Losing my baby weight!

Hi everyone

I was a MFP enthusiast a couple of years ago and lost over a stone and a half. Now I'm back after giving birth to my baby girl who is now 6 weeks old and I'm really hoping to shed the extra weight soon! I've just been given the all clear to start exercising again and am feeling soooo motivated!

:) xxx


  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Welcome back to MFP.. Feel free to add me if you are looking for fitness friends

  • catherinemaclean
    catherinemaclean Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I'm also new to MFP (today is my first day), and a new Momma! My daughter is 10 weeks. I had a c/sec and needed to wait until I healed a bit longer before starting. I'm exclusively breastfeeding and have lost about 19lbs of baby weight already. I still have quite a bit to go though. Good Luck!
  • erinbolton
    erinbolton Posts: 28 Member
    Congratulations on your new little one... Good luck, keep up the good work. I am a mommy too, a litle slower on the "loss of baby weight" tho, mine is almost 4 yrs old. I guess at this point it is really "toddler weight". So far I'm at 15 lbs in 2 months. Keep at it!! :)