First it was I find this in the back yard



  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    thanks Darin...i'm now afraid to leave the house and leave my chair...

    LOL...what's next..chair stuffing bugs?
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member

    Baldfaced hornets can be considered a beneficial insect in that they reduce populations of unwanted insects (including other yellowjackets) and will help pollinate flowers when they are searching for nectar. Therefore, unless the nests are located close (within 10 feet) of an entrance to a building, under an eave that is close to the ground or in shrubbery next to a lawn that is mowed, the nests can be ignored. However, individuals with known sensitivities to wasp and bee stings should have any nests close to their homes removed by professional pest management personnel (pest control companies).
    Those individuals without medical concerns and with a degree of daring can kill the colony by spraying a ‘wasp and hornet’ spray into the nest opening during the nighttime. The nest should be scouted during daylight to determine the best approach that will not disturb the wasps prior to introduction of the insecticide. DO NOT stand away from the nest and spray only the exterior as this will anger the colony and increase the risk of stings during the next several days. Effective control can only be achieved by stealthy approach and then spraying the pressurized material directly into the nest opening – holding the nozzle against the hole. The pressure of the spray in addition to the nozzle will retard any attempts by the wasps to exit. It is advisable to wear long sleeved clothing, long rubber gloves and goggles to protect yourself from any insecticide that falls out of the nest or splashes off the surface. Launder clothes and take a shower immediately after application if any insecticide falls on you.
    Always read the insecticide label and follow those recommendations.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    You can use wasp spray during the day. It shoots from about 15' away. They will come at you but in a straight line following the stream. Hold your ground, they'll die long before they get to you. Be there, done that, killed them dead

    A stream of hornets and you're like 'come at me bro', now thats badass!

    That's epic, I hope if I have such a problem, that I can deal with it in such a badass way.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Nuke it from orbit...It's the only way to be sure.

    Props on the Aliens quote. I was thinking the same thing.

    Maybe just move, like the family in Jaws: The Revenge. They moved because the shark was eating ONLY their family. And they moved to The Bahamas.... because there are no f--king sharks in the Bahamas.

    Richard Jeni bit. I miss him.
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    I just went outside as my husband was lighting his grill and there was a HUGE spider on the wall. I said, that looks like a tarantula and he is all "nah, just a blah, blah, blah" is what I heard as I ran for the door. I hate spiders with a passion. And the day before my son turned one, he disturbed a yellowjacket nest and was stung 15 times. Off to the ER we went and he was fine. I think I needed some xanax to settle me down, but you couldn't tell anything had happened to him besides the welts by the time we got to the hospital. He has also been stung by a stinging scorpion and had a lovely spider crawling on him (no bite from that though). He's a toogh little guy....not a big chicken like his momma. Kill those effin hornets, but be careful doing it. Geez, what a mess. Good luck!!
  • rumor23
    rumor23 Posts: 21 Member
    Those are some bad *kitten* personal trainers. Let's look at the work out you would get from this shall we...
    Obvious one, running at fast pace
    two, screaming like a little girl strengthens the lungs
    three, internal organs get stronger from trying to maintain bodily functions
    four, butt clenches to keep from pooping pants

    hmmm, I am with the rest, either stay in and watch tv or just put the house on the market and move.
    You could say, comes with built in security, no need for ADT here!
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    You must get rid of the nest quickly, left alone, these things can get as big as a house. They are monsters, horrible little black and white monsters. What you need to do, is basically wait until sundown ....spray the nest with insect spray...then go back the next evening and knock the nest into a bag. Start a bonfire, then throw the bugger onto a fire and watch in delight, then, celebrate 'til the cows come home!! I LOVE bonfires!!
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    You could always move the tree!

    Truck + rope + patience =]
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    I would also hide like a girl. Wait I am a girl lol but I:tongue: hear ya on that . I just lost my two year old compost pile (would have been ready this spring) to wasps grrr but THEY ARE DEAD
  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    My last home I ended up with three wasp nests in the loft, so may father dressed in thick overalls, gloves and full helmet and mask, climbed through the hatch with sprays to kill the nests. Me being allergic to wasps stayed 20 foot away at the bottom of the stairs. One wasp flew past him, paid no attention to the man dressed like an alien bringing Armageddon to it's home, dived down the stairs and stung me! Net result I end up on the floor gasping for breath being jabbed with epipens while the wasps slowly die in the nest. Four people in the house and it find the one person that is allergic.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    Here's the bird's eye view - marking the location of the nest. Might-should I leave it, to keep the jellow jackets away?

    I would just put this up here, but it's too big (NSV!!!!!I've never used those words, in that combination before!!).
  • LorrainePatrick
    LorrainePatrick Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah, that's a huge bees nest- Since it's already Aug.- may I suggest waiting until the weather gets cooler?
    Bees are less active then.

  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    I suggest full body snowmobile suit, helmet, tall boots, gloves and an entire case of that foamy wasp/hornet spray. Good luck! Hate those guys!
  • Edenar
    Edenar Posts: 7
    Do you have friends in the nuclear arms business? I have a feeling the only way to destroy that kind of evil is with WMDs. :P Best of luck my friend, and if you try to do it... send me a Youtube link, because that NEEDS to be recorded.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    fuuuuuckkkk that inout.gif
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Why did I look at that picture right before bedtime? Nightmare central, here I come!
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    Your hornet is terrified of this sucker!


    From: Japan, obviously.
    Why you must fear it:
    It's the size of your thumb and it can spray flesh-melting poison. We really wish we were making that up for, you know, dramatic effect because goddamn, what a terrible thing a three-inch acid-shooting hornet would be, you know? Oh, hey, did we mention it shoots it into your eyes? Or that the poison also has a pheromone cocktail in it that'll call every hornet in the hive to come over and sting you until you are no longer alive?
    Think you can outrun it? It can fly 50 miles in a day. It'd be nice to say something reassuring at this point, like "Don't worry, they only live on top of really tall mountains where nobody wants to live," but no, they live all over the goddamned place, including outside Tokyo.
    Forty people die like that every year, each of them horribly.

    Read more: The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World

    EDIT: I DO NOT guarantee ALL of that information to be true.....
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    Your hornet is terrified of this sucker!


    From: Japan, obviously.
    Why you must fear it:
    It's the size of your thumb and it can spray flesh-melting poison. We really wish we were making that up for, you know, dramatic effect because goddamn, what a terrible thing a three-inch acid-shooting hornet would be, you know? Oh, hey, did we mention it shoots it into your eyes? Or that the poison also has a pheromone cocktail in it that'll call every hornet in the hive to come over and sting you until you are no longer alive?
    Think you can outrun it? It can fly 50 miles in a day. It'd be nice to say something reassuring at this point, like "Don't worry, they only live on top of really tall mountains where nobody wants to live," but no, they live all over the goddamned place, including outside Tokyo.
    Forty people die like that every year, each of them horribly.

    Read more: The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World

    EDIT: I DO NOT guarantee ALL of that information to be true.....

    well i think im never going to EVER
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    Your hornet is terrified of this sucker!


    Kill it. kill it with fire.
  • sarahwilloughby07
    Yikes! What you gonna do? Id just move house if I were you :D


    I have 9.95 other acres to live...gonna take them out with wasp spray. At night. Geared-up. From within a truck. Hiding like a little girl with just my hand out of the window, holding the can. :p

    Doing better than I would. I'd be becoming best friends with the Orkin man or something.