Hi Im new to this my fitness pal and need some support



  • dandy10
    dandy10 Posts: 3
    I would be happy to be a support :smile:
  • dandy10
    dandy10 Posts: 3
    How do you add someone?
  • Weekend are always the worst for me. I get lazy and feel like i can eat without counting my calories, then i add it in here and i over do it.:sad:
  • optigal
    optigal Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I am here every day if you need support or inspiration. Only been here a week but it's working for me and it can for you too. Mary :happy:
  • pixpix101
    pixpix101 Posts: 3 Member
    I literally just started now! I'm not happy with myself, and in the past i just ignored it, but now i'm feeling motivated enough to really try! :) Feel free to friend me anyone, i think i'd better get some support from the start :)
  • dandy10
    dandy10 Posts: 3
    How do you add someone?
  • It is not easy and takes discipline but as a team, we can do this together. My daughter in law and I compete and we enjoy seeing who loses more. You are welcome to join us. Hang in there. If I can do this, anyone can!
  • findingKylie
    findingKylie Posts: 26 Member
    friend request sent.. im in the same place right now.

    Anyone else who is on here often please add me, i havnt done so well and think id go better with some people on the same path
  • baddbob
    baddbob Posts: 133 Member
    I just wanted to see if could get some friends for moral support this past week has been very hard I haven't lost anything just kinda need some support and inspiration!!(:

    Sandy...you can certainly add this old biker as I have some pretty good friends who have given me support and helped me in my success. I would also recommend that you fill out your profile information as that will attract people who have things in common. Even though I seemed to have attracted a pretty wide variety of people as MFP friends, I also have friends that are bikers. My friends are all wonderful. I typically delete those who are not very active in comments as it is tough keeping up with a lot of people and the few I have, I try to be very engaged in their progress.

    Be careful with the advice that is given as well. There a lot of "self-proclaimed" experts in cyberspace. There are also a lot of opinionated (in a negative sense) people out there, but they generally don't stay on my friends list very long. One thing I really appreciate is that my friends know how to "coach" me in a motivating way. They are the best!!

    Good luck. It takes a Village sometimes.
  • ltoro
    ltoro Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me, we can work together to reach our goal.
  • optigal
    optigal Posts: 42 Member
    Weekend are always the worst for me. I get lazy and feel like i can eat without counting my calories, then i add it in here and i over do it.:sad:

    Weekends are the worst for me too. When i am at work during the week, I don't have time to think about food and since I have to get up early, I go ahead & get my exercise out of the way for the day.
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    I will be on your support team!
  • mystiqaleyes
    mystiqaleyes Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me as a friend for support. I am new as well. My first week was not so great. It took awhile to get used to logging and fidning out how much I could eat in order to not go over my count!! So hang in there...it will come..slow and sure is always better! :smile:
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    always happy to have new friends. add if you like!!
  • eric83607
    eric83607 Posts: 2 Member
    same here you can never have enough support and inspiration! feel free to add me anyone I'm on here every day ;) and if you have a smart phone the app is amazing!!!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You're welcome to friend me if you'd like :D
  • mystiqaleyes
    mystiqaleyes Posts: 7 Member
    I would also like to know how to add someone...anyone?? Thanks.
  • ksb0602
    ksb0602 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • I just started about a week ago and I dont have any friends yet either. You can add me if you want :bigsmile:
  • Nik0417
    Nik0417 Posts: 96 Member
    You're welcome to add me! :)