Do you use a heart rate monitor?



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I use an HRM for my Zumba classes - it's the only way to get an accurate reading of how many calories I've burned.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I use my HRM for my workouts (Polar FT7 although the FT4 is also nice) and wear my FitBit the rest of the day.

    The most accurate HRMs have the strap. And many of the bad reviews come from people who aren't washing theirs enough and getting the 00/250+ heart rate readings. I wash mine every 3rd workout and have no problems.
  • myateam4
    myateam4 Posts: 63 Member
    I just finally got one tonight and I burned 80 more calories than I was giving myself credit for in just 18 minutes!!!

    So how do they work exactly? Do you wear one on your wrist and then it tells you your 'true' calories burned?
  • myateam4
    myateam4 Posts: 63 Member
    I just finally got one tonight and I burned 80 more calories than I was giving myself credit for in just 18 minutes!!!

    So how do they work exactly? Do you wear one on your wrist and then it tells you your 'true' calories burned?

    You wear a chest strap that gives and accurate heart rate... and it has a watch that you wear too that gives you the read outs... Hope that helps..
  • mrsmegb
    mrsmegb Posts: 18 Member
    I don't. Recently got a fitbit and have been wondering if I would get any extra benefit from a HRM though...
    The FitBit is only good for some activities. It's incredible inaccurate compared to an HRM. For example, a FitBit wont recognize the burn when you're biking.... or on a treadmill but holding onto the bars. The FitBit is great for just your average daily activities, but not so much for your exercising.

    I have the Polar FT4 and LOVE IT!
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I do and I am a total nerd over it. I don't work out without it and I am glad to have it because MFP was giving me way too much credit for my exercise. It is fun to see the real numbers.

    Enjoy yours!
  • moonlightturk
    For the love of everything holy, NO.

    I returned mine few weeks ago. I lost most of my weight without one, and using one just slowed me down. I understood it gave me accurate results, but I don't need to focus on anymore numbers or depend on them.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    For the love of everything holy, NO.

    I returned mine few weeks ago. I lost most of my weight without one, and using one just slowed me down. I understood it gave me accurate results, but I don't need to focus on anymore numbers or depend on them.

    This I was just looking at one the other day and said.. Ummmm -No. Lol
  • CHN_
    CHN_ Posts: 94 Member
    Yes I do. Have had one for over two years (Polar FT40) and I can't imagine working out without it. The only time it ever gave me problems was when the battery was dying, so I just switched it myself (which was easy on this model) and now it's working perfectly again.

    You want to get one with a chest strap, and you want to rinse it off after each time you use it. I've never put my strap in the washer, but I rinse it well right after each time I use it, and that seems to work fine.

    My HRM not only tells me how many calories I burn, but also tells me my average heart rate % throughout my workout, as well as my highest. (I have it set to show % and not the actual HR, you can choose which to show of course). It also tells me how long I was in fitness more, and how long I was in fat burn mode. And it has a fitness test I do about every few month (or, you know, should do every few months, he he) that is what it bases my calorie readings/max HR settings on. Some Polar models may not have this, but the FT40 does.

    So, a very long answer there. But honestly, it's worth the money to get a good model. A lot of people here have the FT4 or FT7, I swear by the FT40, and know the FT60 is pretty awesome too. A bit more expensive, but worth it. I use it to know how hard I am pushing, and how much harder I can push. Without it I feel a little lost to be honest, and I hate not knowing just how much I burn each time I work out!
  • kellyh0709
    kellyh0709 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I do.
    It helps me work out if I have eaten and exercised off my 500 cals a day to lose 1lbs a week.
    i don;t eat my exercise cals back but it helps me ensure I am hitting my targets on a daily basis.
    The same workout can vary by 100 cals a time dependent of effort etc, so is really good for helping you stay on track.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the love of everything holy, NO.

    I returned mine few weeks ago. I lost most of my weight without one, and using one just slowed me down. I understood it gave me accurate results, but I don't need to focus on anymore numbers or depend on them.

    Ding Ding Ding! That's it right there.

