I've Completely Stalled

In the past year I have successfully lost 74 pounds from my ever growing frame. I got down to 214 from 288 and was extremely proud of myself.

Over the summer (I'm a high school librarian so I get summers off) I worked out like crazy because I had the time, but I also slipped and started eating everything in sight again because my metabolism is so high I'm always hungry now. Without attempting for it to, my eating surpassed the working out I was doing and I put back on 10 pounds, bringing my loss to 64lbs and leaving me at 224.

My goal, as was from the start, was to get myself down to 200lbs even. Now that school has resumed and I am back to work with a very rigid schedule (wake up at this time of day, eat at this time and this time and this time....) I've resumed my good habits and gotten back on my diet.....

....and it's not working.

I workout 4 times a week minimum. I run a lot (I do a 5k every time I run or, 3.10 miles) and I change up the monotony of that with a few days of Insanity so that I get a really good cardio blast.

I'm also watching what I eat very carefully and, with the exception of having a cheat day once a week, I'm fully back on track with my eating habits.

But I'm not losing any weight!

I've been back at it for 2 weeks now and have behaved the entire time (minus the cheat days which are usually Saturdays) and I've not lost a single ounce. When I workout I go balls to the wall every time and I always make sure I eat something after (a banana or a protein bar) because that is the prime time to replenish....but I'm not seeing any results.

200lbs used to seem attainable. Now I'm really doubting if I can get there or not. I'm doing what I did so successfully for the past year and now it's not working anymore.

What can I do? Give up?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    First, it's only been 2 weeks, so you need to give it more time.

    Second, you need to open your diary if you want advice. People need to be able to see what you are eating, how much, and your calorie goals.
  • heymayer
    heymayer Posts: 34 Member
    Ok, did that.

    Be warned, the cheat days are absolutely not pretty! But, that's why they are cheat days!
  • jca12345
    jca12345 Posts: 148 Member
    You may have stalled because you are filling yourself with fast food, sugar, salt and lots of it!!!!
    Just a thought!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What's your height and age?
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    What you think you are doing (as described in your post) and what you are actually doing (as reflected in your diary) are not consistent. Please take an objective look at your diary and be honest with yourself. What you are seeing isn't a stall -- you've simply slackened up and gotten off track.

    You stated that you’ve been back at it for two weeks, so I only looked at the past 14 days.

    You say you “have behaved the entire time (minus the cheat days)” The reality is that you have gone over your calorie goal 10 out of the past 14 days – by 1331, 1229, 565, 226, 900, 1291, 140, 65, 678, and 1209. This totals to 7634 calories over – which is over 2 pounds. In other words, your cheat days are far exceeding your “good” days, and are not limited to simply one day a week. You really can’t expect to lose weight if you are constantly going over your goals. Your cheat days are completely out of control -- three meals of fast food? Is there any way you can bring that down to a cheat meal rather than blowing out the whole day? Going over by these amounts isn't helping you.

    You say you are “watching what you eat very carefully,” but the above belies that. Moreover, even aside from the flat out cheat days where you are eating three solid meals of fast food, you are eating a lot of processed food – macaroni and cheese, Lunchables, and take out fast food on a daily basis. Your diary does not show that you are watching what you eat. You really should try to eat more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and not processed food. If you are craving pizza, make your own. If you are craving Chinese food, make your own. Etc… At least this way you can control the ingredients. Your sodium levels must be through the roof!

    You say you workout 4 times a week, minimum. Your diary reflects that you have worked out 6 days out of the past 14 – not four times a week. (Or are you not logging it all?)

    My suspicion is that if you are truly being honest with yourself, you are not watching things nearly as carefully as you were during your initial weight loss, and have slackened up a bit. (This happens – it’s easy to slip!) In my opinion, you will go back to seeing results if you eat cleaner, stop going over your calorie goal, and work out more. (All the things you were probably doing when you lost the first 74 pounds.) In other words, start actually doing what you say/think you are doing.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Lets be real here.. I mean Your posting you want honest advice... First off read the above its good stuff, second read what I am typing now..

    This is real simple and I will keep it real short....

    You are sabotaging yourself.. You can look at your diary and see it right there in the numbers... Your a smart guy you already know the answer to your issues..

    So this is what I would do .. Cut the crap and start to get back on track..

