Lost some weight now gaining it back?

ugh, is anyone in the same boat as me? I lost weight and i was doing really well, and then school started and i am working and when i'm home i'm doing homework or i'm sleeping. Lately i haven't had much time for workouts but when i did i was working out. I've gained back everything i've lost in those past couple of weeks. & i don't know how to keep it off when i'm not able to workout on some days. HELP?


  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Have you been tracking since you started back school again?
  • ashleew1117
    Have you been tracking since you started back school again?

    yeah, i track everyday i never don't track. I mean sometimes i don't but i still watch what i eat. But i think i haven't tracked maybe 2 days fully.

    & i've worked out but i've only got to workout 2 days since a week ago from today.

    & usually i track everything before i eat it, like this morning i work 10.5 hours so i've already tracked everything i'm going to be eating for the day.
    Plus, i'll get to workout this evening after work.
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Would you mind opening up your food diary? So we can take a look, please. Also what is your height and your current weight?
  • mkm9279
    mkm9279 Posts: 44
    How is your sleeping pattern? I know just a little tweak in any schedule throws me off. I too go back to school next week and am worried about not working it as much. But I know if I don't get enought sleep the night before I mindless eat or my workout suffers
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Two things . . .

    What you eat is more important than exercise for weight loss. If you're on campus, cafeterias are way to easy to overeat at. If you're off, it's easy to snack on the run. Log, log, log.

    If you don't have time to exercise, you need to incorporate it into your daily life. Exercise is essential for weight maintenance. Walk those stairs. Park at the end of the parking lot. Walk between classes and during breaks instead of checking your computer/phone. There is a lot of research that says that exercise improves your sleep and study habits and an hour spent exercising makes your study time more efficient.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    How much did you lose/gain back?

    I'm going back to school right now. I haven't exercised as much BUT I have been taking the stairs, walking to classes, and logging everything.
  • ashleew1117
    Okay, answering several questions at once.

    I weight 208 Height 2'7


    I thought my diary was open, as i opened it before. but i will go look on my settings. (:

    I gained about 4 pounds back, it wasn't a huge amount, but to me it was because i shouldn't have gained it back because i'd been eating pretty good lately.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    You have to make yourself workout. Make it a priority. I started back to work full time as a teacher and I'm taking a college course. I was scared to death that I would not find the time to workout. I made it a point. Sleepy or not. As soon as I walk in the door I put my running shoes and get on the treadmill. There have been days I just wanted to nap but i didn't. I worked out. Now i'm used to working out as soon as I get home. My husband just has to wait for dinner. I also told him I may not be cooking dinner for a while until my class is over. I still eat healthy and prepare my breakfast and lunch ahead of time. I'm busy as crap but I'm doing it. You can too!!
  • ashleew1117
    You have to make yourself workout. Make it a priority. I started back to work full time as a teacher and I'm taking a college course. I was scared to death that I would not find the time to workout. I made it a point. Sleepy or not. As soon as I walk in the door I put my running shoes and get on the treadmill. There have been days I just wanted to nap but i didn't. I worked out. Now i'm used to working out as soon as I get home. My husband just has to wait for dinner. I also told him I may not be cooking dinner for a while until my class is over. I still eat healthy and prepare my breakfast and lunch ahead of time. I'm busy as crap but I'm doing it. You can too!!

    Thanks, i'm trying this is just now my second week going so i'm still trying to get in the swing of things. Work changed my schedule so now i don't have to go in until 4 so that should leave me major time to come home, workout, take a shower, and then go to work. So i'm hoping this will work out great. I know what you mean about making yourself workout, and it's not easy.

    I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon.
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    2 feet tall? uh..is that correct? After looking at your diary. You could eat a little bit better. After looking past the couple of days.

    GIRL!!!!! WHERE ARE YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES! I think if you cut back a few ounces of the processed foods and put some vegetables in there. It would help a lot. Also you should track sodium and even sugar. If your short on time, I don't know if you have these in your grocer but the "steamables" from Green Giant or Birds Eyes. help out and are so convenient.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'll second the recommendation to select higher quality foods and get consistent with tracking. I see lots of chips, Cheetos, hot dogs, pizza, quick calories and partial diaries. Get rid of that in favor of fruit and vegetables, track everything, and serif you don't do better.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    You don't need to workout to lose weight. Diet is most of weight loss. Exercise if for fitness and toning. If you make the right food choices you don't every "have" to workout.
  • ashleew1117
    2 feet tall? uh..is that correct? After looking at your diary. You could eat a little bit better. After looking past the couple of days.

    GIRL!!!!! WHERE ARE YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES! I think if you cut back a few ounces of the processed foods and put some vegetables in there. It would help a lot. Also you should track sodium and even sugar. If your short on time, I don't know if you have these in your grocer but the "steamables" from Green Giant or Birds Eyes. help out and are so convenient.

    No, thats not correct, i'm 5'7 i'm sorry that was a really big typo.
    I see where your coming from, it's very tough not giving in to certain things when they are asked.
    Just like the hot dogs, everyone at work knows that i'm on a diet and trying to lose weight, and they still always seem to offer these things to me, and are like ones not going to hurt. but they don't understand.

