when will I notice the difference

So after a month of MFP, I've lost 12 lbs but I just don't know from where!?!?!?! So I'm wondering am I the only one who doesn't see 12 lbs shed or is it just too soon to tell?..... any feedback will be of great help! I feel like I'm going crazy!!


  • Take a picture. u can usually see the difference immediately...
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Are your clothes fitting any differently? Also, how long had you been at the upper end of your weight before you started losing weight? If it wasn't very long then your mental picture of what you looked like may have been a little smaller that what you were but at the same time, your mental image of what you look like now may not have cought up with what you really look like. Try taking your measurements if you aren't already. Take them from chest, waist, his and thighs and see if they are changing. Good luck!
  • chica559
    chica559 Posts: 21
    Thanks ladies! I have been doing measurements and pictures. Now the pictures, I do notice a slight difference but that was because i was doing a body wrap. And as far as the measurements go, those don't seem to change.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Mine all when from my *kitten* first, then my tummy didn't notice it vanishing off my bum that much because I never really look at it!
  • “It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing. It takes 8 weeks for friends and family and it takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Keep going!”
    “Just because you don’t see results after a day or even a week, don’t give up. You may not see changes, but every smart choice is affecting you in ways you’d never imagine.”

    I read this a while back thought I would share it with you.
  • chica559
    chica559 Posts: 21
    Thanks bellarenee.... I'm definitely going to use this piece to keep me motivated!
  • I definitely recommend taking pictures. I was stuck in a rut a few weeks ago and frustrated when the scale wasn't budging. For the heck of it I compared some of my pre-weight loss pictures to some new ones I took that morning. I didn't really think I had changed THAT much. Those two pictures are side-by-side in my ticker. The difference was amazing in the picture, and I was shocked. I didn't think I had done that much yet. Comparing them can tell you more then you think. Also, take pictures of all of you (i.e. stomach, butt, thighs, etc). I happened to lose a ton off my stomach right away, but not much anywhere else. Maybe you're losing on your butt, thighs, or somewhere not easily seen by your eyes.
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    fat drops off all kinds of odd places. When I get thinner the first place I notice is around my collarbones and wrists (uuurgh). Odds are the most obvious fatty deposits will be the last to move...
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    I've lost 25.. ( I lost some before MFP) and I still don't notice :( ... I wanted to lose 50-60 total... and at 25 (half way there!!) I don't notice anything...
    I'm sure it will come... one day we will wake up and see a change! That is what I keep holding on to. LOL.... Good luck!
  • chica559
    chica559 Posts: 21
    I actually did start comparing pictures of my stomach and I do see a difference. Also my roommates said they notice it in my face. The collarbone is another place I look at to because when I was thinner, my collarbone was very noticeable. Thanks again! The fight continues!!!