At what point of your weight lose did you plateau?

I've been been on my new journey since June 1st 2012, I was doing great losing an average of 2 lbs a week . I exercise daily although my goal is 6 times a week . My caloire goal is 1600 which I've NEVER went over my average day minus exercise calories is usually 1000-1200. I do not ever eat back calories. This past week i've stayed on track but haven't seen a lose yet . I know its only been a week but... should i change up my exercise to something different, eat more / less ?


  • cb76597
    cb76597 Posts: 9
    Congrats on the 27lbs. I have never lost 2lbs per week, that amazing! I plateau after 10lbs, and its hard to start loosing again. I stayed on a plateau for over a month. On average I loose 1/2 lb per week by watching what I eat. I can loose more with exercise, but I plateau with too much exercise and not enough food to compensate for it. To get out of the plateau I ate back 1/2 of my calories to prevent my body from going into starvation.

    My point is that everyone's body is different. I began to learn mine by tracking calories with my Polar HRM, my food/calorie intake and exercise. I am beginning to see what combination of things worked to keep me loosing weight at a comfortable pace. Because I track information on myself, I can now read forums and try new ideas that I think have a better chance of working for me based on what I already know about my body. My goal is to understand what I can do to loose weight consistently without loosing will-power overtime. I think the most effective thing is to look at YOUR body's data and devise a plan that works for your fitness level, diet and lifestyle.
  • WintersMoonlight
    I plateau'd when I lost over 120 lbs.

    Also,Sometimes it's what you eat that has an impact on your weight loss.
    Foods that you were able to eat in the begging of your journey may have worked for you and may not work now.
    What foods are you currently eating? Are most of your foods fresh or processed? I'd say cut down sugar intake as much as possible and cut your carbs down a bit. The scale should get moving again.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I plateaued around 25lbs. I had to change my workout routine (I was doing too much strength training) and I also started eating back some of my workout calories.
    That's all it took to break it.