
So is anyone here recently started dating again? I have. I am on and a guy told me he couldn't date me because I wasn't attractive enough and to over weight. A simple no thanks would have been good enough. Luckily I don't have to bad of self esteem issues. I'm not a super model or anything, but geesh.

Anyone have better stories or luck?


  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    I'm not in the eligible pool, but I just read this post and had to reply. That guy was way out of line! Even if that's his opinion, a man would never say something like that, a dude, a bro, or a guy, yes--but not a man.

    If I could speak for my entire gender, I apologize for the insensitive remarks. Best of luck in your future searches and good thing you found out early with that one!
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    He is a shallow jerk. Good thing you found out right away. :smile:
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Don't ask me I have no luck with men period. I can't figure them out. It they don't like you chunkie forget them. Maybe find a guy who knows how hard it is to loose weight. I dated a guy who said he would not eat if he was fat.......and here I was FAT. Made me feel bad. I don't judge people on looks alone. Weight can always change but being a jerk does not.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I have a feeling he'll be looking for a date for a long time. Good thing you didn't waste any time on him before you found out he was a jerk.

    I don't really have any advice about dating, but really, you are NOT "too overweight" and you ARE a cute girl.

    Good luck!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Wait u are not even overweight!!!! Forget that guy and let him have his boney chicks.
  • flbeachbuddy
    flbeachbuddy Posts: 77 Member
    What a jerk!

    I met someone online (through EHarmony) who loves me just the way I am. I even put what I considered a bad picture of me online. Anyway, I mentioned losing weight and he said he wouldn't love me any more if I was smaller. Aaaawww!

    You'll find the right one.
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    I swear there are more snakes than princes out there. I had an ex tell me that no matter how much I starved myself I'd always be fat with tiny boobs. I don't get why it's ok for a man to be chunky, but God forbid a woman having curves!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Yeah i had that problem dated someone chunkie and he didn't like me chunkie............i lost a boat load of weight and he wants back in...........heck NO.
  • CaptainJim157
    Hi, I'm a man, (19 yrs old) I know it seems young, but I have dated before, anyways, That was so rude of that guy! Your way better than him! Don't worry! ^^ Wow, I totally understand what you girls were saying about men can be chunky but woman can't be, that is just totally pure ignorance. I kinda know what you girls are talking about, (not with my weight though) but I'm disabled and some girls were nice to me just cuz I'm disabled but then afterwards I'd hear them make fun of me with their friends, I'd rather not even date a girl like that. Anyways, like I said, your way better than that and good luck! :)
    I am currently looking for a g/f but if it happens it happens, I know I'll find someone out there like that likes me just the way I am. Cheers!
  • trishara
    Thanks everyone! It's just hard out there. I was married for 7 years. Together for 11 years. I feel pretty out of it. I don't need anyone to make me happy, but it helps though. :)
  • trishara
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    i did the thing and i had no luck what so ever...i guess im just doomed!!! i seem to attract the sorry *kitten* losers also!!! i put that i was overweight but working on it and that im a single mom of 4 and i guess guys just cant handle that. im thinking that ill wait til i lose weight to even start talking to anyone and ill see how that goes. ive been single for so long and the last relationship was sooooo terrible, idk if i even want another relationship. actually, ive never been in a normal relationship. my kids dad is 1 crazy *kitten*......stalking, harassing, verbally abusive......lucky me!! i finally left his sorry *kitten*...its been almost 3 yrs, and i havnt seen or spoken a work to him in 2 yrs and 2 months!!!!! whooo hooo....go me!!!!! lol
  • tubbytabbytales
    What the hell? WHO SAYS THINGS LIKE THAT? Rude! Ugh! I'm disgusted!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    Boy, I can relate to all the above and I've been around (and single) for a while.

    The two men who posted here, good for you! There are nice men out there and thank you for reminding us cynical ladies.

    I think the only thing I can do is be open to love if it happens, live my life to the fullest in the meantime, and not hurt anyone for my own selfish needs. What goes around comes around, I've seen it happen many times.

    We ladies need to train men to treat us nicely. Don't put up with the losers and the ones with negative comments. If they can't get any dates, they'll have to get "nicer". Don't you think?
  • trishara
    i did the thing and i had no luck what so ever...i guess im just doomed!!! i seem to attract the sorry *kitten* losers also!!! i put that i was overweight but working on it and that im a single mom of 4 and i guess guys just cant handle that. im thinking that ill wait til i lose weight to even start talking to anyone and ill see how that goes. ive been single for so long and the last relationship was sooooo terrible, idk if i even want another relationship. actually, ive never been in a normal relationship. my kids dad is 1 crazy *kitten*......stalking, harassing, verbally abusive......lucky me!! i finally left his sorry *kitten*...its been almost 3 yrs, and i havnt seen or spoken a work to him in 2 yrs and 2 months!!!!! whooo hooo....go me!!!!! lol

    Good luck on the dating once you start again! Good luck on the weight loss too! Glad you got out of the bad relationship.