Help! Fat Girl Arms!

Im on day 26 of my "New Life" and really loving the results so far. I've lost 10 pounds and 4 1/2 inches on my hips and on my waist.

I walk everyday, between 3 and 5 miles but is there something I can do to help lose these massive arms along the way? Im not able to do push ups, yet or any other workout that uses my own body weight because I am still VERY large. Is it possible to lose arm fat while toning the muscle underneath? I'd REALLY love to get rid of my arm weight but if I had to pick a spot it would be the triceps. Im tired of them waving at everyone! :tongue:

Sorry for the rambling, Im still learning alot and seem to come up with questions everyday. MFP has actually taught me alot so far!

Have a great Sunday everyone and thanks,



  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Have you tried "girl" pushups? You know, the ones that you do from the knees? It's a good starting point. So are 45 degree pushups. The only way to create muscle while burning fat is strength training. If you're not a member of a gym and can't be for whatever reasons, see if you can't pick up some resistance bands or some dumbbells and incorporate that into your workout.

    PS- you can't spot reduce fat. It comes off as it comes off.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You can't spot reduce - meaning that you can't pick a part of the body, work that part excessively and have the fat come off of that area alone. The fat comes off pretty much however it wants to - we are all genetically programmed to carry our fat differently, and to lose it differently.

    That said, you can work the muscles under the fat, so when the fat does come off, it looks nicer. If you have access to a gym, strength training with heavy weights will give you great results. If you don't, google some body resistance exercises or look into resistance bands.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    As you continue to lose weight, the fat will eventually come off your arms as well. Just have to give it time. You can't force where the fat comes off from. But, it will come off. :smile:

    Strength training will help you improve the muscles. If you can't do a regular pushup, try them from your knees. Or against a wall. Start using dumbbells. Any strength training that uses your arms will help.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Can you lean on the wall and push yourself in and out from the wall? You can gradually move your feet farther away from the wall week by week to add resistance as your strength builds. Eventually graduate to doing it off a counter top.

    Agree with LauraF, you can't spot reduce, but working the muscles helps. Also muscle is more metabolically active at rest than fat is, so working all of the muscles that you can will help your long term goals of burning more cals.
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    i suggest getting some wrists weight or carrying a couple water bottles in each hand while walking, and really swing your arms like you do when you power walk. It will help tone your arms a little.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    The closer you get to your goal the thinner your arms will get. As the others have said you can't spot lose fat. But as you lose the weight do strength training. I started with stretch bands and now am up to 15 lb dumb bells. I do reverse push ups to tone the backs and bat wings on my arms...triceps area. Put your arms behind you on a low table and push up and down lifting your body. I like to look on youtube for exercise ideas. Look for ones with women demonstrating.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    I used to have flabby arms but now are muscular. I suggest tricep push ups on the knees, tricep dips, and bicep curls. The push ups and dips can be done at home. For the bicep curls, pick something at home, like a gallon of water/ milk. My arms started be defined once the weight came off and I started weight lifting. Good luck
  • MrsCaseyLane
    MrsCaseyLane Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    I have so many ideas now and excited about weight loss! I didnt even think of using the wall or a table and gradually making it more difficult as It gets easier. I'll maybe look into a dumbell to take while walking. Im also headed to youtube to see the correct way to do some of these workouts.

    I know weight will come off where ever it does, I'd just like to show off some muscles when it does come off!

    Thanks again everyone! :flowerforyou: