more.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    I completely understand how you are feeling. I reach my first major goal (42 pounds) with 25 more to go. I'm so worry and stressing. I may need to calm myself and continue to do what I'm doing. I started lifting today, but I feel like that was not enough. I hope this feeling goes away so I can just relax and enjoy the ride. lol
  • Congratulations on your success first, now just take one day at a time and it will become a habit and lifestyle change. Have you ever heard "fake it till you make it"? Just keep living the way you have and eventually it will become a lifestyle and you won't stress about it as much. I am proud of you!
  • just keep doing what ur doing, i don't think u will gain weight... just keep looking in the mirror and reminding urself of what u look like now. i tend to forget and am still shocked when i look in the mirror and i dont have a poochy belly
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    It takes less work to maintain. I eat more now and work out the same or sometimes less and its almost effortless. I just need to make sure I keep strength training to keep the muscle I have since thats what keeps me where I am at.

    Dont over think things, keep active, eat well, have treats in moderation and enjoy the new you!!

    congratulations on your success.
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    This advice is speaking from someone who lost 65 pounds back in 2006/2007 and gained 22 pounds of them back since moving to a new city and the yummy food that comes with that :) Where I went wrong is I SLACKED off big time. In the beginning, I was worried about keeping this weight off. Then I started sliding off of track. I ate not so healthy foods more and worked out less. So after a couple of years, the pounds started to pack back on. Thankfully, I took control of myself before I got too out of control. I'm now 10 pounds away from my original 65 pounds weight loss. I say all this to seem like you're on top of things! So stop worrying and enjoy your new weightloss. You will be fine, as long as you keep your hardwork in the forefront. It finally paid off for you, so enjoy it :)
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Relax and enjoy it. I have been maintaining for about 3 months now, and have actually lost more weight, but it is not hard work. I am still logging, though I tend to estimate more. Someday I may stop logging, but I like to, so I keep doing it. My plan is to pick a weight, and if I consistently go over that weight for a few weeks, then start cutting back on food.

    The main thing, is you just can't go back to eating whatever you want, and not exercising (or whatever got you here in the first place). I eat normal food, I have treats, just in moderation. You just can't turn your brain off, stop weighing yourself, etc.

    I am into running, and will be running my first half marathon in a month, so that is a goal that also keeps me going.
  • Wow congrats on your weight loss! Keep tracking your calories and pre planning your meals and you will do just fine =)