Too Few Calories Today

So I am about 440 calories UNDER my daily goal. I don't want to go into starvation mode but i'm really not hungry. I don't want to eat a cup of frozen yogurt just to hit my goal...or should I? Cant believe I am worrying about being under LOL


  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    If you aren't doing this consistently, you should be fine. There's no point in forcing yourself to eat if you aren't hungry.

    On the other hand, you might want to take a look at what you're eating. Are you avoiding fats? Are you getting enough protein? Are you eating 'diet'/low fat items rather than the 'real' thing?
  • adam85491
    adam85491 Posts: 12 Member
    Starvation mode is either nearly impossible to enter or doesn't exist at all. You're being very irrational.
  • auntiedonna2000
    I don't eat enough either. It doesn't help, I have lost many pounds and just gain it back once I start eating "normal". Be careful, and try to eat the minimum calories a day.
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Starvation mode is either nearly impossible to enter or doesn't exist at all. You're being very irrational.

    Well Dr. please tell that to MFP when they give me the "starvation mode" warning when I don't hit 1,200 calories. How am I irrational when MFP is telling me (in RED font) to be careful?
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    If you aren't doing this consistently, you should be fine. There's no point in forcing yourself to eat if you aren't hungry.

    On the other hand, you might want to take a look at what you're eating. Are you avoiding fats? Are you getting enough protein? Are you eating 'diet'/low fat items rather than the 'real' thing?

    Thanks for the reply. I don't do this often - my protein is usually in the negatives which doesn't concern me because I read that it's not a big deal, so I def get enough. I'm not purposely avoiding fats, today was a day when I actually had a small dinner so that put me under. I've hit a plateau these past 2 weeks so I want to avoid under/over eating because I really want to see the scale move!
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    I don't eat enough either. It doesn't help, I have lost many pounds and just gain it back once I start eating "normal". Be careful, and try to eat the minimum calories a day.

    Today was such a weird day! Usually I use every calorie but after dinner I was only at 900 or so calories and wasn't hungry. It was not like me LOL
  • adam85491
    adam85491 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm not a doctor, I'm someone with common sense and enough time to read various articles, medical journals, and forums. You won't "starve" eating 1,000 calories, especially for one day.

    The reason you don't want to consistently eat a low number of calories is because eventually, you will have nothing to cut and will cease to lose weight. If one is losing weight at 1500 calories and stops, they can adjust to 1400 and so on.

    Only twenty seconds searching and I come across this:

    Just think about it.
  • hippietofugirl
    starvation mode is a term loosely thrown around on this site. You most certainly will not go into starvation mode eating under your calories for 1 day, and actually some people (like myself) do something called intermittent fasting where you fast for a certain period of time and eat more calories during your feeding period.

    what happens if you eat at a large deficit for a long period of time is that first, you will lose a lot of weight fast. Second, your body will stop losing weight and start maintaining (a plateau) as a result of your lowered basal metabolic rate. Third, you will either maintain your weight at the same calorie deficit, or when you return to your normal way of eating, you will gain some of the weight you lost back.