Jamie Eason Livefit!!

I am starting Jamie Eason's LIVEFIT 12 week program today! I am pretty excited... though I'm slightly worried about the no cardio for 4 weeks. This program seems to have a lot of good reviews, so I'm going to trust it and stick with it for 12 weeks. Anyone want to join me? Here's a link: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-easons-livefit-phase-1.html It's free.

Have any of you completed this program?


  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I just started Week 11 today! It has been great and I have learned a lot. There is no cardio in the first 4 weeks because you are bulking - so lift HEAVY. You may gain inches but remember that later you will be burning high amounts of fat and some muscle will come off with it so you need extra to get you through the entire 12 weeks. Feel free to add me.
  • mandy2128
    Thanks for the add! :) That makes sense about the cardio. I have about 60 pounds to lose still... so cardio has been a big part of my workouts. But when it comes to strength training, I'm clueless. So I'm assuming this program will help. Hopefully I don't pack on too much during the 4 weeks.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I doubt you'll add much weight (if any) but your measurements may go up a little. Let me know if you need help with the nutrition plan. It can be tough to get a real handle on it.
  • jennt_22
    jennt_22 Posts: 155 Member
    I am starting my 4th week of LiveFit today! I was nervous about the no cardio thing too but like Rochelle said it's necessary during Phase 1 to try and build as much muscle as possible. I couldn't help myself and went for a run this past weekend haha but I figured one time wouldn't hurt.
  • mandy2128
    Yeah I'm sure one time won't hurt!! :) I'm doing a 5k in October, so hopefully this will just help me to run faster. ;-) I'm glad to see others doing this program!! I can't wait to see the results. I'm glad it's broken down into phases.. that should really help. 4 weeks will be over in no time!
  • mandy2128
    anyone else want to join me on this challenge? :)
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    I'm on Day 10 and really liking it! Feel free to add me!
  • mandy2128
    I just completed day 3!! I like it too! Though I feel like my stomach is starting to pooch out more. Cant wait to do abs tomorrow.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I'm going to start on Monday. Nervous and Excited. To those who have already done/finished it, how much do you bulk up in the first phase, if at all?
  • electra16
    I'm on day 8 and I feel really puffed up and heavy. Is that normal? Other than that, I feel a lot healthier, I'm sleeping better and I already feel more energetic!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I am on Day 8 - but I am shifting today's workout to tomorrow. Anyways, I have been following the nutrition plan to a T, minus Saturday. I feel less bloated and puffy than normal eating this way. I was eating whole foods on about an 80/20 split before this, but I don't think my protein was anywhere close to what it is on this plan. Feel free to add me too - its great having a group a friends going through this as well!
  • lauranell79
    lauranell79 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting this work out plan today! Looking forward to it. I have also been worried about the no cardio for phase 1 so I'm gald I found this and read through the posts.
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    I am on Phase 1 Day 4. I began looking for a good lifting plan to follow after following (and getting bored with P90x). I have been running on occasion still though. It's hard for me to give up the cardio especially this time of year with the really nice cool mornings. I have been lifting heavy before this so wasn't thinking it was a huge problem until just reading this thread.
  • Golden83
    Golden83 Posts: 5 Member
    Try Jamie Eason's Fat lose program instead if you are not seeing results. People don't know this but there are 3 different programs by her on bodybuilding.com. The Live Fit series is a plan for both fat lose and muscle building and then there is a fat lose program that isn't laid out as good as the Live Fit but it includes more cardio. I am on week3 of Phase 1. I'm ready for Phase 2 though, but 80% of it is clean eating. I've lost weight and inches but I honestly think its due to my diet. FYI: I eat everything from the Farmers Market and the only carbs I eat other than carbs from vegetables are carbs in Food for Life Ezekeil bread (unleavened). I don't eat any sugar and I'm very strict about my diet. I'm taking update pics every 2 weeks so hold me accountable! The workouts are tough for me but I push through them. I recommend a thermogenic fat burner like OxyElite Pro to give you focus in the gym and energy to push through the workouts. They are tough.
  • lauranell79
    lauranell79 Posts: 31 Member
    Last week I was down about 4 lbs. after 2 weeks of the plan. I am back up but I had a cheat meal Saturday night and didn't eat on schedule yesterday. I feel bloated (which is VERY normal on this plan) so I'm hoping some of it is that. Starting week 3 today but I feel soooo much better with this diet. I def have more energy! :)
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i'm thinking about starting this program in a couple weeks. this is my last week of insanity, which obviously included tons of cardio so now i want to focus on weight training. anyone on here who has completed the program and seen good results? pics possibly? thanks!
  • ibcsrl19
    ibcsrl19 Posts: 75 Member
    Starting week 2 today. For the people who are taking the challenge, how is it going?
  • nofeardiver
    Anyone know what calorie in take should be for a guy for the different phases? I can't seem to find anything for phase 1? Thank you a head of time!