what should I do? went over my calories today!



  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Don't sweat the small stuff and don't stress calorie overage. They will happen more times then you may like. You will need a cheat day every now and then, it does the body and mind good. And you can always workout later that night if you are hard core.:smile: Just stay on track and good luck.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Cut off a limb. And be quick about it.

    People do this kind of thing:
  • THINk_kkaybbyx0
    Its okay to go over on your calories! Usually ill do my best to get some sort of exercise in either tonight or early tomorrow morning. Don't stress it though!, tomorrows always a new day
  • teneh
    teneh Posts: 39
    Act like it didn't happen! It's a new day!
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    i have that problem on Sundays dont let it get u down get back on the sadle tommorow and start over
  • mercymarque
    Burn some of the calories off and do better tomorrow. Mfp has u at a calorie decline anyway it may not have hurt ur weight loss at all. Go take a 30 minute walk... If u have a gym get on treadmill for 30 minutes and 35 on elliptical.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I had a family reunion today!! I still tracked my calories but went over by over 1000 calories!!!!!!!!!! What do I dooooo???

    LOL, um, you go for a jog (or jog in place) with your heart rate monitor and burn some off then tomorrow you don't go over again (but you eat normally). Unfortunately, eating less tomorrow won't wash today's calorie overage because your body needs tomorrow's calories just as much as it did today.

    ^^^ this! I went 700 cals over on my 40th birthday and enjoyed every bite and felt no guilt. That's what cheat days are for. This is a lifestyle, not a diet, so you gotta allow for special occasions.
  • skphi1
    skphi1 Posts: 12
    I have family reunion this week. I had been well over my calories for one week because of visitors. My exercises also go out the door. Pick up yourself and continue on the journey. Weigh loss is a long term commitment. NO ONE can keep to a strict diet everyday. Do not let small setback deter you. That's why so many people fail to lose weight.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Build your bridge. Tomorrow is a new day. Jump back on the horse. Which ever cliched saying you'd like! :wink:

    It happens! It's ok!
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Have sex?
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Get over it and do better tomorrow! I went over my calories today too... but tomorrow is a new day. Don't panic!
  • taurus66
    taurus66 Posts: 5 Member
    You can't. Just start over again tomorrow. Do not berate yourself over this because that's how you fall off the wagon and go back to your old ways. If it tasted good, enjoy the memory but strive to do better tomorrow and the next day. We ALL go over some days.
  • cjvvus
    cjvvus Posts: 89 Member
    Just log it. Tomorrow is another day and you get to start fresh. Hope you enjoyed your reunion.
  • annmegyas
    Before you started tracking calories, a day like this could happen and we'd never even know it! So congratulations for having developed the awareness!!

    Like so many other have said, breathe, relax, and jump back on track tomorrow.
  • DaneDillinger
    DaneDillinger Posts: 70 Member
    what do you mean what do you do? There's nothing TO do unless you want to burn off 1000 calories now on the treadmill. No need to be dramatic or self-flagellating. Just start again tomorrow. That's the cool thing about this whole thing: Tomorrow is another brand new day.

    "Flagellating." Absolutely fantastic word choice.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I had a family reunion today!! I still tracked my calories but went over by over 1000 calories!!!!!!!!!! What do I dooooo???

    Been there, done that. Just get back on track tomorrow. At the very worst all you did was maybe slow your weight loss down a little, but you're not going to gain weight due to one day.

    Step one, stop panicking.
    Step two, see step one!
    Step three, build the resolve to make tomorrow a good day.

    that's it. No 12 steps or some other junk here. Just don't let tomorrow be like today and you'll be fine.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    Have sex?

    Ooooh, good idea!

    Oh! OK! Back to the OP........

    Yes I went over today as well.

    I knew we were going for Mexican food and I KNOW I'm going to drink margaritas, SO, I went under my calories for the past few days and worked out hard and enjoyed every last drop, including the ice that was in them - - - along with the jalapeno shrimp of course!

    Next time you have an event coming up, eat a little under that week, get a few minutes more exercise, and enjoy!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    If you are one a 2 pound per week goal, you haven't even went over your maintenance levels at 1000 over. I was at an anniversary and probably went 2000 or more over. I am stuffed. Tomorrow, I will go back to logging.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Poop with all of your might!
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    Well, you're not dead yet.