Ever have a day like this?

today i did awesome,then.....2 hurs after dinner i ate a bowl of pasta/turkey/sauce!!! 1,500 cals!!!! ARRRRG!,....all day i felt down,sad even,....and really tired.Sooo not like me,....2 b down. Was proud of my self that i had done well all day,..untill 9pm! People always say just go to bed!,...yeah right i lay there,...and am still hungry(am a night person by nature)ughhh,...well, whats done is done,2morrow is a new day,...I wont give up now,am wrking too hard.....DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE DAYS LIKE THESE?


  • Meemoland
    Meemoland Posts: 8 Member
    with me it's usually chocolate or crisps... get some low cal snacks then you can snack and it'll only cost you 100 cals instead of 1500, go for a walk... but don't give up, one day of indulgence won't kill you.
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    You're not alone! I'm told to eat something high in protein or if it's munchies, carrots work well for me (sometimes the hand to mouth is all I really want)
  • jimmerwoo
    jimmerwoo Posts: 10 Member
    Did the same with a bowl of Thai chicken satay this weekend. I think I was just bored. I should have read a book (not a cookbook :o) )or played a video game or something. But as said earlier, it's a blip...the most important thing is you recognise it and do something about it.

    I'm going for a run tonight. Which is one run more than I normally do in a week. That will more than burn off what I consumed.

    Keep the faith! :oD
  • tiwhitfield
    Hi I know how you feel.. I've many days like that, but just pick yourself up and start fighting the fat demon away. LOL!!!. There will be days like this.
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    Mama said,right?! lol...thanx guys good night! ; )
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Far too many days like this. :cry:
    I am getting lazy as the weather gets worse, and if I'm not careful I can eat for England at bed time, especially if I have been good all day.
    I tell myself I deserve a little treat, as I have calories spare. Then I just get silly and keep going.
    Sometimes I crave toast, others I need chocolate, or something stodgy.
    I make myself cross and hate the scales in the morning.
    But I don't give up completely... yet.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Everyone probably has had a day like that. The trick is to not have anything in the house like that. Keep celery ad carrots for those times. Good luck.
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    I do have days like this. I think we all do. What i do is I make sure I still track it. That way I can see visually what I did to my plan.
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    We all have days like that....one thing I do is if I really want to eat something else I brush my teeth.....foods not quite so tempting when you're all minty fresh....worth a try?
  • suroon
    suroon Posts: 8
    Today is my 3rd day started dieting n till now m doing fine and n control. I m over weighted all my
    Life ugggghhh true ... Now m 130KG tooooo much . Hoping to loss 60 kg by a year. Need your support
    As my family never support m whenever i say i want to diet. They always say i cant do it.

    Being FAT from childhood ohhhh so much pain... No friends... No one like to b a friend
    to FAT lady... But now i want to change it. I want to b healthy n to have friends ^_^
  • redstar5
    redstar5 Posts: 1 Member
    I have days like this all the time. But its just one meal, which you cant undo. Just make sure your next choice is a good one and don't beat your self up, your only human.
  • babenes
    babenes Posts: 34 Member
    i have days like that only thing you can do is just forget about it. I try to throw in cheat days once in awhile to help me satisfy my cravings so i dont have days that i over eat.
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    Every Sunday, when I hold all cals until I've had my big "Full English" breakfast, then work the rest of the day around the result.

    It works for me , good luck with your journey.

  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    today i did awesome,then.....2 hurs after dinner i ate a bowl of pasta/turkey/sauce!!! 1,500 cals!!!! ARRRRG!,....all day i felt down,sad even,....and really tired.Sooo not like me,....2 b down. Was proud of my self that i had done well all day,..untill 9pm! People always say just go to bed!,...yeah right i lay there,...and am still hungry(am a night person by nature)ughhh,...well, whats done is done,2morrow is a new day,...I wont give up now,am wrking too hard.....DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE DAYS LIKE THESE?

    To be honest, this happened in the beginning for me but I worked hard at being a better meal planner that way I would not be hungry into the late evening. My last meal is always by 6pm. I am never hungry at night and would rather fill up with water.

    Consider better meal planning throughout the day. The choices you make in the foods you eat do have a factor in this picture. Learn more about why you have these triggers and how to attack them before they attack you. By modifying these triggers, you will indeed see improvement.