    Spend some what I call Mirror time with your self .. NO don't have a conversation .. just look at your self, you need to tell your self whats more important to you .. a few cheat days of fun or being fit....

    Change your mind and you will change your ways.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I agree with opening your diary to let others see!
    Also have you tried mixing up your diet and what you're eating? Sometimes switching itup can help.

    but GOOD FOR YOU! for the weight you have lost!
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Fuel up on healthy foods all day, stay within your limits and workout! That's all you can do :) If you eat healthy and get in good exercises, your body will have no choice but to lose! good luck
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Sorry, I have to post again ..

    I can totally relate to your profile by the way .. Your story is similar to mine.. I was 301 and I had to change.. I am now 209 and getting closer to where I want to be.. I am more fit than I have ever been in my life and I will never go back ...

    I have to tell you, you are a few steps on the WRONG ROAD..... Change that Crap NOW!!!!!

    You have come so far...

    Not after all the SWEAT
    Not after all the WORK
    Not after all the PROGRESS
    Not NOW not EVER

    I used to do IT for a school district so I under stand the School atmosphere... Let me ask you a question .. If you saw a student who was on the verge of giving up .. What would you do ?

    Time to take that drive and apply it to your self brother.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    You may still be understating food too most of us do sometimes. As far as the diary is concerned you are actually doing well to maintain!
    Looking at previous comments and your diary then please get back on track to loose if that is what you want. Perhaps take a look at the diaries of others and what they are doing. Especially if losing.
    Well done for being honest- its a great restart position, not every one is so brave.

  • Woodmangler
    Woodmangler Posts: 96 Member
    I just want to comment on the posts I have just read:

    You people are incredible! ... I hope the OP listens but I can guarantee I am going to use this advice!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,628 Member
    Could be because of the SAME workout with no significant change. Try intervals in your run. Run for 20 seconds full speed, then recover and do it again for a total of 8 cycles.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • helenx55
    helenx55 Posts: 48 Member
    Your eating far far too much processed foods, and save the choc bars for a 1 a week treat, your carbs are pretty high also. thats my opinion, youve gained 10lbs take action now and change that 10lb gain.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Cheat days aren't really cheat days.

    Lets say you burn (including exercise) 2000 calories per day and every day but your cheat day you eat 1500 calories worth of food. If, on your cheat day, you eat 5000 (2000 from the daily allotment and 500*6 from the deficit generated by the previous 6 days) calories or more you will either maintain your weight or gain weight. Cheat days aren't a bad thing (I have them myself), but you do need to remember that those calories are still counted.
  • heymayer
    heymayer Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the replies.

    I had a feeling I wasn't being honest with myself, which is stupid on my part because all it is really hurting is me.

    I've gotten off the wagon and thought, when making the bad decisions, "Oh, it won't be that bad...." and I know it actually is.

    I'm gonna work on getting back on track. Thanks.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the replies.

    I had a feeling I wasn't being honest with myself, which is stupid on my part because all it is really hurting is me.

    I've gotten off the wagon and thought, when making the bad decisions, "Oh, it won't be that bad...." and I know it actually is.

    I'm gonna work on getting back on track. Thanks.

    Good for you ... I am gonna send you a friend request.. you better accept it!!! ... I'll be watching you ....
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    Are you drinking anything besides Iced Coffees? Sometimes it's easy to miss calories you drink. Just curious.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I did not lose a pound for a whole month!!!! I changed my settings to lose 1/2 pound per week, and then I started losing.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    I went through like 4 days and decided I was wasting my time. If you're going to eat fast food, processed nonsense, and go over on your calories (and likely your sodium by a LOT but we can't see it) then you're wasting time.

    Clean up your food.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,301 Member
    You've done so well so far. Congrats!

    But... I think you'll start losing my taking it easy and eating at a deficit again. Just give it another week or so. I read on here, so many extreme exercise people who don't lose...and so they increase the intensity..and still are stuck. I think it is just too much going on for the body to drop the weight. Extreme exercise also makes you more hungry...so it is a double edge sword. I have always said and do believe: Losing weight is one battle, getting fit is another battle..and the toughest battle is maintaining.

    Lose your weight..get down to 200...then bang it out at the gym when you're at goal to shape up.....eat back your exercise calories and maintain.