Low carb diet or what? Does it really help?

Also, know any good low-carb high-calorie foods? I barely make it to my calorie goal, and I need to know what will work for me. My nutritionist told me to fill half my plate with vegetables every meal and make 25% complex carb and the other 25% lean protein.

I have lost 15 pounds so far, and am striving to lose my last 15 by New Years.

Thanks in advance. Also, I'm going to shoot my best to do cardio 5-6 times a week and lift 4x of the week. One rest day (or 2 if really needed) will be what I'm aiming for.


  • Congrats..... Keep up the good work. What are the carbs that u eat daily?
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    Also, know any good low-carb high-calorie foods? I barely make it to my calorie goal, and I need to know what will work for me. My nutritionist told me to fill half my plate with vegetables every meal and make 25% complex carb and the other 25% lean protein.

    I have lost 15 pounds so far, and am striving to lose my last 15 by New Years.

    Thanks in advance. Also, I'm going to shoot my best to do cardio 5-6 times a week and lift 4x of the week. One rest day (or 2 if really needed) will be what I'm aiming for.

    IMO, you can't go on low-carb for too long.. you should also have refeed days. Going low carb for too long would shut down your metabolism and will make it harder to lose the fat. Keep your protein high at least 1gram per pound of bodyweight, take your healthy fats (EFA's), and cycle your carbs. ;)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Carbs is the body's fuel for energy. The brain requires 20g of carbs each day to function just on it's own; who knows the exact number the rest of the organs need to function. Protein is needed to repair and upkeep the organs and muscles. Fats are needed to repair cellular walls and to produce new blood cells.

    The only time I would recommend going on a low carb diet is when you are close to your ideal weight. At that point, you're going to be benefiting more from a 40/30/30 diet to build and maintain muscle. But if you are LOSING weight, it's good to keep carbs no lower than 50 since you will be mostly eating fruits and veggies and the occasional starch or indulgence.

    Complex carbs are good because your body slowly changes the sugar molecules to absorbable or burnable forms of sugar. The downside of this though is that if you are eating your meals 3 or 4 hours apart, this results in you getting ANOTHER dose of complex carbs before your body is done burning the last one and it hasn't even started on trying to metabolize the rest of the meal. (or so I understand it). So I agree getting a complex carb with SOME meals, but not all. And when you choose a starchy food, go for something that isn't processed. Carrots are a good example of this and so are potatoes.

    As long as you stay away from low nutrition carbs like grains (breads, pastas, cakes, basically anything from the bakery) and anything that comes from a box, you will be making good carb choices.
  • Carbs is the body's fuel for energy. The brain requires 20g of carbs each day to function just on it's own; who knows the exact number the rest of the organs need to function. Protein is needed to repair and upkeep the organs and muscles. Fats are needed to repair cellular walls and to produce new blood cells.

    The only time I would recommend going on a low carb diet is when you are close to your ideal weight. At that point, you're going to be benefiting more from a 40/30/30 diet to build and maintain muscle. But if you are LOSING weight, it's good to keep carbs no lower than 50 since you will be mostly eating fruits and veggies and the occasional starch or indulgence.

    Complex carbs are good because your body slowly changes the sugar molecules to absorbable or burnable forms of sugar. The downside of this though is that if you are eating your meals 3 or 4 hours apart, this results in you getting ANOTHER dose of complex carbs before your body is done burning the last one and it hasn't even started on trying to metabolize the rest of the meal. (or so I understand it). So I agree getting a complex carb with SOME meals, but not all. And when you choose a starchy food, go for something that isn't processed. Carrots are a good example of this and so are potatoes.

    As long as you stay away from low nutrition carbs like grains (breads, pastas, cakes, basically anything from the bakery) and anything that comes from a box, you will be making good carb choices.

    Thanks for the tip...
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    Low carb is awesome.
    Your metabolism will NOT shut down.
    Your brain CAN funtion without carbs.
    You CAN exercise like mad without carbs.
    I do lots of cardio and intense strength training also without carbs, and I feel amazing.
    You WON'T lose muscle by cutting carbs.
    I'm in about 8 months of low carb and I'll never go back.