Biggest Loser Challenge Week 3-weighin

Hey all! Here's week 3 weigh-in! Hope everyone did super this week!!! :) I'll post my weigh-in later today!


  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    Jan 11 - weight is 170.7
    Jan 18 - Weight is 167.3
    Lost 3.4 lbs
  • ttroses
    ttroses Posts: 16
    I was super excited about last week! It wasn't quite as good as last week, but at least it still went down!

    Last week - 156
    This week - 155
  • emilysuzanne
    emilysuzanne Posts: 67 Member
    Well so far it's looking like just a few of us are left! Hopefully a few stragglers will hop on today, but so far the postings run at
    1. ttroses
    2. sylvie
    GO TEAM! haha :) good luck to you both next week!
  • emilysuzanne
    emilysuzanne Posts: 67 Member
    Hey guys so for this week I think it would be neat if we all tried something new for our challenge as well as the losing poundage!
    Any suggestions? Such as you have to drink 6 glasses of water each day to qualify? or exercise for 30 min at least 4 days?

    and great job Biggest Loser TTROSES!! WOOOO!! :)
  • suerichards
    Well well what a week. I have picked up the exercise again and ti has really made a difference!! 4lb lose!!!!!!

    Now I am not sure what weight I am counting as SW. Is it the weight I was last week or the weight I was at the beginning of the challenge?

    Last week 142
    This week 138

    If it is based on last weeks weight then it is 2.81%
    If it is based on my weight at the start of the challenge then it is 2.77%

    I am really happy

    AND - I have hit 100lb lose over all woop woop
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    so, this week was not as good, only lost 0.6 lbs, went from 165.4 lbs to 164.6 lbs. But I'm glad i lost something, every little bit counts right? anyways good luck everyone!!!
  • goamy
    goamy Posts: 9
    still at 166-no change :(
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Lost 1 lb this week 189 to 188. I really can't wait till i can start working out (injured left foot-till feb 2) I do some arm stuff and ab workouts. Glad about the lb!!!! Yea!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Sorry I missed getting my weight into u. I weigh in on Fridays, but just send it to you on Mondays. Not sure what weight I gave u last week, my starting weight was 167, then I had the flu and went down to 163.8, so I kind of never really counted that since I knew it was just from being sick, and this week is 166.

    I have been really good with working out, taking Saturdays off. This week starting on Friday I was trying to burn 3500 cals this week. Dont think I will reach my goal. Still have 1442 calories left to burn with only 2 days. I do have step aerobics tom evening, so we will see what we burn there.

    I hope everyone is doing well, I have been vacant from the forum this week, will try to get caught up on it. Will check in with you guys tomorrow. Im off to watch BL at 10, and will hopefully refrain from haveing my dreadfull popcorn tonight.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Jan 11 - weight is 170.7
    Jan 18 - Weight is 167.3
    Lost 3.4 lbs

    Congrats on the weight loss - that is huge. Keep up the wonderful work.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well well what a week. I have picked up the exercise again and ti has really made a difference!! 4lb lose!!!!!!

    Now I am not sure what weight I am counting as SW. Is it the weight I was last week or the weight I was at the beginning of the challenge?

    Last week 142
    This week 138

    If it is based on last weeks weight then it is 2.81%
    If it is based on my weight at the start of the challenge then it is 2.77%

    I am really happy

    AND - I have hit 100lb lose over all woop woop

    Congrats on reaching 100lbs. That is a huge accomplishment. I am struggling losing 30. You are very inspiring.
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    I like the idea about adding a little something. Both the water and exercise are a bit of a challenge for me and require constant self reminder :)

    How about exercise 4 times a week ? (doesn't mean going to the Gym, could be doing exercise with a DVD at home).
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all, well I was strong last night, and didnt even look at popcorn. Its not the popcorn itself that is bad, I know you can get 100 cal popcorn, but it is the salt I load on it, then I retain water. So last night for a snack I had an apple slices up and a 35 cal yogurt. I loved it, didnt even miss the popcorn, and my mouth feels a lot better this morning lol (usually pretty dry from the salt). And my weight was done a pound this morning, so that made me happy.

    Going to work on books this morning and then my son has playschool this afternoon. It is a buddies birthday today I am bbqing steak, (not good for calories) but then will be going to step aerobics this evening.

    Hope everyone has a good day today, will check back in later.
  • emilysuzanne
    emilysuzanne Posts: 67 Member
    All right here is the deal everyone. Starting on Thursday we are going to add exercise 4xs a week to the challenge, but because we started late this week only twice until next monday's weigh-in. Thanks everyone for sticking it out so far! Your monday weigh-ins should be compared with your starting weight at biggest loser challenge part 1, so the very beginning weight which was around new years. :)
    Good luck to everyone this week! Going out for my 30 minute run in my new shoes and sweet new shorts now! holla! :)
  • ttroses
    ttroses Posts: 16
    Yeah!!! I was so glad to see so many more posts. I got worried when I only saw two on Monday! I love the idea of adding exercise! This will motivate me to exercise this weeked, which is when I usually flake out! Thanks everyone for being so motivating and supportive!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Alright, i have had a no weight loss week. Very disapointed but i think i know whats going on. I think i'm working out too much. I also know that on sunday i cheated, but that was one day and i did so much excerisce to try to even it out. What me and boyfriend have been realizing is that i have been dieting and then working it all off before i go to bed. At night i run on my elliptical for 1 hour on level 8 resistance. Its burns 1000 calories. So basically all my food gets taken out and my body is in starvation mode while i sleep and then i do it all over again the next day. Plus i also do a biggest loser workout in the same day. We also think that i could be gaining alot of muscle and that could be affecting the weight loss.

    So this week i am going to start a new type of program. I am going to stick to my calorie goal and do what the biggest loser 30 day shread suggested. I am going to do 45 mins of cardio and a strength excercise everyday along with dieting. My 45 mins of cardio is going to be my running elliptical. The strength excercise is going to be switching everyday between BIGGEST LOSER WEIGHT LOSS YOGA, AND BOOT CAMP. I want all my mucles to get their workout. NO MORE WORKING OUT BEFORE BED. I think pulling back on the excercise will help. At least i hope it will. Only time can tell. Wish me luck folks.


    p.s. btw michael lost half a pound this week.

    I am at 190.5 pounds right now
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Hello everyone... Is there a new thread every week?:heart:
  • emilysuzanne
    emilysuzanne Posts: 67 Member
    Hey all!! I'm glad you like the exercise idea. :) Tomorrow is weigh-in day and I hope everyone's week went fairly well, and if not don't get discouraged! :)
    AND THIS NEXT WEEK IS THE LAST WEEK!!!! So keep your finishes strong!

    Remember, post your weight from the very first weigh-in [from around new years], and then tomorrow you post what you lost this week as well as what you have lost overall so we can see who is in the lead,, etc... If you do not get at least 4 days of exercising for this next upcoming week you will be disqualified from adding your last week's poundage lost to your final score. aaah!! scary!

    I have posted a new thread entitled Biggest Loser Challenge Week 4 weigh-in under Motivation & Support so remember to post your monday's weigh-in there. :) Thanks everyone this has been a big help so far! :)