    This HRM hype has turned exercise upside down. Exercise is pure. An activity you do to change yourself for the better. It's not about this mythical "burn". Lift heavy things to change your both your bodies capabilities and it's shape. Do cardio to improve your endurance. The number that MFP or your HRM spits out about your calories burned has no significance. Get stronger/faster/better while eating sensibly and you will succeed.

    But I see thread after thread on here where people bicker about a 100 calorie difference in an exercise log. Or where they ask which activity has the highest burn rate? WHO CARES? Pick the activity you like, and get better at it. You can run 2 miles? Good, now try to run 3 miles? And then try to run it in a faster time. You can bench 185? Good, now put 2 plates on the bar. Now gimme 5 more reps. If you go about your business like this, I promise you that you start liking what you see in the mirror.

    Whether you burned 350 cal, or 425, or 1000 won't make a whit of difference. Instead of going after a monster 800 calorie burn, get a 300 cal burn at something you enjoy and don't put cream or sugar in your coffee. Same difference.
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Best decision and money WELL spent ever! I love mine. I'd wear it to bed and track my calories if I thought it would help! ha ha

    What an amazing invention! LOVE IT!!!::happy:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I use one and it gives me an accurate reading of my calories burned. Also it helps me from overdoing it by showing me when I am getting out of my safe zone in heart rate.

    I use a Polar ft4 HRM. It's about $65 on free shipping. It has a chest strap for accuracy and is basic - just heart rate and calories burned. Relatively easy to use. I love mine.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I'm looking at buying one as I want to know exactly what calories I have burn as I dont feel mfp is very accurate x
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 and I love it. I'm a former accountant (now a SAHM), and I like numbers. The more numbers and data you can throw at me about my health and progress, the happier I am. I am motivated by numbers - it's just the way my brain works.

    It's helping me learn more about my fitness level and workouts. Eventually, I suspect I will stop using it - but for now, while I'm still learning a lot of this stuff, I find it very useful.
  • Janet1042
    Janet1042 Posts: 5 Member
    Absolutely! I bought one when I started running a few years ago to ensure I wasn't running my heart rate up too high. It made building up the miles much, much easier. Now that I run three times a week I use it to make sure I'm keeping my heart rate up. It's also great to check on those calories burned as you exercise. A good motivator! Works great for strength training, too. I generally underestimate how many calories I burn while lifting weights or doing core training. I have a Polar FT4 and it's all the monitor I need and not too pricey. I especially like the fact that I can bring it close to the chest strap as I run and it'll show me the time of day then go back to either heart rate or calories burned. Just make sure you rinse everything off after you exercise. Also, despite the fact that it says you can wear it swimming, you can't. Well, you can wear it without destroying it, but it won't actually track anything. I've been told I just need a different chest strap, but haven't figured out which one that is yet.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What makes everyone think they are accurate?

    They measure heart rate, not calories burned. The calories burned is a guess, just like MFP or anything else.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    What makes everyone think they are accurate?

    They measure heart rate, not calories burned. The calories burned is a guess, just like MFP or anything else.

    They aren't accurate, they are the most accurate but they are just estimates.

    I bought a Suunto recently which has an awesome website integration and graphs (I LOVE graphs). Anyway, the first workout I did with the Suunto, it gave me an incredibly high burn that I knew I was wrong. So I went into the website to adjust some settings and now I feel better about the estimate it provides. I think it helps me track my workouts, see where I may be slacking, see which workouts provide me with a more cardiovascular burn, etc.

    I don't eat back my calories and I certainly wouldn't based on a HRM but on the days where I work a little harder, I may eat high in my calorie range than otherwise.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    No. Nor do I attempt to calculate cals burned with exercise at all.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I've got a Polar bluetooth monitor that links to Digifit on my iPhone.
    Love the combination.

    My daily goal is to burn 1000 calories in my morning exercise session. With the HRM, I can mix it up with weights and cardio without worrying about calculating calorie burn form multiple activities.

    Also, I find I don't over exert myself as much. I used to push hard through the toughest parts of my workout. Now I find I was way over my max heart rate when doing that.

    I cannot recommend the combination more strongly. Love it.