What are your NSV goals?

In order to keep my motivation up I want to create a list of my NSV goals:

Thanksgiving Day: Turkey Trot 5K and I want to jog the WHOLE thing!!
Wear my size 16 dress and have it look GOOD again
Walk without my inner arms brush against my spare tire
Shop in a non-plus size store
Fit into my size 14 pencil skirt that I wore in high school

What are YOUR NSV goals?


  • jamifaith
    I have 4 :)
    1. I have a particular pair of jeans that I Love but theyve always been tight. I want them to fit perfectly and then go out and totally rock them.
    2. When I run on the treadmill I always run my butt off for the first three miles and then slow to down for the last couple. My goal is to run those three miles in 21 minutes Without having to pause at all or hop of for water. My current time is 21:13 but I had to pause for 30 seconds at mile 2.5 . Going from how horrible of a runner I used to be, a 7 min mile is like I sprouted wings. :)
    3. That being said, sometime in the near future I want to complete a marathon
    4. I want to be able to be able to max out the female army pt test. Imm not in the army but hubby is and I love encouraging him to work hard and improve his score. For females, maxing out the pt test is something about 48 push ups, 70 sit ups and a 15 min 2-mile. Those arentt the exact numbers but I cantt remember them off the top of ny head. Ill definitely remember them when I accomplish it tho!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    fit into all my old jeans from highschool
    (im into two pairs of them at the moment/ current sophomore in college) :]
    wear a swim suit that dosnt cover over my thighs and midriff- and feel good about it
    (bought a bikini- but im still 30 lbs away from looking okay in it)
    feel great naked
    improve confidence and security with own self immage
    quit smoking
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    1) I want to see my muscles, not just be able to feel them.
    2) I want to run in a 5K Mud run.
    3) I want to not jiggle.
    4) I want to be in a size 4 without a muffin top
  • mskatee
    mskatee Posts: 33
    What's NSV? (Sorry!):smile:
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    My biggest NSV goal is to complete an Iron Girl Triathlon next year. Lots of training to do. But I am up for the challenge!
  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    @mskatee - Non Scale Victory.

    A Couple of Mine:

    To be able to shop in the regular sizes and look good in them
    Feel good about me
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    1. To have abs. Not amazing ripped abs, just some definition
    2. for my theighs not to touch. Getting really close to this one!!
    3. To actually run a 5K. I can go the distance (at the high end of average timing) but I'm just scared to actually run in a race :/
    4. To get my high school pants at least buttoned lol (I've had three kids since then and in highschool I had like 15% BF so I don't really care if they don't look good lol
  • jamifaith
    What's NSV? (Sorry!):smile:
    Non scale victory :)
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    1) Run at least a 5K
    2) Shop in "normal people" stores
    3) Be skinnier than my sister (don't judge me :laugh:)
    4) Inspire my mom, who's been obese my entire life, to start eating better and exercising :)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    1. To wear a bikini on our Dec trip and feel comfortable in it - no tummy jiggle.
    2. To have only clothes that fit. For years I have had clothes in a range of sizes. It's a pain to pack a suitcase.
    3. Run a 10k, maybe even a 1/2 marathon.
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member
    1. to be able to run the 10K I've signed up for in March in aid of my sister's disability charity (only at 5K running and almost dying now!)
    2. to be able to get into a UK size 10 in any shop (went shopping yesterday and in many of the stores I got into a 10 but not all)
    3. to swim an open water 1 mile event (can do it in the pool but open water is a different matter)
    4. to not look my age (40) - nobody wants to be fat at 40 do they?
  • krisc15
    krisc15 Posts: 44 Member
    1. to be able to run for 20 minutes on the treadmill without stopping (or dying)

    2. to fit my calves in any boots i try

    3. to do a mud run

    4. to have muscular arms

    5. to look skinny in skinny jeans :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member

    2. to fit my calves in any boots i try

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    That's a good one! I too have big calves and have trouble getting boots to fit. Looking forward to trying some on for the winter in a couple of months now 15lbs have gone I've started running - maybe 1 pair will fit this time (without elasticated sides).
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I have a few....

    I would like to be able to run a 5K without dying...or without needing a knife wielding maniac to chase me ;)

    I would like to be able to wear boots again...I havent since high school.

    I would just like to feel "normal" and not incredibly self conscious anymore.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    By the end of this year I WILL be able to do all of the squats and lunges on my hardest DVD workout!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    To be able to do many "male" pushups
    Be a very tonned size 6 or size 4 pants
    Buy a lil black dress
    Put on my bikkni again...(oh wait thats tommorrow! ah scared :( )
    To be able to wear 'oversized" sweaters and not have my tummy make it look normal..
    To one day fly to and complete a color run <3 ( dream)
    18% body fat..did i mention im currently at 22% so its not to far off.

    My body is a work in progress :)
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    1. To get down to a 22% BF
    2. 10 chin ups
    3. To get my back muscular enough that I stop slouching so much
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Drop one pant size. (Go to a size 6)

    Run 2 miles in 15 minutes

    Do all 60 kata sets at full power without feeling exhausted. :P

    Be able to hold a metal katana out properly after drawing it for more than 10 seconds. >_< haha. Those things are SO heavy.
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I forgot to mention the one that actually had me create this thread:

    Fasten my seatbelt without being aware of the width of my hips.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I would like to be a size 6/8 again....