    I have been eating a lot more strawberries and blueberries and those kinds of things, but i don't track those.
    When i eat vegetables or fruits i don't track them as they are good for you and i just don't feel that they need to be tracked. Me and my friend both do this.

    & to the other post, i know that it's mostly about your diet, but if i don't workout then i lose track of everything and then i just want to eat everything. If i'm working out everyday then i feel like i'm more in control with my body and what i'm putting in it.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    If your diary is accurate... You're not eating. Like at all. Like, today, you ate a TOTAL of 762 calories.. But burned 785. That means you are running on fumes. Barely. You're netting NEGATIVE. Other days weren't always negative.. But super super super low.


  • ashleew1117
    If your diary is accurate... You're not eating. Like at all. Like, today, you ate a TOTAL of 762 calories.. But burned 785. That means you are running on fumes. Barely. You're netting NEGATIVE. Other days weren't always negative.. But super super super low.



    You can't put your body into starvation mode unless your hungry and your just not eating.
    Yes, i know that i was in the negative yesterday, i rarely am in the negative.
    & actually when i eat like that i lose weight, i don't gain.
    but i only ate yesterday when i was hungry and i worked out like i usually do.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    I have been eating a lot more strawberries and blueberries and those kinds of things, but i don't track those.
    When i eat vegetables or fruits i don't track them as they are good for you and i just don't feel that they need to be tracked. Me and my friend both do this.

    Fruit and veg contain calories too, if you're eating a lot of them and not logging them you could be going over your target cals without even realising.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    If your diary is accurate... You're not eating. Like at all. Like, today, you ate a TOTAL of 762 calories.. But burned 785. That means you are running on fumes. Barely. You're netting NEGATIVE. Other days weren't always negative.. But super super super low.



    You can't put your body into starvation mode unless your hungry and your just not eating.
    Yes, i know that i was in the negative yesterday, i rarely am in the negative.
    & actually when i eat like that i lose weight, i don't gain.
    but i only ate yesterday when i was hungry and i worked out like i usually do.

    Not true - if you're in starvation mode your body adapts and makes you less hungry. Please read the links if you havent already!

  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    I comment a lot on food in take and such .. But a lot of what has been said is good stuff.. I want to talk to you about your exercise..

    Again I ask this question and a lot to people who post here......

    How bad do you want it ?

    Because if you want it bad.. If losing this weight that is plaguing you is really bothering you as much as you claim you will stop trying.. you will stop making excuses and you will make time to work out ..

    It all comes down to how bad do you want it ?

    I get up at 4:30am every day ( dont have to be at work until 7:30am ) to ensure I have enoough time to work out shower eat breakfast and get out the door. I make time for my work outs in my busy life. I sacrifice the extra sleep I could get so I can be fit.

    I am not gonna lie it was hard at first but now its like clock work and I am fine..

    SO ... How bad do you want it ?
  • ashleew1117
    I comment a lot on food in take and such .. But a lot of what has been said is good stuff.. I want to talk to you about your exercise..

    Again I ask this question and a lot to people who post here......

    How bad do you want it ?

    Because if you want it bad.. If losing this weight that is plaguing you is really bothering you as much as you claim you will stop trying.. you will stop making excuses and you will make time to work out ..

    It all comes down to how bad do you want it ?

    I get up at 4:30am every day ( dont have to be at work until 7:30am ) to ensure I have enoough time to work out shower eat breakfast and get out the door. I make time for my work outs in my busy life. I sacrifice the extra sleep I could get so I can be fit.

    I am not gonna lie it was hard at first but now its like clock work and I am fine..

    SO ... How bad do you want it ?

    haha, i want this bad. & i didn't say that i wasn't going to try. I just needed to find a schedule that was good my routine.
    As i had found one that is just fine for me at the moment.
    I don't ever want to get up at 4:30 in the morning to workout as i will lose motivation. I just can't function that early in the morning. + with school i usually don't get into bed until late considering i have homework to do and i don't get off work until 10 at night.
    I found what was right for me and i'm sticking to it.
    there is no problem with that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    According to the last few days of your food and exercise journal.. I think you're working out enough but not getting enough calories. You say you're rarely in the negative but the point is, you should never be in the negative and should be netting at lest 1200 if not closer to your BMR to properly nourish/fuel your body.

    Also, although I don't technically care for the term starvation mode, it is true that if you're not taking in enough calories/nutrients, the body will hold on to what little you give it which means it's stored as fat/pounds. And it doesn't mean that you'll actually feel hungry, that is a misconception. It means your metabolism will slow down. Maybe this worked for you in the past but obviously it's not working anymore. What harm would it do to try eating closer to what MFP gives you for a calorie goal for a couple weeks just to see what happens? I'd also try tracking your fruits and veggies for a while - green veg calories don't add up very fast but if you're eating starchier veg like corn, peas, squash, potatoes, that's a different story. Fruit calories can add up very quickly, even those from the lower sugar types like berries.

    A friend of mine has been heavy for years and she hardly eats. She finally learned earlier this year that this is part of the reason why she is overweight and once she started eating properly, she lost over 40 pounds.